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ID21 - X-ray Microscopy Beamline


The ID21 beamline is dedicated to micro and nano-X ray spectroscopy, 2D X-ray fluorescence (XRF) mapping and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), in the tender X-ray domain (2.1-10.5keV). These two techniques can be combined to acquire multi-energy XRF maps. Therefore, this beamline offers 2D elemental mapping and speciation information (in 0D, 1D and 2D), and is particularly optimized for the detection and chemical analysis of elements from P to Zn. Heavier elements can be analyzed through their L and M absorption edges. The beamline has recently been refurbished, and offers now two scanning X-ray microscopes: a new nanoscope (nano-SXM), optimized for high speed, high resolution (<180nm) nano-XRF mapping, and for nano-XAS, which complements and outperforms the "old" microscope, which has been preserved with the study of larger samples, with micrometric and submillimetric beam. Both microscopes are operated under vacuum, either at room temperature or in cryogenics conditions.
Status:  open


  • Medicine
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • Materials and Engineering
  • Physics
  • Life Sciences
  • Chemistry


  • Cultural Heritage (e.g. paintings, ceramics, glasses)
  • Biology (e.g. nano-toxicology, pathology, metallobiology, health)
  • Geochemistry (e.g. basaltic glasses, sediments)
  • Environmental sciences (e.g. soils, phytoremediation, pollution)
  • Materials (e.g. nano-materials, energy)


  • MicroXANES - micro X-ray absorption near-edge structure
  • MicroXRF - micro X-ray fluorescence
  • XANES - X-ray absorption near-edge structure
  • XAS - X-ray absorption spectroscopy
  • XRF - X-ray fluorescence

Energy range

  • 2.1 - 10.0  keV

Beam size

  • Minimum (H x V) : 180.0 x 180.0  nm²
  • Maximum (H x V) : 2.0 x 2.0  mm²

Sample environments

  • In vacuum
  • Room temperature and cryogenic conditions (LN2)
  • No in-situ capabilities


  • SGX 100mm² SiriusSD silicon drift diode.

Technical details


M. Cotte, E. Pouyet, M. Salomé, C. Rivard, W. De Nolf, H. Castillo-Michel, T. Fabris, L. Monico, K. Janssens, T. Wang, P. Sciau, L. Verger, L. Cormier, O. Dargaud, E. Brun, D. Bugnazet, B. Fayard, B. Hesse, A. E. Pradas del Real, G. Veronesi, J. Langlois, N. Balcar, Y. Vandenberghe, V. A. Solé, J. Kieffer, R. Barrett, C. Cohen, C. Cornu, R. Baker, E. Gagliardini, E. Papillon and J. Susini, "The ID21 X-ray and infrared microscopy beamline at the ESRF: status and recent applications to artistic materials." Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (2017).

M. Salomé, M. Cotte, R. Baker, R. Barrett, N. Benseny-Cases, G. Berruyer, D. Bugnazet, H. Castillo-Michel, C. Cornu, B. Fayard, E. Gagliardini, R. Hino, J. Morse, E. Papillon, E. Pouyet, C. Rivard, V. A. Solé, J. Susini and G. Veronesi, "The ID21 Scanning X-ray Microscope at ESRF", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 425, 182004 (2013).


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