The thin film preparation is performed using a DC magnetron sputter gun. The gas discharge is operated at constant power and biased in the range 300-400 V, while the target current could change in the range 5-100 mA (W target). Thin films are typically grown on Si (100) substrates. The sputtering target is a disk, 73 mm in diameter and 3 mm thick, placed 150 mm from the substrate (various materials targets are available: including W, Pt, Ir). Before deposition, the background pressure of the sputtering chamber is less than 3.6×10-7 hPa. The sputtering is conducted in (99.999%) Ar gas with a working pressure of 9.3 10-3 hPa or by mixing 2 gases (composition regulated). The gas flow is supplied from a port placed few cm from to the target and controlled by mass flow meters (MKS). The chamber pressure is also regulated during deposition through a feed back loop involving a butterfly valve, and a capacitive gauge (BARATRON). The target bias as well as the pressure set point are computer controlled while tuning is made remotely from the control room of the beamline.