ID21 has focussed its activity on the in-vacuum scanning X-ray microscope (SXM). Following the EBS upgrade, the transfer to the BLISS control system and the installation of a new double crystal monochromator, the microscope offers a beam of ~ 0.3µm Vx0.7µm H for 2D µXRF (elemental maps) and µXANES (chemical speciation in 0D, 1D and 2D) in the energy range 2-10 keV, in cryo genic mode or at room temperature. An additional nanoscope is currently under commissioning, and should be available to users in 2024.
Cultural Heritage
Environmental Sciences
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Materials and Engineering
Life Sciences
Cultural Heritage (e.g. paintings, ceramics, glasses)
SXM end-station (2.1 - 9.2 keV, 0.7 x 3 µm² to 2 x 2 mm [hxv]): regularly used Si photodiodes; SGX 100mm² SiriusSD silicon drift diode.
Technical details
M. Cotte, E. Pouyet, M. Salomé, C. Rivard, W. De Nolf, H. Castillo-Michel, T. Fabris, L. Monico, K. Janssens, T. Wang, P. Sciau, L. Verger, L. Cormier, O. Dargaud, E. Brun, D. Bugnazet, B. Fayard, B. Hesse, A. E. Pradas del Real, G. Veronesi, J. Langlois, N. Balcar, Y. Vandenberghe, V. A. Solé, J. Kieffer, R. Barrett, C. Cohen, C. Cornu, R. Baker, E. Gagliardini, E. Papillon and J. Susini, "The ID21 X-ray and infrared microscopy beamline at the ESRF: status and recent applications to artistic materials." Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (2017).
M. Salomé, M. Cotte, R. Baker, R. Barrett, N. Benseny-Cases, G. Berruyer, D. Bugnazet, H. Castillo-Michel, C. Cornu, B. Fayard, E. Gagliardini, R. Hino, J. Morse, E. Papillon, E. Pouyet, C. Rivard, V. A. Solé, J. Susini and G. Veronesi, "The ID21 Scanning X-ray Microscope at ESRF", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 425, 182004 (2013).
Costantino C., Monico L., Rosi F., Vivani R., Romani A., Colocho Hurtarte L.C., Villalobos-Portillo E., Sahle C.J., Huthwelker T., Dejoie C., Burghammer M., Cotte M.,
Applied Spectroscopy , epub (2024)
Gonzalez-Rivas M.U., Aamlid S.S., Rutherford M.R., Freese J., Sutarto R., Chen N., Villalobos-Portillo E.E., Castillo-Michel H., Kim M., Takagi H., Green R.J., Hallas A.M.,
Journal of the American Chemical Society 146, 26048-26059 (2024)
Haukelidsaeter S., Boersma A.S., Piso L., Lenstra W.K., van Helmond N.A.G.M., Schoonenberg F., van der Pol E., Hurtarte L.C.C., van der Wielen P.W.J.J., Behrends T., van Kessel M.A.H.J., Lücker S., Slomp C.P.,
Applied Geochemistry 162, 105904-1-105904-12 (2024)
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