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ESRF welcomes BEATS beamline scientist for 3-week training
Gianluca Iori, BEATS (the beamline for tomography at SESAME) beamline scientist in charge of coordinating the construction of the new tomography beamline at the SESAME synchrotron in Jordan, is at the ESRF for a 3-week training.
BEATS is a European project, funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and coordinated by the ESRF. The BEATS project was launched in January 2019 and spans a four-year period which will see the design, construction, assembly and commissioning of a tomography beamline at the SESAME synchrotron in Jordan. A consortium of nine partner institutes, provide a large pool of expertise and experience to benefit SESAME across the seven activity work packages of BEATS.
During Gianluca’s training, he will meet scientists, engineers and staff at the ESRF to gain insight into the complexities and technicalities of building a beamline, benefitting from the ESRF’s experience and exchanging work cultures, techniques and expertise.
For Harald Reichert, ESRF Director of Research and member of the BEATS steering committee, "It's a pleasure for the ESRF to welcome BEATS beamline scientist, Gianluca Iori, for this 3-week training programme at the ESRF. The ESRF is proud to play a role in coordinating the BEATS project and I can only stress how important it is for us, as a larger facility with almost 30 years' experience in synchrotron research, to help smaller facilities come into operation. As well as building scientific and cultural bridges between diverse societies, this project will benefit the scientific communities in the Middle East by providing them with the first tomography beamline in the region."
Gianluca Iori is an Italian scientist with a background in both mechanical engineering and as a user of synchrotron radiation for research. One of his first roles as BEATS beamline scientist was to contribute to the writing of the Technical Design Report, which was submitted to the European Commission on 31st August 2020. He will also coordinate the construction of the beamline, as well as proposing and coordinating an in-house scientific programme in close collaboration with the BEATS partners and the SESAME Scientific Director.
Texte by Kirstin Colvin
Top image: Gianluca Iori (left) with ESRF scientist, Alexander Rack, on ID19. Credit: ESRF/Stef Candé