InterFace Beamline
dedicated to
Surfaces and Interfaces
The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) have jointly constructed and now operate the CRG-IF beamline at ESRF in order to propose powerful X-ray beams to french surface researchers. One third of the beamtime is allocated in counterpart to the european scientific community. This beamline opened at the beginning of the ESRF, was the first CRG Beamline operational. BM32 is now composed of technical and scientific staff coming from CNRS (UMR SyMMES CNRS-CEA/IRIG and Institut Néel), and CEA (DRF/IRIG/MEM).
CRG-IF beamlime is member of the 5 french beamlines located at the ESRF forming the F-CRG facility.
CRG-IF beamlime is currently involved in major french national projects:
- PIA3 Equipex+ MAGNIFIX: beamline refurbishment and new X-ray capabilities
- PEPR DIADEM/ 'ESRF' project: Automation of the synchrotron beamline platform. We offer a 18 month position on Machine learning AI developments for a high-throughput materials science beamline (see below and in JOB OFFERS tab).
CRG-IF beamtime can be asked both through the ESRF and the SOLEIL program committees.
Deadlines for proposal submission:
March 3rd 2024 (5:00 PM) for ESRF beamtime
February 17th 2024 (5:00 PM) for CRG beamtime.
The beamline is back open to users since 1rst october 2023 for INS2 and GMT instrument, and 1rst April 2024 for the upgraded LaueMAX station, funded by MAGNIFIX project EquipeX+.
News from the beamline
Upgrade programme funded by EQUIPEX+ MAGNIFIX project is progressing well and are on time:
- Restart of INS2 and GMT users experiments (October 2023)
- Restart of LaueMAX users experiments (April 2024)
- Fast&continuous scans for alignement available
- Upcoming pixel detector for Laue diffraction
WE WELCOME NEW COLLABORATORS for our new exciting scientific and technical DEVELOPMENTS!
The beamline and associated labs hire phD canditate, post-doc, and 2-year contract positions in materials science, advanced x-ray characterisation technique, machine learning AI based data analysis and beamline instrumentation automation.
- POSITION FILLED: CEA 2 years post-doc position located on CRG-IF BM32 beamline at ESRF for the study of metallurgical materials for nuclear energy: developement of optimised workflow for structural data measurements, analysis and interpretation. Possible design of Machine Learning AI based approach and software.
Last 5 years CRG-IF BM32 beamline science and capabilites are described in the report to the BeamLine Review Panel.
Two instruments are available to offer a complementary characterization of surfaces and interfaces in soft and hard condensed matter, with monochromatic and few 100 µms sized beam, by means of scattering X-ray techniques from 5 to 27 keV:
- (1) In-situ study of atomic layers growth under ultra high vacuum is allowed in the In Situ Nanostructures and Surfaces (INS2) hutch.
- (2) The multitechnic goniometer (GMT) working in air offers large possibilities to investigate interfaces between different elements or states of matter.
A Laue diffraction instrument designed for submicronic spatially-resolved white (polychromatic) beam diffraction. Beamsize: 300x300 nm2 Continuous energy spectrum in 5-22 keV range:
- (3) Determination of the local orientation, strain (lattice paramaters) and stress at submicrometre scale in microstructures (2D maps and 3D profles) and microobject by Laue microdiffraction (LaueMax)
Beamtime can be allocated by submitting proposals to two scientific program committees:
- French or CRG beamtime through French committees (shared with SOLEIL synchrotron committees)
- standard ESRF beamtime through ESRF international committees.
When choosing the suited instrument for your experiments during the electronic submission procedure please:
- for UHV + goniometer in INS hutch (former name SUV) select IF-INS
- for GMT goniometer (monochromatic beam) in GMT hutch select IF-GMT
- for Laue Microdiffraction installation (white beam) in GMT hutch select IF-µLaue
Please don't hesitate to have a look at:
ESRF user guide or call/mail staff members, the user office or the CRG office.
See more details in BM32 User guide
In case of troubleshoutings, issues with instruments & software, get prepared with your future experiments environment: BM32 WIKI
Beamline activites and capabilities are described in the pages of this website. Scientific production is listed in Beamline & Publications and with corresponding impact metrics: