

Volcanologist, I relentlessly explored Earth gears and clockwork. I specialised myself in experimental geology, mimicking natural processes and observing what is normally hidden by millions of years or kilometers of depth.  
Academic and proud tech-nerd, I always look for new approaches to make progress our understanding in rock mechanics. It naturally pushed me to settle at the European synchrotron (ESRF), this unparalleled laboratory.
I performed my PhD at the Ludwig Maximillians Universitat (Germany), before a few post-doctoral studies at the University of California Berkeley (USA), ETH Zurich (Switzerland), Universitet i Olso (Norway).
I am focussing today at exploring high resolution 4D rock experiments and the best ways to analyse and extract the parameters that will give us the fundamentals to understand our planet.   



  Creep burst coincident with faulting in marble observed in 4-D synchrotron X-ray imaging triaxial compression experiments

F Renard, N Kandula, J McBeck, B Cordonnier

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (9), e2020JB020354

  Permeability Profiles Across the Crust-Mantle Sections in the Oman Drilling Project Inferred From Dry and Wet Resistivity Data

I Katayama, N Abe, K Hatakeyama, Y Akamatsu, K Okazaki, OI Ulven, ...

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (8), e2019JB018698

  Real Time 3D Observations of Portland Cement Carbonation at CO2 Storage Conditions

EA Chavez Panduro, B Cordonnier, K Gawel, I Børve, J Iyer, SA Carroll, ...

Environmental science & technology 54 (13), 8323-8332

  Competition between slow slip and damage on and off faults revealed in 4D synchrotron imaging experiments

F Renard, J McBeck, B Cordonnier

Tectonophysics 782, 228437

  A new plesiosaurian from the Jurassic–Cretaceous transitional interval of the Slottsmøya Member (Volgian), with insights into the cranial anatomy of cryptoclidids using …

AJ Roberts, PS Druckenmiller, B Cordonnier, LL Delsett, JH Hurum

PeerJ 8, e8652

  Creep burst coincident with faulting in marble observed in 4D synchrotron X-ray imaging triaxial compression experiments

J McBeck, F Renard, N Kandula, BJB Cordonnier

  Synchrotron X-ray imaging in 4D: multiscale failure and compaction localization in triaxially compressed porous limestone

L Huang, P Baud, B Cordonnier, F Renard, L Liu, T Wong

Earth and Planetary Science Letters 528, 115831

  Neutron imaging of cadmium sorption and transport in porous rocks

B Cordonnier, A Pluymakers, A Tengattini, S Marti, A Kaestner, F Fusseis, ...

Frontiers in earth science 7, 306

  Isolating the factors that govern fracture development in rocks throughout dynamic in situ X-ray tomography experiments

J McBeck, N Kandula, JM Aiken, B Cordonnier, F Renard

Geophysical Research Letters 46 (20), 11127-11135

  Volumetric and shear processes in crystalline rock approaching faulting

F Renard, J McBeck, N Kandula, B Cordonnier, P Meakin, Y Ben-Zion

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (33), 16234-16239

  Dynamics of microscale precursors during brittle compressive failure in Carrara marble

N Kandula, B Cordonnier, E Boller, J Weiss, DK Dysthe, F Renard

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (6), 6121-6139

  The evolving energy budget of experimental faults within continental crust: Insights from in situ dynamic X-ray microtomography

J McBeck, B Cordonnier, K Mair, F Renard

Journal of Structural Geology 123, 42-53

  Mixed-mode strain localization generated by hydration reaction at crustal conditions

X Zheng, B Cordonnier, J McBeck, E Boller, B Jamtveit, W Zhu, F Renard

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (5), 4507-4522

  Volumetric and shear strain localization in Mt. Etna basalt

JA McBeck, B Cordonnier, S Vinciguerra, F Renard

Geophysical Research Letters 46 (5), 2425-2433

  Dynamic in situ three-dimensional imaging and digital volume correlation analysis to quantify strain localization and fracture coalescence in sandstone

F Renard, J McBeck, B Cordonnier, X Zheng, N Kandula, JR Sanchez, ...

Pure and Applied Geophysics 176 (3), 1083-1115

  Volumetric and Shear Strain Localization in Mt. Etna Basalt

MB JA, B Cordonnier, S Vinciguerra, F Renard

  Understanding strain-accommodating processes in depleted sandstone gas reservoirs through in-situ triaxial testing and X-ray CT imaging.

J Van Stappen, J McBeck, B Cordonnier, R Pijnenburg, F Renard, ...

Geophysical Research Abstracts 21

  Mixed-mode strain localization generated by hydration reaction at crustal conditions.

F Renard, X Zheng, B Cordonnier, J McBeck, B Jamtveit, W Zhu

Geophysical Research Abstracts 21

  Compaction localization in porous limestone studied by 4D synchrotron X-ray imaging.

P Baud, L Huang, B Cordonnier, F Renard, L Liu, T Wong

Geophysical Research Abstracts 21

  In situ dynamic X-ray microtomography reveals the evolving energy budget of faults within continental crust.

J McBeck, B Cordonnier, K Mair, F Renard

Geophysical Research Abstracts 21

  Investigating the onset of strain localization within anisotropic shale using digital volume correlation of time-resolved X-ray microtomography images

J McBeck, M Kobchenko, SA Hall, E Tudisco, B Cordonnier, P Meakin, ...

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (9), 7509-7528

  Effects of confinement on reaction-induced fracturing during hydration of periclase

X Zheng, B Cordonnier, W Zhu, F Renard, B Jamtveit

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (8), 2661-2672

  Critical evolution of damage toward system-size failure in crystalline rock

F Renard, J Weiss, J Mathiesen, Y Ben-Zion, N Kandula, B Cordonnier

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (2), 1969-1986

  Microscale characterization of rupture nucleation unravels precursors to faulting in rocks

F Renard, B Cordonnier, M Kobchenko, N Kandula, J Weiss, W Zhu

Earth and Planetary Science Letters 476, 69-78

  Localized slip controlled by dehydration embrittlement of partly serpentinized dunites, Leka Ophiolite Complex, Norway

KG Dunkel, H Austrheim, F Renard, B Cordonnier, B Jamtveit

Earth and Planetary Science Letters 463, 277-285

  Rapid laccolith intrusion driven by explosive volcanic eruption

JM Castro, B Cordonnier, CI Schipper, H Tuffen, TS Baumann, Y Feisel

Nature Communications 7 (1), 1-7

  Rheological flow laws for multiphase magmas: an empirical approach

M Pistone, B Cordonnier, P Ulmer, L Caricchi

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 321, 158-170

  A deformation rig for synchrotron microtomography studies of geomaterials under conditions down to 10 km depth in the Earth

F Renard, B Cordonnier, DK Dysthe, E Boller, P Tafforeau, A Rack

Journal of synchrotron radiation 23 (4), 1030-1034

  Effects of crystallization and bubble nucleation on the seismic properties of magmas

BA Tripoli, B Cordonnier, A Zappone, P Ulmer

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17 (2), 602-615

  Effects of crystallization and bubble nucleation on the seismic properties of magmas

BA Tripoli, B Cordonnier, A Zappone, P Ulmer

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17 (2), 602-615

  Conclusion: recommendations and findings of the RED SEED working group

AJL Harris, S Carn, J Dehn, C Del Negro, MT Gudmundsson, ...

Geological Society, London, Special Publications 426 (1), 567-648

  Benchmarking lava-flow models

B Cordonnier, E Lev, F Garel

Geological Society, London, Special Publications 426 (1), 425-445

  The viscous to brittle transition in crystal-and bubble-bearing magmas

M Pistone, B Cordonnier, L Caricchi, P Ulmer, F Marone

Frontiers in Earth Science 3, 71

  Groundmass crystallisation and cooling rates of lava-like ignimbrites: the Grey’s Landing ignimbrite, southern Idaho, USA

BS Ellis, B Cordonnier, MC Rowe, D Szymanowski, O Bachmann, ...

Bulletin of Volcanology 77 (10), 1-15

  Gas-driven filter pressing in magmas: Insights into in-situ melt segregation from crystal mushes

M Pistone, F Arzilli, KJ Dobson, B Cordonnier, E Reusser, P Ulmer, ...

Geology 43 (8), 699-702

  Numerical modeling of shallow non-Newtonian flows: Part I. The 1D horizontal dam break problem revisited

P Saramito, C Smutek, B Cordonnier

International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling, Series B 4 (3), 283-298

  The viscous-brittle transition of crystal-bearing silicic melt: Direct observation of magma rupture and healing

B Cordonnier, L Caricchi, M Pistone, J Castro, KU Hess, S Gottschaller, ...

Geology 40 (7), 611-614

  The role of melt-fracture degassing in defusing explosive rhyolite eruptions at volcán Chaitén

JM Castro, B Cordonnier, H Tuffen, MJ Tobin, L Puskar, MC Martin, ...

Earth and Planetary Science Letters 333, 63-69

  Viscous heating in silicate melts: An experimental and numerical comparison

B Cordonnier, SM Schmalholz, KU Hess, DB Dingwell

Journal of Geophysical Research 117 (B2), B02203

  An adaptive time-space dual algorithm for shallow non-Newtonian power-law fluids: the horizontal dam break problem revisited

P Saramito, C Smutek, B Cordonnier


  Influence of decompression rate on fragmentation processes: An experimental study

S Kremers, B Scheu, B Cordonnier, O Spieler, DB Dingwell

Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 193 (3-4), 182-188

  The horizontal dam break problem for slow non-Newtonian power-law fluids

P Saramito, C Smutek, B Cordonnier

  Talc lubrication of faults at seismic velocities

S Boutareaud, T Hirose, ML Doan, M Andréani, DG Calugaru, M Pec, ...


  Viscous heating in rhyolite: An in situ experimental determination

KU Hess, B Cordonnier, Y Lavallée, DB Dingwell

Earth and Planetary Science Letters 275 (1-2), 121-126

  Seismogenic lavas and explosive eruption forecasting

Y Lavallée, PG Meredith, DB Dingwell, KU Hess, J Wassermann, ...

Nature 453 (7194), 507-510

  Non-Newtonian rheological law for highly crystalline dome lavas

Y Lavallée, KU Hess, B Cordonnier, D Bruce Dingwell

Geology 35 (9), 843-846

  High-load, high-temperature deformation apparatus for synthetic and natural silicate melts

KU Hess, B Cordonnier, Y Lavallée, DB Dingwell

Review of Scientific Instruments 78 (7), 075102
