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ESRF - NEXTSTEP - Call for Thesis Proposals


The ESRF has launched the first of two calls for PhD studentship proposals under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks programme NEXTSTEP. This initiative offers young researchers the opportunity to exploit advanced analytical techniques at leading research infrastructures in the pursuit of applied research that delivers tangible societal benefits. The deadline for the first call of proposals is 5 January 2025.


The “Neutrons, Electrons and X-rays serving Transition towards a SusTainable Environment Doctoral Programme” (NEXTSTEP) brings together complementary analytical X-ray, neutron and electron microscopy techniques available at the cutting-edge European Research Infrastructures (RIs): ESRF, ILL and e-DREAM. EMBL is an associate partner to the programme.

Supported by a Horizon Europe MSCA COFUND programme1, 36 PhD students will exploit the unique and transversal capabilities of these RIs in tackling challenges associated with sustainable development and industrial competitiveness in the areas of “Health”, “Digital, Industry & Space”, “Climate, Energy and Mobility”, “Food, Bio-economy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment” and “Industrial Innovation”.

Although not mandatory, projects are encouraged to make combined use of synchrotron X-ray, neutron and/or electron techniques.

Similarly, involvement of industrial partners is encouraged, as it supports one of the key goals of "NEXTSTEP": fostering connections with Pillar 3 of Horizon Europe (Innovative Europe). This pillar focuses on nurturing future innovators and strengthening collaborations between industry, educational institutions and research facilities.

15 PhD projects at the ESRF

The ESRF will host a total of 15 PhD projects, in two cohorts, one year apart, with PhD projects starting in autumn 2025 and autumn 2026.

Students will be recruited by the ESRF following MSCA rules, which stipulate a maximum of 12 months in France within the past 36 months before the start of the PhD contract.

PhD students are to be enrolled in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country University.

Financial support, duration and supervision

The NEXTSTEP programme anticipates financial support for tuition fees, up to 1000 €/year. If the proposed registering university have registration fees exceeding this amount, the project partners should explain how these fees will be funded or reduced, as MSCA rules require that students do not pay for registration.

NEXTSTEP has the possibility to offer a few projects of duration beyond 36 months to universities in countries where the minimum project duration is set at over 36 months.

Students will be jointly supervised by the ESRF and an academic and/or industrial partner, depending on project requirements.

Partners are required to host the student for at least two months (or several shorter visits adding up to at least two months) at their premises within the duration of the doctoral project, to participate in regular PhD project follow-up meetings and to attend the NEXTSTEP general assemblies.

According to their capacity, partners (academic and/or industrial) are more than welcome to contribute to project costs.

Areas of research

For the first call of proposals, ESRF encourages proposals in the following areas that specifically profit from ESRF-EBS and/or contain a significant innovation component:

  • Additive manufacturing processes, novel hard materials and solid target impact studies by ultra-fast imaging
  • Battery safety and novel battery concepts, regenerative medicine by X-ray diffraction, nano-imaging or Bragg coherent imaging
  • Quantum materials by X-ray spectroscopy
  • Catalytic processes and drug development by X-ray scattering

For more information, please contact the NEXTSTEP PhD Programme Office.

The proposal must include the completed application form and a letter of commitment. (Documents in WORD format).

Key Dates 

  • Proposal Submission Deadline: 5 January 2025
  • Selection Notification: 31 January 2025
  • Project Commencement: September 2025 or September 2026


1Horizon Europe MSCA COFUND programme grant agreement number 101177133