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The ESLS Workshop brings together machine experts



The community of experts in synchrotron radiation machines in Europe is relatively small. Nevertheless, it is difficult to keep track of all the changes and new developments taking place in the different facilities spread around the continent. Thanks to the XI European Synchrotron Light Source workshop (ESLS), held this November, 38 experts from 15 different institutes were able to inform the community of the developments of the machines in their facilities.

The first edition of the European Synchrotron Light Source workshop (ESLS) was organised in 1993 by Jean-Louis Laclare, who headed the construction of the ESRF and its initial operation. Ten years later, this event takes place again where it originated, at the ESRF. "It is the most effective way to get in touch with people working in the same field", explains Laurent Farvacque, organiser of the event this year.

Esls ws group The participants in the workshop

Apart from talks on different aspects of the machine, the programme included several presentations about the status of synchrotron machines already in operation as well as the progress of those presently undergoing construction in Europe (SOLEIL in France, DIAMOND in Great Britain), or those in the project stage (DARESBURY ERLP in Great Britain, SPANISH LIGHT SOURCE in Spain, PETRA III in Germany).

For more details please see the Workshop Proceedings.

The next edition of the ESLS workshop will take place in DESY (Germany).