
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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    SONY.MAC - Macros to access the Sony Camera via the Meteor2 frame grabber card from spec.
    The Meteor2 device server can be accessed via SPEC as a standart CCD camera. All standart functionality is implemented. On the Sony camera several extra features are available which are accessible via this set of macros. The main features are:
    • Counters on calculated beam parameters (spot center, size, ...)
    • Manual and automatic image intensity calibration
    • Live mode for monitoring
    • Intensity threshold on image

    sony_setup ID13/meteor2/sony
    It will declare the camera device so that it is known by the macros.
    Shows all readable parameters for the camera with their index and actual values. The actual SONY camera set-up is:
    [index] : description : value
    [0] : Exposure time : 0.000000
    [1] : Threshold : 0
    [9] : Live mode : 0
    [30] : Auto calibration mode : 0
    [2] : Calibrated max. Intensity : 0
    [3] : Full image siz X : 0
    [4] : Full image siz Y : 0
    [5] : ROI start X : 0
    [6] : ROI start Y : 0
    [7] : ROI end X : 0
    [8] : ROI end Y : 0
    [10] : Number of beam spots : 0
    [11] : Beam intensity : 0
    [29] : Nomalized beam intensity : 0
    : (Beam intensity/Exposure time)
    [12] : Beam center X : 0.00
    [13] : Beam center Y : 0.00
    [14] : Beam size FWHM X : 0
    [15] : Beam size FWHM Y : 0
    [16] : Beam size full X : 0
    [17] : Beam size full Y : 0
    [18] : Max. pixel value : 0
    [19] : Max. pixel X : 0
    [20] : Max. pixel Y : 0
    [21] : Beam spot start X : 0
    [22] : Beam spot start Y : 0
    [23] : Beam spot end X : 0
    [24] : Beam spot end Y : 0
    [25] : Beam spot FWHM start X : 0
    [26] : Beam spot FWHM start Y : 0
    [27] : Beam spot FWHM end X : 0
    [28] : Beam spot FWHM end Y : 0
    sony_counter_add inten 11
    Configures the counter inten with the beam intensity value (index = 11)
    sony_counter_add cenx 12
    Configures the counter cenx with the beam center X value (index = 12)
    sony_counter_add ceny 13
    Configures the counter ceny with the beam center Y value (index = 13)
    Switches on the configured counters during ct and scans.

    Usage: sony_setup [ device_name ]
    It will declare the camera device so that it is known by the macros.

    Usage: sony_unsetup
    Cleans-up the camera and counter set-up.

    Usage: sony_on
    Switches on the configured counters during ct and scans.

    Usage: sony_off
    Disables the configured counters during ct and scans.

    Usage: sony_counter_add [ counter_mnemonic value_index ]
    Adds the counter with the given mnemonic which reads the camera value specified by the index. The index can be found executing "sony_show"!

    Usage: sony_counter_remove [ counter_mnemonic ]
    Removes the counter with the given mnemonic.

    Usage: sony_set_threshold (threshold)
    Sets the intensity threshold for the camera.

    Usage: sony_get_threshold ()
    Returns the intensity threshold for the camera.

    Usage: sony_set_exposure (exposure_time)
    Sets the exposure time for the camera.

    Usage: sony_get_exposure ()
    Returns the actual exposure time off the camera.

    Usage: sony_set_max_exposure (max_exposure_time)
    Sets the maximum exposure time for the camera.

    Usage: sony_get_max_exposure ()
    Returns the maximum exposure time off the camera.

    Usage: sony_live_on ()
    Sets the camera to live mode

    Usage: sony_live_off ()
    Stops the camera live mode

    Usage: sony_autocal_on (min_intensity, max_intensity)
    Switch on the intensity calibration for every image aquired. The camera calibrates the image intensity to the specified range before taking an image by changing the exposure time.

    Usage: sony_autocal_off ()
    Switch off the intensity calibration for every image aquired.

    Usage: sony_calibrate_intensity (min_intensity, max_intensity)
    The camera calibrates the image intensity to the specified range by changing the exposure time.

    Usage: sony_show
    Shows all readable parameters for the camera with their index and actual values.

Internal Macros:
    Usage: sony_ct_add (counter_mnemonic value_index)
    Adds the counter with the given mnemonic which reads the camera value specified by the index. The index can be found executing "sony_show"!

    Usage: sony_ct_remove (counter_mnemonic)
    Removes the counter with the given mnemonic.

    Usage: sony_ct_read
    Reads all counters specified for the camera if the reading was eanabled by "sony_on"!

Filename: sony.mac
Author: J. MEYER / BLISS / ESRF 2002
Last mod.: 22/11/2002 17:57 by meyer