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Traineeships and sandwich courses

We offer traineeships and sandwich courses and recruit throughout the year

Every year, the ESRF welcomes a huge number of students for traineeships and sandwich courses, providing them with an opportunity to apply their knowledge in an international environment.

Our objective is to help students to obtain their diploma by offering them a first experience in a professional context.

The main fields concerned are:

  • physics, chemistry, materials, scientific computing
  • software engineering, system administration, industrial computing
  • mechanical engineering, electronics, power supply, vacuum, safety
  • communication, translation, finance, human resources, pay, purchasing,...

Our traineeships and sandwich courses help to reinforce the links between teaching institutions and the professional world.

Traineeships must be covered by a work placement agreement ("convention de stage") signed by the teaching institution, the ESRF and the student (

For sandwich courses, the ESRF and the teaching institution can inform you of the administrative procedures (

More on the traineeship experience at the ESRF

Traineeships currently proposed by the ESRF

Sandwich courses currently proposed by the ESRF

How to apply?

To apply for a traineeship, please send a cover letter and a CV by email

To apply for a sandwich course, please send a cover letter and a CV by email


Once your application has been selected, you will need to find accommodation in Grenoble. The ESRF HR service can help you if needed. Please contact us

Please note that most student residences require you to pay a deposit ("caution") and will ask for a guarantor and proof of  home insurance, depending on the duration of your stay. The ESRF cannot act as guarantor.