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Share your views on the Upgrade programme


Can you imagine the research you will be doing in ten to twenty years time? The European synchrotron source may already be a great tool for your research, do you think it could be better? How far can the ESRF push the scientific and technical limits? Come and join the discussion on 24 October.


The Upgrade programme will enable new science as well as a significant improvement of synchrotron X-ray techniques already in use today. The programme concentrates on five scientific themes and the enabling technologies that will make them possible. Over the next ten years, the changes to the facility will include extension of the experimental hall to permit longer beamlines for nanometre focussing, upgrades to the accelerator complex making the X-ray beams brighter, and development of computing, optics and detectors to prepare the beamlines for nanofocussing.

Aims of the meeting:

  • Inform Community on project status, the new science and technology
  • Gather feedback, validate ideas, directions and perspectives
  • An indication of priorities (areas, directions)



For further information please see:



Poster for the meeting (pdf, 0.3 mb)

The Upgrade Programme page.