AddMorePower aims to advance X-ray and electron-probe related characterization techniques as well as modelling approaches for new wide bandgap power semiconductor materials, 3D integrated power technologies and the correlated modelling workflows.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which has received funding from the Horizon Europe programme.
Start date: 01/01/2023 - End date: 31/12/2026
The ATTRACT Phase-2 project aims to consolidate a European innovation ecosystem focused on breakthrough Detection & Imaging technologies. Departing from the success of the ongoing project ATTRACT Phase-1, this project will focus and fund the proven and most promising breakthrough technology concepts from the previous phase showing a strong potential for scientific, industrial and societal applications. Following from ATTRACT Phase-1, this project will provide up to 400 young innovators the opportunity, methodologies and mentoring for developing novel concepts and prototypes of technological solutions addressing Societal Challenges inspired and in collaboration by the detection and imaging technologies developed within the funded projects.
The ESRF is one of the 9 European research institutions that co-lead this project.
Start date: 01/02/2021 - End date: 31/01/2025
Phase 1.b constitutes a new edition of the ATTRACT initiative: Detection & Imaging for pervasive Earth observation and monitoring that can contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of nature-human interaction and help mitigate Climate Change.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is co-ordinated by CERN and funded under European Innovation Ecosystems.
Start date: 01/11/2022 - End date: 31/01/2025
The objectives of this interdisciplinary project are to 1) develop a system for imaging neural circuits at synaptic level in large tissue volumes, including methods for sample preparation, image acquisition and image reconstruction 2) develop an automatic image analysis tool 3) create unprecedented maps of brain circuits with immediate impact in neurosciences.
The ESRF is coordinator of this project, which received funding from the H2020-EU.1.1. Excellent Science programme - European Research Council
Start date: 01/03/2020 - End date: 28/02/2025
CACTUS aims to develop a bi-regional and sustainable ecosystem of complementary RIs, strengthening the knowledge and collaboration between the EU and LAC regions, by enabling the research of solar and photovoltaic technologies adapted to different climate conditions. CACTUS will contribute to the green energy transition by tackling global challenges linked to energy and climate change (both mitigation and adaptation) with the provision of R&D tools for reliable, bankable, sustainable and socially accepted solar technologies.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by the CEA.
Start date: 01/12/2023 - End date: 01/12/2025
The main aim of this Marie-Sklodowska-Curie action is to instruct a new generation of scientists who will bring innovation in the field of electrocatalysis with particular emphasis on the design of new nanomaterials and processes based on Cu/M bimetallic compounds with improved selectivity and efficiency towards CO2 reduction to value-added products (CO, HCOOH and C2H4). The ECOMATES network gathers large European universities, international research laboratories (VITO, and IIT in the area of sustainable development), the ESRF and two SMEs (ADVENT, for innovation in MEA preparation, and APRIA, for the design of testing of a CO2 electrolyzer).
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by the Politecnico di Torino.
Start date: 01/02/2023 - End date: 01/02/2027
The FIDELIS project aims to establish a healthy, vibrant and self-sustaining network of TDRs (Trustworthy Digital Repositories) that will foster a supportive open science environment and guarantee FAIR data sharing also in the future. Within its three-year lifetime, FIDELIS will set up, develop, and operate a European network of trustworthy repositories that will support the development and growth of TDRs within the EOSC ecosystem; foster harmonisation and interoperability across repositories to enable an EOSC federation of TDRs; and strengthen the upskilling of repositories and expansion of the network through an active training and support programme.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by the CSC-IT Center for Science Ltd (Finland).
Start date: 01/02/2025 - End date: 31/12/2027
The Fragment-Screen project will develop innovative instrumentation, workflows and experimental and computational methodologies for fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) enabling access to early phase structure-based drug discovery for all biological targets and for scientists both in industry and academia.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is co-ordinated by Instruct-ERIC and has received funding from the European Union.
Start date: 01/02/2023 - End date: 31/01/2026
IMAGINE focuses on developing and integrating four major disruptive microscopy technologies, namely: X-ray imaging, cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), cryo- and dynamic super-resolution microscopy (SRM) and large volume intravital imaging.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is co-ordinated by the EMBL.
Start date: 01/05/2023 - End date: 30/04/2028
The LEAPS-INNOV pilot project focusses on the implementation of new strategies and activities for long-term partnerships between industry and the European light sources, synchrotrons and free-electron lasers, with their tens of thousands of users. LEAPS-INNOV aims at kick-starting the implementation of the LEAPS Technology Roadmap and, at the same time, at fostering a partnership with European industry through open innovation. It will offer joint technological developments and advanced research capabilities with LEAPS members for industry as collaborator, supplier and user.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by DESY and funded under the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Start date: 01/04/2021 - End date: 30/09/2025
The NFFA-Europe PILOT project is a distributed research infrastructure that integrates nanofoundries (synthesis and manipulation of nanostructures) with fine analysis available at European large-scale facilities, creating a unique offer for the nanosciences and nanomaterials community.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by the Istituto officina dei materiali of the National Research Council (Cnr-Iom) .
Start date: 01/03/2021 - End date: 28/02/2026
NEPHEWS - Neutrons and Photons Elevating Worldwide Science - is a cooperation between 21 synchrotron, FEL and neutron research infrastructures. Curiosity-driven trans-national access (TNA) is a key issue for many nation communities to utilise the open access that is in principle available to users at the open nationally funded LEAPS Research Infrastructures. NEPHEWS will offer funded TNA for a minimum of 451 experiments or 902 users for curiosity-driven research.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by SOLARIS synchrotron in Poland.
Start date: 01/01/2024 - End date: 31/12/2026
The “Neutrons, Electrons and X-rays serving Transition towards a SusTainable Environment Doctoral Programme” (NEXTSTEP) brings together complementary analytical X-ray, neutron and electron microscopy techniques available at the cutting-edge European Research Infrastructures (RIs): ESRF, ILL and e-DREAM. EMBL is an associate partner to the programme.
The ESRF is co-ordinator of this project.
Start date: 01/11/2024 - End date: 31/10/2029
OPERA stands for development of OPERAndo technniques and multiscale modelling to face the zero-excess solid-state battery challenge.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM).
Start date: 01/06/2023 - End date: 31/05/2026
OSCARS - Open Science Clusters' Action for Research & Society - brings together world-class European Research Infrastructures in the ESFRI roadmap, with the ultimate goal of fostering the uptake of Open Science in Europe across scientific disciplines and communities.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by the CNRS-LAPP.
Start date: 01/02/2024 - End date: 31/12/2027
Open Science Trails (OSTrails) aims to improve the way we plan, track, and assess scientific knowledge. It aims to go beyond current methods, working with different countries and themes to make existing systems better and connect key parts for research and innovation (R&I). The goal is to create a practical, open, and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) system for European scientific research. OSTrails involves major players in Data Management Plans, FAIR Assessment Tools, and Scientific Knowledge Graphs to set standards and make data plans more efficient across Europe.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by OPENAIRE MAKE.
Start date: 01/01/2024 - End date: 31/01/2027
RADNEXT is an H2020 INFRAIA-02-2020 infrastructure project with the objective of creating a network of facilities and related irradiation methodology for responding to the emerging needs of electronics component and system irradiation. It also combines different irradiation and simulation techniques for optimizing the radiation hardness assurance for systems, focusing on the related risk assessment.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by CERN.
Start date: 01/06/2021 - End date: 31/05/2025
This Horizon Europe project aims to support research into circular materials by offering academic and industrial researchers transnational access to over 50 European research infrastructures from the ARIE network ( comprising light sources, neutron sources, lasers, electron microscopes, ion and positron beams, and high magnetic field facilities. Going beyond the usual service offer, ReMade@ARI will provide guidance and experimental assistance to circular materials researchers. In addition, two offers tailored to industry will (i) aim to involve research and technology organisations (RTOs) to translate industry problems into RI experiments, and (ii) provide small and medium enterprises with fast-track access. The areas of recycling prioritised by the European Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) are covered by this project: Electronics and ICT; Batteries and Vehicles; Packaging; Plastics; Textiles; Construction and Buildings; Food, Water and Nutrients.
The project has 44 partners and is coordinated by HZDR.
Start date: 01/09/2022 - End date: 31/08/2026
RIANA is a Horizon Europe funded project which supports curiosity-driven research in nanoscience with open research questions for long-term impact, and challenge-driven research in nanotechnology with targeted research questions for short- and mid-term impact.
At the core of the RIANA consortium is the ARIE network (Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe) that comprises European networks with a focus on large scale research infrastructures.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by DESY.
The RITIFI project, composed of Research Infrastructure (RI) and Technology Infrastructure (TI) stakeholders from 10 European countries, aims to improve the integration and structure of the European Research & Innovation landscape by developing a functional framework and providing guidelines for the integration of RIs and TIs.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by the CEA.
Start date: 01/04/2023 - End date: 30/09/2025
This Project brings together, for the first time, research infrastructures, core facilities, business management Schools and European universities, in a new innovative concept to transform the access and empowerment of human resources for national and international scientific facilities in Europe.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by the Universita' degli studi di Milano-Bicocca. The project received funding through the EU H2020 coordination and support programme.
Start date: 01/04/2021 - End date: 31/03/2025
The main goal of SUNSTONE is to ensure the sustained consolidation of SESAME synchrotron in Jordan, a pivotal research infrastructure serving eight members—Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestine, and Turkey—while extending its focus towards Africa. The project aims to enhance SESAME's scientific capabilities, service provision and standing as an international hub of research and excellence.
The ESRF is coordinator of this project.
Start date: 01/06/2024 - End date: 30/11/2027
The EU-funded TECHNO-CLS project plans to produce innovative gamma-ray light sources operating at photon energies from 100 keV up to the GeV range. The research will investigate the processes underpinning the exposure of oriented crystals to high-energy electron and positron beams at the atomic scale.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by the MBN Research Center GMBH in Germany. The project received funding through the European Innovation Council.
Start date: 01/06/2022 - End date: 31/05/2027
The goal of the project is to synthesize novel two-dimensional (2D) materials that do not exist in nature in the bulk form, and to test their potential for various applications – from nanoscaled transistors, to waveguide-integrated LEDs and memristors.
The ESRF is a contractor of this project, which is coordinated by the National Center for Scientific Research in Greece. The project received funding through the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme. It is one of the projects that contribute to the Graphene Flagship initiative.
Start date: 01/10/2023 - End date: 30/09/2027