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Illustrating the future of the ESRF


Leading Science for Europe, a new brochure introducing the ESRF Upgrade Programme has just been printed.


It seemed an impossible goal, but it has been achieved. The main lines of the scientific and technical future of the ESRF have been put together in a 16-page glossy brochure. “It was a complicated task, but with the help of an experienced science writer, the key points have been condensed in to a relatively short and punchy document”, explains Trina Bouvet, coordinator of the brochure project.

Advances in nanotechnology research, the monitoring of chemical reactions in less than a billionth of a second, or the study of complicated and tiny proteins relevant to human health are some of the objectives of the ESRF Upgrade Programme for the coming decade. The success of the Upgrade to open doors to new science relies on new beamlines and instrumentation able to routinely provide nanometre-sized X-ray beams and refurbishment of the ESRF X-ray source and the site infrastructure. All this and more is explained in the brochure.

The document should appeal to a general audience, in particular the policy makers and deciders of the future funding of the Upgrade Programme, which is expected to be settled in the coming 12 months with a requested new investment of 185 million Euros. The brochure has already been sent to 10,000 scientists, mostly users of the facility, to keep them informed about the project and the potential future capabilities of the facility.

You can download the brochure here. If you prefer a paper copy, please contact the Communication Unit.