zebracrist_destroy_final.jpg (Zebracrist destroy final)


13th - 14th November 2003

Venue:   ESRF, Auditorium  


Workshop Secretary:


Elspeth Garman, University of Oxford, UK
Sean McSweeney, ESRF Grenoble, France
Colin Nave, SRS Daresbury, UK
Raimond Ravelli, EMBL Grenoble, France
Gerd Rosenbaum, University of Georgia, USA

 Claudine Brun


Scope of the Workshop

This Workshop will be held at the ESRF, Grenoble (France) from Thursday 13th to Friday 14th November 2003. It will build on the First (ESRF, June 1999) and Second (APS, December 2001) Workshops.

Since the First Workshop there has been a growing awareness of the effects of radiation damage on the structures of biomolecules. This has led to a sharp increase in efforts to understand radiation damage in cryocooled protein crystals. Many protein crystallographers are realising that there is a need for more thorough investigation of the underlying processes involved, so that their experiments are not limited by radiation damage. Thus there is a keen interest in the topic.

The Workshop will consist of approximately 20 invited presentations with ample time being reserved for questions and discussion.

To optimise the chance for open discussion of the topics, attendance has been limited to around 40 participants

Registration is now closed.

Limited travel contribution is available for students. Please send your request to the workshop organisers, providing a letter of recommendation from your supervisor.

Looking forward to meeting you in Grenoble.

The Organisers.