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Structural Biology - Rolling Access
Structural Biology rolling access proposals may be made at any time (no submission deadline). They are designed for use by researchers or groups that are not already members of a Structural Biology MX-BAG and who require beamtime for a single or small number of projects for which samples are already available.
There are 4 types of Structural Biology rolling access proposal (called experiment groups in the ESRF User Portal):
- Crystallography (XRD): for beamtime on the MX beamlines ID23-1, ID23-2, ID30A-1, ID30A-3, ID30B and BM07 (CRG),
- BioSAXS: for beamtime on the BioSAXS beamline BM29,
- CryoEM: for beamtime on the cryo-electron microscopes CM01 and CM02 (CRG),
- SSX & TR-SSX: for beamtime on the serial synchrotron crystallography (SSX) beamline ID29.
CryoEM can be used for protein structure determination with near atomic resolution by single-particle analysis or by cryo-electron tomography.
Sufficient proof of the sample’s quality must be included with the proposal. The project description template is limited to a maximum of 4 pages: 2 pages for the project description and a further 2 pages to provide evidence of the sample’s quality.
Rolling access proposals will normally be reviewed electronically by the Proposal Review Panels within 3 weeks of submission, and if beamtime is awarded this will typically be scheduled within 6-8 weeks from submission.
Experiment Reports on previous experiment(s) must be systematically submitted via the ESRF User Portal, and indicated on the Rolling proposal form as "Relevant Reports". The Proposal Review Panel will not allocate beamtime to new Rolling proposals if experiment reports on past proposals have not been submitted.
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2 | If approved and awarded beamtime:
Templates Required
Maximum size of Rolling XRD project description: 2 pages
Maximum size of Rolling BioSAXS project description: 2 pages
Maximum size of Rolling SSX & TR-SSX project description: 2 pages
Maximum size of Rolling CryoEM project description: 4 (2+2) pages