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ESRF-ILL launch a joint international summer student programme


The summer's approaching and with it comes new opportunities for adventure, travel and meeting people. The ESRF and ILL are offering the possibility to make this summer a once-in-a-lifetime experience for a selection of science undergraduates. Applications are now open for candidates wishing to follow the first session of the ESRF-ILL Summer Student Programme, from 6 July to 2 August 2014 in Grenoble. The programme is proposed to undergraduate science students from all disciplines.


The four-week programme provides a unique opportunity to study physics hands-on in an iconic scientific environment. The ESRF/ILL International Student Summer Programme on X-Ray and Neutron Science is aimed at undergraduate students. It will consist in a 4-week experimental project embedded in a research group of ESRF or ILL, together with a series of introductory lectures on the principles and applications of X-ray and neutron science (magnetism, materials science, soft matter, structural biology, imaging, etc.).

In parallel to the science programme, you’ll be meeting students of the same age from all across Europe and tasting the cultural and great outdoor scenes that Grenoble has to offer.

The summer programme is open to undergraduate students of universities of member countries (or scientific associates) of ESRF and ILL.

All selected participants will receive financial support to cover their travel and living expenses. How's that for a great opportunity?

The ESRF is the most powerful synchrotron source in Europe and the ILL is the world's most powerful neutron reactor. Each year several thousand researchers travel to the European Photon and Neutron (EPN) Science Campus in Grenoble, where they work in a first-class scientific environment to conduct exciting experiments at the cutting edge of modern science.

Make this summer a once-in-a-lifetime experience: take part in our Summer Programme!

The deadline for applications is March 15, 2014.

Find out more about the summer programme

Top image: Apply for some hands-on science over the summer! Credit: I. Ginzburg