Electronic and magnetic phase diagram of Sr2FeO4 at high pressure: A synchrotron Mössbauer study
Adler P., Medvedev S.A., Mu Q., Bessas D., Chumakov A., Yaroslavtsev S., Jansen M., Felser C.,
Physical Review B 110, 054444-1-054444-12 (2024)
Following the structural changes of iron oxides during reduction under transient conditions
Braun L., Spielmann J., Doronkin D.E., Kuhn C., Maliugin A., Sharapa D.I., Huck I., Bao J., Tischer S., Studt F., Deutschmann O., Kramm U.I., Grunwaldt J.D.,
ChemSusChem 17, e202401045-1-e202401045-13 (2024)
Glass‐like phonon dynamics and thermal transport in a GeTe nano‐composite at low temperature
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A bis-phenolate carbene-supported bis-μ-oxo iron(IV/IV) complex with a [FeIV(μ-O)2FeIV] diamond core derived from dioxygen activation
Gravogl L., Kass D., Pyschny O., Heinemann F.W., Haumann M., Katz S., Hildebrandt P., Dau H., Swain A., García-Serres R., Ray K., Munz D., Meyer K.,
Journal of the American Chemical Society 146, 28757-28769 (2024)
Magnetic and structural properties of the iron silicide superconductor LaFeSiH
Hansen M.F., Layek S., Vaney J.B., Chaix L., Suchomel M.R., Mikolasek M., Garbarino G., Chumakov A., Rüffer R., Nassif V., Hansen T., Elkaïm E., Pelletier T., Mayaffre H., Bernardini F., Sulpice A., Núñez-Regueiro M., Rodière P., Cano A., Tencé S., Toulemonde P., Julien M.H., D'Astuto M.,
Physical Review B 109, 174523-1-174523-14 (2024)
Nuclear resonance techniques for high-pressure research: Example of the ID18 beamline of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Kupenko I., Li X., Müller S.C., Bessas D., Yaroslavtsev S., Aprilis G., Chumakov A.I., Celse J.P., Rüffer R.,
High Pressure Research 44, 310-336 (2024)
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