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Effects of microstructure heterogeneity and defects on mechanical behavior of Zr modified AA7075 manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
Luo Y., Nothomb N., Yu T., Zhao L., Villanova J., Li Z., Simar A.,
Additive Manufacturing 97, 104626-1-104626-20 (2025)
Plastic debris accumulated on Sargassum algae stranded biomass are vectors for different As(V) and As(III) forms
Pradas del Real A.E., Vantelon D., Catrouillet C., Khatib I., Tucoulou R., Rivard C., Schöeder S., Gigault Julien., Davranche Mélanie.,
Journal of Hazardous Materials 482, 136579-1-136579-9 (2025)
Stabilized nickel‐rich‐layered oxide electrodes for high‐performance lithium‐ion batteries
Ahaliabadeh Z., Miikkulainen V., Mäntymäki M., Colalongo M., Mousavihashemi S., Yao L., Jiang H., Lahtinen J., Kankaanpää T., Kallio T.,
Energy & Environmental Materials 7, e12741-1-e12741-14 (2024)
Ca-oxalate crystals are involved in cadmium storage in a high Cd accumulating cultivar of cacao
Blommaert H., Castillo-Michel H., Veronesi G., Tucoulou R., Beauchêne J., Umaharan P., Smolders E., Sarret G.,
Environmental and Experimental Botany 221, 105713-1-105713-11 (2024)
Influence of microstructure heterogeneity on the tensile response of an Aluminium alloy designed for laser powder bed fusion
Buttard M., Chéhab B., Josserond C., Charlot F., Lhuissier P., Bataillon X., Deschamps A., Villanova J., Fivel M., Blandin J.J., Martin G.,
Acta Materialia 269, 119786-1-119786-18 (2024)
Questioning the representativeness of damage mechanisms in single‐fiber composites via in situ synchrotron X‐ray holo‐tomography
Chatziathanasiou T., Lee Y., Villanova J., Stamati O., AhmadvashAghbash S., Fazlali B., Breite C., Sinclair I., Mavrogordato M.N., Spearing S.M., Mehdikhani M., Swolfs Y.,
Small 20, 2406168-1-2406168-11 (2024)
Elucidating nickel oxide reduction in a Ni-YSZ solid oxide cell via in-situ X-ray nano holo-tomography
De Angelis S., Villanova J., Jørgensen P.S., Esposito V., Bowen J.R.,
Acta Materialia 273, 119965-1-119965-8 (2024)
Polysphaeroides filiformis, a proterozoic cyanobacterial microfossil and implications for cyanobacteria evolution
Demoulin C.F., Sforna M.C., Lara Y.J., Cornet Y., Somogyi A., Medjoubi K., Grolimund D., Ferreira Sanchez D., Tucoulou Tachouères R., Addad A., Fadel A., Compère P., Javaux E.J.,
iScience 27, 108865-1-108865-19 (2024)
Unraveling grain growth of metallic tungsten: Investigating the nanoscale realm of hydrogen reduction of tungsten oxides
Estupinan-Donoso A.A., Gravier P., Ichikawa R.U., Michels A.,
Powder Technology 438, 119672-1-119672-11 (2024)
Investigation of phase segregation dynamics in Ge‐Rich GST thin films by in situ X‐ray fluorescence mapping
Fernandes T., Texier M., Hans P., Mocuta C., Comby-Dassonneville S., Navarro G., Jeannot S., Cornelius T.W., Han M., Segura Ruíz J., Rosenthal M., le Friec Y., Simola R., Thomas O.,
Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 18, 2300408-1-2300408-8 (2024)
Tunable electrospun scaffolds of polyacrylonitrile loaded with carbon nanotubes: From synthesis to biological applications
Fromager B., Cambedouzou J., Marhuenda E., Iskratsch T., Pinault M., Bakalara N., Cornu D.,
ChemBioChem 25, e202300768-1-e202300768-9 (2024)
Amorphous shear band formation in crystalline Si-anodes governs lithiation and capacity fading in Li-ion batteries
Häusler M., Stamati O., Gammer C., Moitzi F., Sinojiya R.J., Villanova J., Sartory B., Scheiber D., Keckes J., Fuchsbichler B., Koller S., Brunner R.,
Communications Materials 5, 163-1-163-13 (2024)
Multimethod approach to uncover the capacity loss in silicon-based lithium-ion batteries
Häusler M., Stamati O., Villanova J., Sartory B., Gammer C., Fuchsbichler B., Stangl C., Brunner R.,
Microscopy and Microanalysis 30, 258–259 (2024)
Phase transformation-induced interfacial debonding of silica inclusions in iron
Hernández Escobar D., Slagter A., Gheysen J., Mortensen A.,
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 55, 1-7 (2024)
Ductile shear damage micromechanisms studied by correlative multiscale nanotomography and SEM/EBSD for a recrystallized aluminum alloy 2198 T8
Kong X., Hurst M., Helfen L., Gaslain F., Baumbach T., Suhonen H., Morgeneyer T.F.,
Journal of Materials Science 59, 13690-13708 (2024)
In operando study of microsupercapacitors with gel electrolytes using nano‐beam synchrotron X‐ray diffraction
Li G., Boulanger N., Iakunkov A., Xue H., Li J., Tucoulou R., Talyzin A.,
Batteries & Supercaps 7, e202400092-1-e202400092-16 (2024)
Unveiling challenging microbial fossil biosignatures from Rio Tinto with micro-to-nanoscale chemical and ultrastructural imaging
Maldanis L., Fernandez-Remolar D., Lemelle L., Knoll A.H., Guizar-Sicairos M., Holler M., Mateus Cirilo da Silva F., Magnin V., Mermoux M., Simionovici A.,
Astrobiology 24, 721-733 (2024)
Improving the control of the electroforming process in oxide-based memristive devices by X-ray nanopatterning
Mino L., Bonino V., Alessio A., Picollo F., Kuncser A., Mercioniu I., Vlaicu A.M., Badica P., Brescia R., Fretto M., Goss K., Dittmann R., Truccato M.,
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 12, 11127-11132 (2024)
Utilizing active learning to accelerate segmentation of microstructures with tiny annotation budgets
Rieger L.H., Cadiou F., Jacquet Q., Vanpeene V., Villanova J., Lyonnard S., Vegge T., Bhowmik A.,
Energy Storage Materials 73, 103785-1-103785-11 (2024)
Binder‐free Cnt cathodes for Li‐O2 batteries with more than one life
Su Z., Temprano I., Folastre N., Vanpeene V., Villanova J., Gachot G., Shevchenko E.V., Grey C.P., Franco A.A., Demortière A.,
Small Methods 8, 2300452-1-2300452-9 (2024)