HDB++ Introduction

  • The TANGO archiving system is a tool allowing TANGO users to store the readings coming from a TANGO based control system into a database.
  • The archived data are essential for the day by day operation of complex scientific facilities for instance.
  • They can be used for long term monitoring of subsystems, statistics, parameters correlation or comparison of operating setups over time.
  • To take advantage of the fast and lightweight event-driven communication provided by TANGO release 9 with the adoption of ZeroMQ, a novel archiving system for the TANGO Controls framework, named HDB++, has been designed and developed, resulting from a collaboration between Elettra and ESRF at the beginning.
  • HDB++ design allows TANGO users to store data with microsecond timestamp resolution into traditional database management systems such as MySQL or into NoSQL databases such as Apache Cassandra.

HDB++ Global principle

  • A TANGO device (HdbConfigurationManager class) manage one or several HdbEventSubscriber device(s).

  • Each HdbEventSubscriber TANGO device is in charge to subscribe to archive events for a set of attributes.

    When an event is received the attribute content is stored to the history database (depending on the used library).

  • Several HdbConfigurationManager device could be defined.
    For instance:
    • One for the accelerator
    • One for each beamline.

Tools Introduction


  • The first goal of this tool is to add attributes to archiver.
  • The second goal is to start and stop attributes archiving.
  • The second goal is to manage contexts and strategies (see Strategies and Contexts)
  • The first goal is to know at a quick glance, if everything is OK in HDB++ system, and otherwise to be able to diagnose a problem and solve it.
  • The second goal is to have statistics to know the HDB++ load and attribute distribution on archivers.

Start up

  • Tools are Java Tango GUI.

  • That means that the $CLASSPATH needs:
    • JTango.jar
    • ATKWidget.jar
    • ATKCore.jar
    • Jive.jar
    • hdbpp-configurator.jar
  • To run them, the manager device name must be exported as an environment variable:

    e.g: export HdbManager=sys/hdb-manager/accelerator

  • Then start the java class:

    java org.tango.hdb_configurator.configurator.HdbConfigurator


    java org.tango.hdb_configurator.diagnostics.HdbDiagnostics