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Qing Qin appointed new Director of ASD
Physicist Qing Qin of Peking University in China has been appointed the new director of the ESRF Accelerator and Source Division (ASD) from 1 November. He will oversee the operation of the ESRF accelerators and insertion devices, including the continued commissioning and preventive maintenance programme of the EBS storage ring and its future development.
“We’re thrilled to have a new leader joining the ESRF directors’ team who is taking responsibility for the core ESRF activity of producing brilliant and coherent X-rays,” says Francesco Sette, the ESRF director-general. “This is a special time for the ESRF, in which we will consolidate the results of 10 years of upgrades, and enable a powerful scientific exploitation of the ESRF source by our users. With his experience, Qing will make a strong leader for ASD to get the best out of our new Extremely Brilliant Source. Qing – welcome on board!”
With a career spanning two decades, Qin has worked as a full-time professor at Peking University and at the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), as well as on CERN’s machine advisory committee. He has contributed to the upgrade of the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider, its beam commissioning for collision modes and its use as a light source; he has also worked on the design of the future Circular ElectronPositron Collider, and the design and construction of the High Energy Photon Source. Meanwhile, he has helped establish a strong collaboration with the ESRF for storage-ring lattice design and component conception and design for future synchrotron sources.
Qin, 53, will begin his new role with a five-year mandate on 1 November 2020. He succeeds Pantaleo Raimondi, the architect, engineer and scientist behind the new EBS storage-ring concept, construction and commissioning. “I take this opportunity to express the heartfelt gratitude of the ESRF to Pantaleo Raimondi for his dedication to keep the ESRF at the forefront of X-ray science with the EBS, and for leading the ASD for the last nine years,” says Sette. “Thanks Pantaleo!”
Top image: Photo: Qing Qin