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Mesoscale self-organization of polydisperse magnetic nanoparticles at the water surface
Ukleev V., Khassanov A., Snigireva I., Konovalov O., Vorobiev A.,
Journal of Chemical Physics 160, 074703-1-074703-8 (2024)
Structural and mechanical characterization of DNA-tethered membranes on graphene
Yamamoto A., Sakamaki Y., Abuillan W., Konovalov O., Ueno Y., Tanaka M.,
Langmuir 40, 16530-16537 (2024)
Neural network analysis of neutron and X-ray reflectivity data: Automated analysis using mlreflect, experimental errors and feature engineering
Greco A., Starostin V., Edel E., Munteanu V., Russegger N., Dax I., Shen C., Bertram F., Hinderhofer A., Gerlach A., Schreiber F.,
Journal of Applied Crystallography 55, 362-369 (2022)
Faster and lower-dose X-ray reflectivity measurements enabled by physics-informed modeling and artificial intelligence co-refinement
Marecek D., Oberreiter J., Nelson A., Kowarik S.,
Journal of Applied Crystallography 55, 1305-1313 (2022)
De novo synthesis of free‐standing flexible 2D intercalated nanofilm uniform over tens of cm2
Ravat P., Uchida H., Sekine R., Kamei K., Yamamoto A., Konovalov O., Tanaka M., Yamada T., Harano K., Nakamura E.,
Advanced Materials 34, 2106465-1-2106465-10 (2022)
On the origin of positive exchange bias and coercivity enhancement in proximity to the blocking temperature
Dobrynin A.N., Warin P., Vorobiev A., Givord D.,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 520, 166707-1-166707-6 (2021)
Anisotropic and heterogeneous dynamics in stretched elastomer nanocomposites
Ehrburger-Dolle F., Morfin I., Bley F., Livet F., Heinrich G., Chushkin Y., Sutton M.,
Soft Matter 15, 3796-3806 (2019)
Role of the strained substrate in the x-ray diffraction of free-standing epitaxial nanostructures under grazing incidence conditions
Lazarev S., Schroth P., Grigoriev D., Riotte M., Slobodskyy T., Minkevich A.A., Hu D.Z., Schaadt D., Baumbach T.,
Physical Review B 99, 195432-1-195432-10 (2019)
Short- and long-time diffusion and dynamic scaling in suspensions of charged colloidal particles
Banchio A.J., Heinen M., Holmqvist P., Nägele G.,
Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 134902-1-134902-25 (2018)
Correlation between structural properties and intermolecular coupling in molecular donor/acceptor thin film heterostructures
Belova V.
From: Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Real-time structural and optical study of growth and packing behavior of perylene diimide derivative thin films: Influence of side-chain modification
Belova V., Wagner B., Reisz B., Zeiser C., Duva G., Rozboril J., Novák J., Gerlach A., Hinderhofer A., Schreiber F.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 8589-8601 (2018)
Exploring the synthesis of 2D polymers at the air/water interface
Dai W.
From: ETH Zürich, Switzerland (PhD Thesis),
Evidence of lying molecules in the structure of the most condensed phase of semi-fluorinated alkane monolayers
Fontaine P., Bardin L., Fauré M.C., Filipe E.J.M., Goldmann M.,
Nanoscale 10, 2310-2316 (2018)
Kinetics of ion-exchange reactions in hybrid organic–inorganic perovskite thin films studied by in situ real-time X-ray scattering
Greco A., Hinderhofer A., Dar M.I., Arora N., Hagenlocher J., Chumakov A., Grätzel M., Schreiber F.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9, 6750-6754 (2018)
Newly synthesized lipid–porphyrin conjugates: Evaluation of their self‐assembling properties, their miscibility with phospholipids and their photodynamic activity in vitro
Massiot J., Rosilio V., Ibrahim N., Yamamoto A., Nicolas V., Konovalov O., Tanaka M., Makky A.,
Chemistry - A European Journal 24, 19179-19194 (2018)
Struktur und Ladungstransport gekoppelter organischer-anorganischer Nanostrukturen
André A.
From: Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany (PhD Theesis),
Surface induced orientation and vertically layered morphology in thin films of poly(3-hexylthiophene) crystallized from the melt
Balko J., Portale G., Lohwasser R.H., Thelakkat M., Thurn-Albrecht T.,
Journal of Materials Research 32, 1957-1968 (2017)
In situ studies of morphology formation in solution-processed polymer–fullerene blends
Barrena E., Buss F., Pérez-Rodríguez A., Sanyal M., Schmidt-Hansberg B., Klein M.F.G., Scharfer P., Schabel W., Lemmer U.,
In: "Elementary Processes in Organic Photovoltaics" Leo K. (Eds.) (Springer, 2017) pp. 1-24
Photoluminescence as a probe of molecular organization in PDI8-CN2 ultra-thin films
Brillante A., Salzillo T., Della Valle R.G., Venuti E., Borgatti F., Lunedei E., Liscio F., Milita S., Albonetti C.,
Journal of Luminescence 187, 403-409 (2017)
Nonionic fluorinated surfactant removal from mesoporous film using sc-CO2
Chavez Panduro E.A., Assaker K., Beuvier T., Blin J.L., Stébé M.J., Konovalov O., Gibaud A.,
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, 3093-3101 (2017)
Three-legged 2,2′-bipyridine monomer at the air/water interface: Monolayer structure and reactions with Ni(II) ions from the subphase
Dai W., Lee L.T., Schütz A., Zelenay B., Zheng Z., Borgschulte A., Döbeli M., Abuillan W., Konovalov O.V., Tanaka M., Schlüter A.D.,
Langmuir 33, 1646-1654 (2017)
Coupled effects of spreading solvent molecules and electrostatic repulsions on the behavior of PS-b-PAA monolayers at the air–water interface
Guennouni Z., Goldmann M., Fauré M.C., Fontaine P., Perrin P., Limagne D., Cousin F.,
Langmuir 33, 12525-12534 (2017)
How many photons are needed to reconstruct random objects in coherent X-ray diffractive imaging?
Jahn T., Wilke R.N., Chushkin Y., Salditt T.,
Acta Crystallographica A 73, 19-29 (2017)
Air/liquid interfacial nanoassembly of molecular building blocks into preferentially oriented porous organic nanosheet crystals via hydrogen bonding
Makiura R., Tsuchiyama K., Pohl E., Prassides K., Sakata O., Tajiri H., Konovalov O.,
ACS Nano 11, 10875-10882 (2017)
Planar and 3D fibrous polyaniline-based materials for memristive elements
Malakhova Y.N., Korovin A.N., Lapkin D.A., Malakhov S.N., Shcherban V.V., Pichkur E.B., Yakunin S.N., Demin V.A., Chvalun S.N., Erokhin V.,
Soft Matter 13, 7300-7306 (2017)
Recent applications of synchrotron radiation and neutrons in the study of soft matter
Narayanan T., Wacklin H., Konovalov O., Lund R.,
Crystallography Reviews 37, 160-226 (2017)
Membrane restructuring following in situ sialidase digestion of gangliosides: Complex model bilayers by synchrotron radiation reflectivity
Rondelli V., Brocca P., Fragneto G., Daillant J., Tringali C., Cantù L., Del Favero E.,
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1859, 845-851 (2017)
Gaining further insight into the solvent additive-driven crystallization of bulk-heterojunction solar cells by in situ X-ray scattering and optical reflectometry
Buss F., Schmidt-Hansberg B., Sanyal M., Munuera C., Scharfer P., Schabel W., Barrena E.,
Macromolecules 49, 4867-4874 (2016)
Polymer crystallization on the surface of water or aqueous salt solution
Fuchs C., Busse K., Flieger A.K., Kressler J.,
Chemical Engineering & Technology 39, 1333-1340 (2016)
Self-organization of polystyrene-b-polyacrylic acid (PS-b-PAA) monolayer at the air/water interface: A process driven by the release of the solvent spreading
Guennouni Z., Cousin F., Fauré M.C., Perrin P., Limagne D., Konovalov O., Goldmann M.,
Langmuir 32, 1971-1980 (2016)
Influence of lipid oxidization on structures and functions of biological membranes
Korytowski A.A.
From: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany (PhD Thesis),
(2016) Structural dynamics of materials probed by X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
Madsen A., Fluerasu A., Ruta B.,
In: "Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers. Accelerator Physics, Instrumentation and Science Applications" Jaeschke E.J. (Eds.) Khan S.H. (Eds.) Schneider J.R. (Eds.) Hastings J.B. (Eds.) (Springer, 2016) pp. 1617-1641
Viscoelasticity and structure of soft biological interfaces: From artificial models to living tissues
Veschgini M.
From: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Structure of DPPC–hyaluronan interfacial layers – effects of molecular weight and ion composition
Wieland D.C.F., Degen P., Zander T., Gayer S., Raj A., An J., Dèdinaitè A., Claesson P., Willumeit-Römer R.,
Soft Matter 12, 729-740 (2016)
Non-diffusive dynamics in a colloidal glass: Aging versus rejuvenation
Angelini R., Ruzicka B.,
Colloids and Surfaces A 483, 316-320 (2015)
Mixed layers of nonionic dendritic amphiphiles and DPPC at the water rurface
Degen P., Wieland D.C.F., Strötges C.,
Langmuir 31, 11851-11857 (2015)
Enzyme-induced pore formation in smart polymeric micro-containers for drug design and programming of biochemical computers
Erokhina S., Pastorino L., Erokhin V.,
, ()
X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy..
Gutt C., Sprung M.,
In: "X-Ray Diffraction: Modern Experimental Techniques" Seeck O.H. (Eds.) Murphy B.M. (Eds.) (Pan Stanford Publishing, 2015) pp. 385-419
Structure matters: Combining X-ray scattering and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy for studying organic thin films
Hinderhofer A., Yonezawa K., Kato K., Schreiber F.,
In: "Electronic Processes in Organic Electronics - Bridging Nanostructure, Electronic States and Device Properties" Ishii H. (Eds.) Kudo K. (Eds.) Nakayama T. (Eds.) Ueno N. (Eds.) (Springer, 2015) pp. 109-129
Thickness and substrate dependent thin film growth of picene and impact on the electronic structure
Hosokai T., Hinderhofer A., Bussolotti F., Yonezawa K., Lorch C., Vorobiev A., Hasegawa Y., Yamada Y., Kubozoro Y., Gerlach A., Kera S., Schreiber F., Ueno N.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 29027-29037 (2015)
Grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering technique for probing nanostructures and processes at nanoscale
Jergel M., Siffalovic P., Végsö K., Majková E., Roth S.V., Konovalov O., Lee H.Y.,
, ()
Impact of lipid oxidization on vertical structures and electrostatics of phospholipid monolayers revealed by combination of specular X-ray reflectivity and grazing-incidence X-ray fluorescence
Korytowski A., Abuillan W., Makky A., Konovalov O., Tanaka M.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119, 9787-9794 (2015)
Resolution enhancement in coherent imaging via extrapolation beyond detector area
Latychevskaia T., Fink H.W.,
, ()
Structural dynamics of materials probed by X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
Madsen A., Fluerasu A., Ruta B.,
In: "Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers. Accelerator Physics, Instrumentation and Science Applications" Jaeschke E. (Eds.) Khan S.H. (Eds.) Schneider J.R. (Eds.) Hastings J.B. (Eds.) (Springer, 2015) pp. 1-21
Generic role of polymer supports in the fine adjustment of interfacial interactions between solid substrates and model cell membranes
Rossetti F.F., Schneck E., Fragneto G., Konovalov O.V., Tanaka M.,
Langmuir 31, 4473-4480 (2015)
Structure of a liquid/liquid interface during solvent extraction combining X-ray and neutron reflectivity measurements
Scoppola E., Watkins E., Li Destri G., Porcar L., Campbell R.A., Konovalov O., Fragneto G., Diat O.,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17, 15093-15097 (2015)
Elastic response of a protein monolayer adsorbed at decorated water surface
Singh A., Konovalov O.,
AIP Conference Proceedings 1661, 110020-1-110020-6 (2015)
Substantial difference in ordering of 10, 15, and 20 nm iron oxide nanoparticles on a water surface: In situ characterization by the grazing incidence X-ray scattering
Vorobiev A., Khassanov A., Ukleev V., Snigireva I., Konovalov O.,
Langmuir 31, 11639-11648 (2015)
Field induced anisotropic cooperativity in a magnetic colloidal glass
Wandersman E., Chushkin Y., Dubois E., Dupuis V., Robert A., Perzynski R.,
Soft Matter 11, 7165-7170 (2015)
Aging behavior of the localization length in a colloidal glass
Angelini R., Madsen A., Fluerasu A., Ruocco G., Ruzicka B.,
Colloids and Surfaces A 460, 118-122 (2014)
Glass-glass transition during aging of a colloidal clay
Angelini R., Zaccarelli E., de Melo Marques F.A., Sztucki M., Fluerasu A., Ruocco G., Ruzicka B.,
Nature Communications 5, 4049-1-4049-7 (2014)
Using three-dimensional 3D grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) analysis to probe pore deformation in mesoporous silica films
Chavez Panduro E.A., Granlund H., Sztucki M., Konovalov O., Breiby D.W., Gibaud A.,
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6, 2686-2691 (2014)
Three-dimensional coherent diffractive imaging on non-periodic specimens at the ESRF beamline ID10
Chushkin Y., Zontone F., Lima E., De Caro L., Guardia P., Manna L., Giannini C.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 21, 594-599 (2014)
Variation in surface plasmonic response due to the reorganization of Au nanoparticles in Langmuir-Blodgett film
Das K., Kundu S.,
Journal of Applied Physics 116, 024316-1-024316-4 (2014)
Morphology and the magnetic and conducting properties of heterogeneous layered magnetic structures [(Co45Fe45Zr10)35(Al2O3)65/a-Si:H]36
Dyadkina E.A., Vorobiev A.A., Ukleev V.A., Lott D., Sitnikov A.V., Kalinin Y.E., Gerashchenko O.V., Grigoriev S.V.,
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 118, 410-416 (2014)
Evidence for Interaction with the water subphase as the origin and stabilization of nano-domain in semi-fluorinated alkanes monolayer at the air/water interface
Fontaine P., Fauré M.C., Bardin L., Filipe E.J.M., Goldmann M.,
Langmuir 30, 15193-15199 (2014)
Island size evolution and molecular diffusion during growth of organic thin films followed by time-resolved specular and off-specular scattering
Frank C., Novák J., Banerjee R., Gerlach A., Schreiber F., Vorobiev A., Kowarik S.,
Physical Review B 90, 045410-1-045410-6 (2014)
Pathways of cylindrical orientations in PS-b-P4VP diblock copolymer thin films upon solvent vapor annealing
Gowd E.B., Koga T., Endoh M.K., Kumar K., Stamm M.,
Soft Matter 10, 7753-7761 (2014)
Etude des films de Langmuir de copolymères diblocs et formation de nanostructures inorganiques par réduction des ions argent à leur voisinage (Study of Langmuir films made of diblock copolymer PS-b-PAA and formation of non-organic nanostructures by reduction of silver ions in their vicinity)
Guennouni A.Z.
From: Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France (PhD Thesis),
Voc from a morphology point of view: The influence of molecular orientation on the open circuit voltage of organic planar heterojunction solar cells
Hörmann U., Lorch C., Hinderhofer A., Gerlach A., Gruber M., Kraus J., Sykora B., Grob S., Linderl T., Wilke A., Opitz A., Hansson R., Anselmo A.S., Ozawa Y., Nakayama Y., Ishii H., Koch N., Moons E., Schreiber F., Brütting W.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, 26462-26470 (2014)
Nanostructured membranes from polymer-surfactant films
Jaber R.I.
From: University of Bath, UK (PHD Thesis),
Anomalous dynamics at the hard-sphere glass transition
Kwasniewski P., Fluerasu A., Madsen A.,
Soft Matter 10, 8698-8704 (2014)
Photon statistics and speckle visibility spectroscopy with partially coherent X-rays
Li L., Kwasniewski P., Orsi D., Wiegart L., Cristofolini L., Caronna C., Fluerasu A.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 21, 1288-1295 (2014)
Cryogenic x-ray diffraction microscopy utilizing high-pressure cryopreservation
Lima E., Chushkin Y., van der Linden P., Kim C.U., Zontone F., Carpentier P., Gruner S.M., Pernot P.,
Physical Review E 90, 042713-1-0427213-6 (2014)
Direct observation of prefreezing at the interface melt–solid in polymer crystallization
Löhmann A.K., Henze T., Thurn-Albrecht T.,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 111, 17368-17372 (2014)
Novel synthesis route of metal doped resorcinol-formaldehyde polymer xerogels with tuned porosity
Nagy B., Czakkel O., László K.,
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 185, 66-71 (2014)
Colloid stabilization by an oppositely charged polysaccharide: Mechanism of interaction and interface studied with synchrotron X-rays
Nervo R., Khokhlova M.A., Konovalov O., Rinaudo M.,
International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization 19, 1-9 (2014)
X-ray scattering in the vorticity direction and rheometry from confined fluids
Pfleiderer P., Baik S.J., Zhen Z., Vleminckx G., Lettinga M.P., Grelet E., Vermant J., Clasen C.,
Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 065108-1-065108-8 (2014)
Atomic migration studies with X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
Stana M., Ross M., Sepiol B.,
Diffusion Foundations 2, 73-94 (2014)
Fine-structures, lateral correlation and diffusion of membrane-associated proteins on biological membrane surfaces
Abuillan W.
From: Ruperto-Carola University of Heidelberg, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Physical interactions of fish protamine and antisepsis peptide drugs with bacterial membranes revealed by combination of specular x-ray reflectivity and grazing-incidence x-ray fluorescence
Abuillan W., Schneck E., Körner A., Brandenburg K., Gutsmann T., Gill T., Vorobiev A., Konovalov O., Tanaka M.,
Physical Review E 88, 012705-1-012705-11 (2013)
Dichotomic aging behaviour in a colloidal glass
Angelini R., Zulian L., Fluerasu A., Madsen A., Ruocco G., Ruzicka B.,
Soft Matter 9, 10955-10959 (2013)
Local symmetry and domain patterns: Ordering phenomena in transition-metal oxides
Buccholz M.
From: Universität zu Köln, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Etude de films ultraminces de polystyrène par réflectivité des rayons X et ellipsométrie en fonction de leur exposition à du CO2 (Study of Polystyrene ultrathin film by X-ray reflectivity and ellipsometry according to CO2 exposure)
Chebil M.S.
From: Université du Maine, France (PhD Thesis),
Formation of artificial opals viewed in situ by X-ray grazing insidence diffraction
Chumakova A.V., Mistonov A.A., Vorobiev A.A., Chumakov A.P., Grigoryeva N.A., Sapoletova N.A., Napolskii K.S., Eliseev A.A., Grigoriev S.V.,
Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques 7, 1234-1239 (2013)
Upsampling speckle patterns for coherent X-ray diffraction imaging
Chushkin Y., Zontone F.,
Journal of Applied Crystallography 46, 319-323 (2013)
Self-assembly and phase behaviour of PEI : Cationic surfactant aqueous mixtures forming mesostructured films at the air/solution interface
Comas-Rojas H., Enríquez-Victorero C., Roser S.J., Edler K.J., Pérez-Gramatges A.,
Soft Matter 9, 4003-4014 (2013)
In situ SAXS investigation of structural changes in soft resorcinol-formaldehyde polymer gels during CO2-drying
Czakkel O., Nagy B., Geissler E., László K.,
Journal of Supercritical Fluids 75, 112-119 (2013)
Calcium mediated interaction of calf-thymus DNA with monolayers of distearoylphosphatidylcholine: A neutron and X-ray reflectivity study
Dabkowska A.P., Talbot J.P., Cavalcanti L., Webster J.R.P., Nelson A., Barlow D.J., Fragneto G., Lawrence M.J.,
Soft Matter 9, 7095-7105 (2013)
Release kinetics of gold nanoparticles from collagen microcapsules by total reflection X-ray fluorescence
Erokhina S., Konovalov O., Bianchini P., Diaspro A., Ruggiero C., Erokhin V., Pastorino L.,
Colloids and Surfaces A 417, 83-88 (2013)
Real-time X-ray scattering studies on temperature dependence of perfluoropentacene thin film growth
Frank C., Novák J., Gerlach A., Ligorio G., Broch K., Hinderhofer A., Aufderheide A., Banerjee R., Nervo R., Schreiber F.,
Journal of Applied Physics 114, 043515-1-043515-6 (2013)
Large-scale simultaneous orientation of CdSe nanorods and regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) by mechanical rubbing
Hartmann L., Djurado D., Florea I., Legrand J.F., Fiore A., Reiss P., Doyle S., Vorobiev A., Pouget S., Chandezon F., Ersen O., Brinkmann M.,
Macromolecules 46, 6177-6186 (2013)
Geometric and electronic structure of templated C60 on diindenoperylene thin films
Hinderhofer A., Gerlach A., Broch K., Hosokai T., Yonezawa K., Kato K., Kera S., Ueno N., Schreiber F.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 1053-1058 (2013)
Fast acquisition of extensive X-ray diffraction patterns of a gas-liquid interface in grazing-incidence geometry
Konovalov O.V., Vorobiev A.A.,
Journal of Applied Crystallography 46, 270-275 (2013)
Functionalization and characterization of cell membrane models towards controlling cell differentiation in pluripotent tissue explants
Körner A.
From: Ruprecht-Karls-Unversität, Germany, PhD Thesis,
Quantitative determination of lateral concentration and depth profile of histidine-tagged recombinant proteins probed by grazing incidence X-ray fluorescence
Körner A., Abuillan W., Deichmann C., Rossetti F.F., Kohler A., Konovalov O.V., Wedlich D., Tanaka M.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117, 5002-5008 (2013)
Cell differentiation of pluripotent tissue sheets immobilized on supported membranes displaying cadherin-11
Körner A., Deichmann C., Rossetti F.F., Kohler A., Konovalov O.V., Wedlich D., Tanaka M.,
PloS One 8, e54749-1-e54749-10 (2013)
Prolonged reorganization of thiol-capped Au nanoparticles layered structures
Kundu S., Das K., Konovalov O.,
AIP Advances 3, 092130-1-092130-8 (2013)
Molecular reorganization in organic field-effect transistors and its effect on two-dimensional charge transport pathways
Liscio F., Albonetti C., Broch K., Shehu A., Quiroga S.D., Ferlauto L., Frank C., Kowarik S., Nervo R., Gerlach A., Milita S., Schreiber F., Biscarini F.,
ACS Nano 7, 1257-1264 (2013)
Formation of single-crystalline CuS at the organic-aqueous interface
Maiti S., Sanyal M.K., Varghese N., Satpati B., Dasgupta D., Daillant J., Carrière D., Konovolov O., Rao C.N.R.,
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 25, 395401-1-395401-8 (2013)
Bottom-up assembly of ultrathin sub-micron size metal-organic framework sheets
Makiura R., Konovalov O.,
Dalton Transactions 42, 15931-15936 (2013)
Interfacial growth of large-area single-layer metal-organic framework nanosheets
Makiura R., Konovalov O.,
Scientific Reports 3, 2506-1-2506-8 (2013)
Etude des ondes de densité de charge par diffraction cohérente des rayons X (Charge density Wave studied by coherent X-ray diffraction)
Pinsolle E.
From: Université Paris Sud, France PhD Thesis,
Lipid ordering in planar 2D and 3D model membranes
Ropers M.H., Brezesinski G.,
Soft Matter 9, 9440-9448 (2013)
Relaxation dynamics and aging in structural glasses
Ruta B., Chushkin Y., Monaco G., Cipelletti L., Giordano V.M., Pineda E., Bruna P.,
AIP Conference Proceedings 1518, 181-188 (2013)
Negligible water surface charge determined using Kelvin probe and total reflection X-ray fluorescence techniques
Shapovalov V.L., Möhwald H., Konovalov O.V., Knecht V.,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, 13991-13998 (2013)
Measuring elastic properties of a protein monolayer at water surface by lateral compression
Singh A., Konovalov O.,
Soft Matter 9, 2845-2851 (2013)
Studies of atomic diffusion in Ni-Pt solid solution by x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
Stana M., Leitner M., Ross M., Sepiol B.,
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 25, 065401-1-065401-8 (2013)
Physics of interactions at biological and biomaterial interfaces
Tanaka M.,
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 18, 432-439 (2013)
Analysis of complex fluids using microfluidics: The particular case of DNA/polycations assemblies
Toma A.C., Dootz R., Pfohl T.,
Journal of Physics D 46, 114001-1-114001-9 (2013)
Direction dependent diffusion of aligned magnetic rods by means of X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
Wagner J., Märkert C., Fischer B., Müller L.,
Physical Review Letters 110, 048301-1-048301-5 (2013)
Formation of iron containing aggregates at the liquid-air interface
Wieland D.C.F., Degen P., Paulus M., Schroer M.A., Bieder S., Sahle C.J., Möller J., Leick S., Chen Z., Struth B., Rehage H., Tolan M.,
Colloids and Surfaces B 109, 74-81 (2013)
Robust ordered cubic mesostructured polymer/silica composite films grown at the air/water interface
Yang B., Holdaway J.A., Edler K.J.,
Langmuir 29, 4148-4158 (2013)
Quantitative determination of the lateral density and intermolecular correlation between proteins anchored on the membrane surfaces using grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering and grazing incidence X-ray fluorescence
Abuillan W., Vorobiev A., Hartel A., Jones N.G., Engstler M., Tanaka M.,
Journal of Chemical Physics 137, 204907-1-204907-8 (2012)
Low-voltage organic field effect transistors with a 2-tridecyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene semiconductor layer
Amin A.Y., Khassanov A., Reuter K., Meyer-Friedrichsen T., Halik M.,
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134, 16548-16550 (2012)
Interplay between H-bonding and alkyl-chain ordering in self-assembly of monodendritic L-alanine derivatives
Anokhin D.V., Lejnieks J., Mourran A., Zhu X., Keul H., Möller M., Konovalov O., Erina N., Ivanov D.A.,
ChemPhysChem 13, 1470-1478 (2012)
Mixing-induced anisotropic correlations in molecular crystalline systems
Aufderheide A., Broch K., Novák J., Hinderhofer A., Nervo R., Gerlach A., Banerjee R., Schreiber F.,
Physical Review Letters 109, 156102-1-156102-5 (2012)
Synchrotron XRR study of soft nanofilms at the mica-water interface
Briscoe W.H., Speranza F., Li P., Konovalov O., Bouchenoire L., van Stam J., Klein J., Jacobs R.M.J., Thomas R.K.,
Soft Matter 8, 5055-5068 (2012)
In situ X-ray reflectivity study of polystyrene ultrathin films swollen in carbon dioxide
Chebil M.S., Vignaud G., Grohens Y., Konovalov O., Sanyal M.K., Beuvier T., Gibaud A.,
Macromolecules 45, 6611-6617 (2012)
A novel event correlation scheme for X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
Chushkin Y., Caronna C., Madsen A.,
Journal of Applied Crystallography 45, 807-813 (2012)
Effect of molybdenum on the structure formation of resorcinol-formaldehyde hydrogel studied by coherent x-ray scattering
Czakkel O., Nagy B., Geissler E., László K.,
Journal of Chemical Physics 136, 234907-1-234907-7 (2012)
Structured oligo(aniline) nanofilms via ionic self-assembly
Dane T.G., Cresswell P.T., Bikondoa O., Newby G.E., Arnold T., Faul C.F.J., Briscoe W.H.,
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X-ray reflectivity at polarized liquid-Hg-aqueous-electrolyte interface: Challenging macroscopic approaches for ion-specificity issues
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Detection of lipid raft domains in neutral and anionic Langmuir monolayers and bilayers of complex lipid composition
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Freezing lines of colloidal Yukawa spheres. I. A Rogers-Young integral equation study
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Substrate-induced crystal plastic phase of a discotic liquid crystal
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Measuring Ca2+ -induced structural changes in lipid monolayers: Implications for synaptic vesicle exocytosis
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Post-growth surface smoothing of thin films of diindenoperylene
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In situ structural characterization of picene thin films by X-ray scattering: Vacuum versus O2 atmosphere
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Thermotropic behavior, packing, and thin film structure of an electron accepting side-chain polymer
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X-ray studies of biological matter in microfluidic environments
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Etude en rayons X cohérents de la dynamique de suspensions concentrées de sphères dures (Probing dynamics of hard sphere suspensions at high volume fractions with coherent X-rays)
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Time-resolved study of the crystallization dynamics in a metallic glass
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Structural study of formation of Mn-doped ZnO nanocrystals embedded in alumina matrix from ZnMnO/Al2O3 multilayer nanostructures
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Self-assembled iron oxide nanoparticle multilayer: X-ray and polarized neutron reflectivity
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Chitosan-behenic acid monolayer interaction at the air-water interface: Characterization of the adsorbed polymer layers by X-ray reflectivity
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X-ray radiation damage of organic semiconductor thin films during grazing incidence diffraction experiments
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Decay of interfacial fluid ordering probed by X-ray reflectivity
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On the relation between hierarchical morphology and mechanical properties of a colloidal 2D gel system
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Heterogeneous and anisotropic dynamics of a 2D gel
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Dynamics in dense hard-sphere colloidal suspensions
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Semiconductor nanorod self-assembly at the liquid/air interface studied by in situ GISAXS and ex situ TEM
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Creep, flow, and phase slippage regimes: An extensive view of the sliding charge-density wave revealed by coherent X-ray diffraction
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Pinning and depinning process of an incommensurate CDW as revealed by coherent X-ray diffraction
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Structural and optical properties of mixed diindenoperylene-perfluoropentacene thin films
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Nucleation of lateral compositional modulation in InGaP epitaxial films grown on (001) GaAs
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Structure formation in low-bandgap polymer: Fullerene solar cell blends in the course of solvent evaporation
Schmidt-Hansberg B., Klein M.F.G., Sanyal M., Buss F., de Medeiros G.Q.G., Munuera C., Vorobiev A., Colsmann A., Scharfer P., Lemmer U., Barrena E., Schabel W.,
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Investigation of non-halogenated solvent mixtures for high throughput fabrication of polymer-fullerene solar cells
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Cross-amyloid interaction of Aβ and IAPP at lipid membranes
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Polymer-capped magnetite nanoparticles change the 2D structure of DPPC model membranes
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Nonequilibrium phases of nanoparticle Langmuir films
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Comparing the growth of a molecular semiconductor on amorphous and semi-crystalline polycarbonate substrates
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Amino acids recognition by water-soluble uncharged porphyrin tweezers: Spectroscopic evidences in high optical density solutions
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Control of mesostructure in self-assembled polymer/surfactant films by rational micelle design
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Crystallisation kinetics in thin films of dihexyl-terthiophene: The appearance of polymorphic phases
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Interface induced crystal structures of dioctyl-terthiophene thin films
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Structure and short-time dynamics in concentrated suspensions of charged colloids
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Anion-specificity at water-air interface probed by total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TRXF)
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Silica-surfactant-polyelectrolyte film formation: Evolution in the subphase
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Structural reordering in monolayers of gold nanoparticles during transfer from water surface to solid substrate
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Long range nanometer scale organization of semi-fluorinated alkane monolayers at the air/water interface
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Surface-induced micelle orientation in Nafion films
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Black lipid membranes studied by x-ray phase contrast imaging
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Auto-assemblage de nanoparticules aux interfaces en milieu liquide (Solvent-mediated nanoparticles self-assembly at surfaces and buried interfaces)
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Compressibility study of quaternary phospholipid blend monolayers
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Evolution of dynamics and structure during formation of a cross-linked polymer gel
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Structural and dynamic properties of linker histone H1 binding to DNA
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In(Ga)As/GaAs(001) quantum dot molecules probed by nanofocus high resolution x-ray diffraction with 100 nm resolution
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Fabrication et analyse de nanomatériaux à bases d'oxydes par des techniques de diffusion de rayonnement (Fabrication and analysis of nanomaterials bases oxides by scattering technics)
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Microstructure and phase behavior of a quinquethiophene-based self-assembled monolayer as a function of temperature
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Structural and morphological changes of P3HT films in the planar geometry of an OFET device under an applied electric field
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Mesoporous titanium dioxide films using partially fluorinated surfactant templates in ethanol
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Templating effect for organic heterostructure film growth: Perfluoropentacene on diindenoperylene
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Amyloidogenic peptides at hydrophobic-hydrophilic interfaces: Coordination affinities and the chelate effect dictate the competitive binding of Cu2+ and Zn2+
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Structure and phase behavior of archaeal lipid monolayers
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Strain control of magnetic anisotropy in (Ga,Mn)As microbars
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Unit cell parameters of wurtzite InP nanowires determined by x-ray diffraction
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Kinetics of jammed systems: PNIPA gels
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Quasi-elastic scattering under short-range order: The linear regime and beyond
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Dynamics of hard sphere suspensions using dynamic light scattering and X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy: Dynamics and scaling of the intermediate scattering function
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Strain field in (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs periodic wires revealed by coherent X-ray diffraction
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Selective coherent x-ray diffractive imaging of displacement fields in (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs periodic wires
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Temperature stability of the pentacene thin-film phase
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Slow aging dynamics and avalanches in a gold-cadmium alloy investigated by X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
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Spectral-selective X-ray methods for structure diagnostics of ordered bioorganic nanosystems on a liquid surface
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Microscopic dynamics in nanocomposite photosensitive films studied by X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
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Permeability variation study in collagen-based polymeric capsules
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Collagen containing microcapsules: Smart containers for disease controlled therapy
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In-situ study of real time structural evolution during polymer, fullerene bulk heterojunction thin film formation
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In situ X-ray study of drying-temperature influence on the structural evolution of bulk-heterojunction polymer-fullerene solar cells processed by doctor-blading
Sanyal M., Schmidt-Hansberg B., Klein M.F.G., Colsmann A., Munuera C., Vorobiev A., Lemmer U., Schabel W., Dosch H., Barrena E.,
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Effect of photovoltaic polymer/fullerene blend composition ratio on microstructure evolution during film solidification investigated in real time by X-ray diffraction
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Moving through the phase diagram: Morphology formation in solution cast polymer-fullerene blend films for organic solar cells
Schmidt-Hansberg B., Sanyal M., Klein M.F.G., Pfaff M., Schnabel N., Jaiser S., Vorobiev A., Müller E., Colsmann A., Scharfer P., Gerthsen D., Lemmer U., Barrena E., Schabel W.,
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A small-angle scattering chamber for x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy at low temperatures
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Physical chemistry of biological interfaces: Generic and specific roles of soft interlayers
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Self organization of magnetic nanoparticles: A polarized grazing incidence small angle neutron scattering and grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering study
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Specific bilayer on the surface of water-based ferrofluids: Structure and particular persistence
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Macroscopic and microscopic investigation of the antiferromagnetic phase of TbB6
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Surface structure of Nafion in vapor and liquid
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Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction determination of the structure of two-dimensional organic-inorganic crystals at the water surface
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Self-assembled Si0.80Ge0.20 nanoripples on Si(1 1 10) substrates
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Slow dynamics of a colloidal lamellar phase
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X-ray diffraction from periodically patterned GaAs nanorods grown onto GaAs[111]B
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Association of titania with nonionic block copolymers in ethanol: The early stages of templating and film formation
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Highly charged inorganic-organic colloidal core-shell particles
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Structure and dynamics of glassy charged colloids studied with coherent small angle X-ray scattering
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