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Come to see us at BIO 2010
The ESRF will take part in the BIO 2010 International Convention on 3-6 May 2010 in Chicago (USA). We will be there to promote the ESRF's services for the industrial Biotechnology Community, particularly for pharmaceuticals, medicine, chemistry, energy and the environment.
BIO 2010 is the global event for the biotechnology industry with an expected 20000 participants and 1700 exhibitors. The convention's 2010 theme is "healing, feeding and fuelling the world". It reflects how industry is developing in response to current needs, and showcases the latest technological breakthroughs that will provide new medicines, better food products and alternative fuels for a better future.
With the help of the Région Rhône-Alpes and ADEBAG, the ESRF will be present on the "France Pavilion" (booth 3712), jointly with our partner institute the ILL - the leading neutron source in Europe. Collaboration between the two institutes is particularly beneficial in the fields of engineering and materials, and in the life sciences.
Come to see us there! This is an opportunity to speak one-to-one with our Business Development Manager about your challenges and future needs and for an insight into the cutting edge research that these facilities make possible. Discover how our services and automation can help you gain valuable time in getting your products to the market place.
The Venue
BIO 2010 May 3-6, 2010, McCormick Place, Chicago (USA) Visit the BIO 2010 website |
Services the ESRF has to offer
MXpress™ provides rapid and affordable full-service synchrotron-based protein crystallography data collection, freeing up your scientists' valuable time for other tasks. You send us your crystals and our team of highly experienced scientists get the best out of them using the ESRF's premier X-ray beamlines (including optional microbeam, helical data collection, X-ray fluorescence metal content analysis, etc). Your data is returned via secure servers complete with individual sample tracking.
Our Remote Access Crystallography Service provides synchrotron-based protein crystallography data collection from anywhere in the world. You send us your crystals, we'll put them in our automatic sample changing robots and you run the experiments from the comfort of your own lab. No travel costs, no staff downtime: remote access is as cost effective as it gets. Your data is returned via secure servers complete with individual sample tracking.
Crystallisation-to-Structure Pipeline. In addition to our MXpress™ service, we are proud to offer a full-service structure determination pipeline, in close collaboration with the EMBL Grenoble high-throughput nano-drop crystallisation facility. Let our industrial scientists guide you through the structure determination pipeline with flexible go/non-go decision points. We can start from purified protein or optionally from the gene of interest. Make the best out of the close vicinity of ESRF and EMBL: crystals grown in robotic plates will be screened for best diffraction as soon as they appear and optimised.
High resolution X-ray powder diffraction. Get the best quality powder diffraction data from your drug samples to check for polymorphs and structure from the world's best powder diffraction beamline.
High resolution X-ray tomography. The ESRF tomography beamlines can provide sub-micron high-resolution 3D X-ray imaging of objects; phase contrast gives high quality imaging even from organic samples. X-ray fluorescence imaging adds elemental quantification by detecting and speciating metals in the sample under observation.
Our clients are diverse, from big pharma to biotech, startups and academia. We have over 15 years of experience working with the pharmaceutical industry.
For further information contact:
Dr. Edward Mitchell, Business Development Manager and Staff Scientist
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 88 26 64
Ms. Katherine Fletcher, Industrial Marketing
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 88 20 31
Top image: D. Flot, ESRF, demonstrating beamline control and data collection by remote access from the IUCR conference 2008.