Strategies and Contexts


  • A context could be seen like a state of the controlled equipments.

  • For instance the contexts could be:

    Shutdown Equipments are stopped
    Run Equipments are running
    Tests Equipments are in test
    . . . Equipments are . . .
  • The system provides the context ALWAYS


  • A strategy defines a context or several contexts when the attribute must be stored.
  • For instance if the strategy is Run the attribute will be stored when the context will be Run and not stored otherwise.
  • If the strategy is Run | Tests the attribute will be stored when the context will be Run or Tests, and not stored otherwise.

TTL (Time To Live)

  • The HDB++ storage is normally done forever.

  • But a feature name TTL provides to specified a period for the data. After this period the data will be deleted.

    It could be useful for sepecific tests or