Your Experiment

On the day of your scheduled experiment,

  • If this is not already the case, your grids will by clipped by your local contact.
  • A maximum of 4 grids will be transferred to the grid cassette, loaded into the Titan Krios microscope and grid screening carried out based, if possible, on information provided by the user.
  • The total time including screening grids is limited to 4 hours.  If after this time no suitable area is found, your session will be stopped. If one or more areas suitable for data collection are found, then:
  • Data collection will be set-up (around 2 hours) and executed until the scheduled end of your experimental session.

The A-form needs to be submitted as early as possible, at least 15-20 days before the experiment. The local contact will contact the users declared in the A-form for further details, in particular with a google questionnaire and a sample pre-characterisation document, which are mandatory to be able to use your experimental time effectively and has to be filled prior to sample shipment.

Please remember that the Titan Krios is not intended for screening experiments.