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Looking into the future of science with synchrotron light


The ESRF report "Science and Technology Programme 2008-2017" was launched today.


The report was launched today on the day when 400 ESRF Users, collaborators and staff have gathered to discuss the ESRF Upgrade in the workshop "User Information and Discussion Meeting on the ESRF Upgrade Programme".

The "Purple Book" describes the science and technology programme of the ESRF for the next ten years. This programme builds on the five year ESRF Medium-Term Scientific Plan with the added value of the far-reaching and ambitious scientific Upgrade Programme. The Upgrade is an exceptional ten year project that will greatly extend the scientific impact of the ESRF, beyond that achievable within the normal ESRF annual budget. The Upgrade will deliver both new facilities and a unique associated environment for the scientific communities of the Member and Scientific Associate countries, designed to match the future scientific challenges facing society: health, energy, environment and climate change, new materials and nanotechnology.


The report is available in electronic and printed formats. To download or request a printed copy, or for further details, please visit the page: Science and Technology Programme 2008-2017.


 Some of the 400 participants in the ESRF Auditorium during the Upgrade meeting. Live retransmission to overflow areas accommodated everyone else.