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The User Meeting is back on site


Each year, the ESRF User Meeting provides an occasion for networking and collaboration between the ESRF and the scientific user community. Held from 6 to 8 February, the User Meeting is a great opportunity to provide updates on the new EBS facilities and on the new science carried out at the ESRF thanks to the capabilities of EBS.


For the first time since 2020, the ESRF User Meeting was hosted on site, in person, instead of remotely. More than 400 participants from our 21 partner countries and beyond attended the 2023 event, including 83 PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Out of 98 posters registered, 53 were entered into the competition for the best poster prize.

Held from 6 to 8 February, the event combined direct interactions between ESRF scientists and users with discussion around posters, enabling the promotion of the EBS’s high-impact forefront applications. As usual, the programme of the 2023 User Meeting proposed tutorials (6 February), a plenary session with broad impact keynotes and the director’s science and facility report (7 February), as well as three User-Dedicated Microsymposia on scientifically targeted topics (8 February).

The Young Scientist Award 2023 was announced during the plenary session and was awarded to Tilman Grünewald, a materials scientist at the Institut Fresnel (CNRS / Aix-Marseille Université / Centrale Marseille). The prize recognises outstanding contributions of a young researcher in the early stages of her/his career of research carried out at the ESRF. For Tilman Grünewald, this prize recognises "his outstanding contribution and scientific leadership in the development of X-ray diffraction techniques and their application to the understanding of biomaterials."


Tilman Grünewald, winner of the ESRF 2023 Young Scientist Award, for "his outstanding contribution and scientific leadership in the development of X-ray diffraction techniques and their application to the understanding of biomaterials." Photo: Bruno Lavit

The best poster prizes were awarded to Marianna Genta from the University of Piemonte Orientale and Can Yildirim, ESRF scientist at beamlines ID06 and ID03.

"The ESRF User Meeting is the perfect occasion to discuss the outcomes of over a year of EBS science, to brainstorm together the research challenges of the future and to foster new scientific collaborations," said Gema Martínez-Criado, Director of Research for the Physical Sciences.

"It is fantastic for users to be back on site again, especially for our young PhD and postdoctoral researchers. This is a great opportunity for them to meet ESRF scientists and exchange with other researchers in their field," said Guillaume Morard, Chair of the User Organisation Committee.

"It is so exciting to see ESRF users back on site after two years of remote meetings. The energy and conviviality of being able to exchange on science face-to-face is very important for us," said Stéphanie Malbet-Monaco, Deputy Head of the User Office.

Photo gallery

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Click on images to enlarge. Photos: Bruno Lavit

Top image: Credit: Bruno Lavit