
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%NAME% SONY.MAC - Macros to access the Sony Camera via the Meteor2 frame
# 		grabber card from spec.
#   The Meteor2 device server can be accessed via SPEC as a standart CCD 
# 	 camera. All standart functionality is implemented. On the Sony camera 
#   several extra features are available which are accessible via this 
#   set of macros.
#   The main features are:
#%LI% Counters on calculated beam parameters (spot center, size, ...)
#%LI% Manual and automatic image intensity calibration
#%LI% Live mode for monitoring
#%LI% Intensity threshold on image
#%DT%  sony_setup ID13/meteor2/sony %DD%
#    It will declare the camera device so that it is known
#    by the macros.
#%DT%  sony_show %DD%
#    Shows all readable parameters for the camera with their index
#	  and actual values. The actual SONY camera set-up is:
#%DD%	[index] : description : value
#%DD%	-----------------------------------------
#%DD%	[0]  : Exposure time             : 0.000000
#%DD%	[1]  : Threshold                 :   0
#%DD%	[9]  : Live mode                 : 0
#%DD%	[30] : Auto calibration mode     : 0
#%DD%	[2]  : Calibrated max. Intensity :   0
#%DD%	[3]  : Full image siz X          :    0
#%DD%	[4]  : Full image siz Y          :    0
#%DD%	[5]  : ROI start X               :    0
#%DD%	[6]  : ROI start Y               :    0
#%DD%	[7]  : ROI end X                 :    0
#%DD%	[8]  : ROI end Y                 :    0
#%DD%	[10] : Number of beam spots      : 0
#%DD%	[11] : Beam intensity            : 0
#%DD%	[29] : Nomalized beam intensity  : 0
#%DD%	     : (Beam intensity/Exposure time)
#%DD%	[12] : Beam center X             :   0.00
#%DD%	[13] : Beam center Y             :   0.00
#%DD%	[14] : Beam size FWHM X          :    0
#%DD%	[15] : Beam size FWHM Y          :    0
#%DD%	[16] : Beam size full X          :    0
#%DD%	[17] : Beam size full Y          :    0
#%DD%	[18] : Max. pixel value          :   0
#%DD%	[19] : Max. pixel X              :    0
#%DD%	[20] : Max. pixel Y              :    0
#%DD%	[21] : Beam spot start X         :    0
#%DD%	[22] : Beam spot start Y         :    0
#%DD%	[23] : Beam spot end X           :    0
#%DD%	[24] : Beam spot end Y           :    0
#%DD%	[25] : Beam spot FWHM start X    :    0
#%DD%	[26] : Beam spot FWHM start Y    :    0
#%DD%	[27] : Beam spot FWHM end X      :    0
#%DD%	[28] : Beam spot FWHM end Y      :    0
#%DT%  sony_counter_add inten 11 %DD%
#    Configures the counter inten with the beam intensity value (index = 11)
#%DT%  sony_counter_add cenx 12 %DD%
#    Configures the counter cenx with the beam center X value (index = 12)
#%DT%  sony_counter_add ceny 13 %DD%
#    Configures the counter ceny with the beam center Y value (index = 13)
#%DT%  sony_on %DD%
#    Switches on the configured counters during ct and scans.
global	SONY_ON
list_test	SONY_CT_LIST

#%UU% [ device_name ]
# It will declare the camera device so that it is known
# by the macros.
def sony_setup '{

    if ($# == 1) {
        SONY_DEVICE = "$1"
    } else {
       printf("    Usage: ");
       tty_cntl("md");print "sony_setup device_name";tty_cntl("me")

   cdef ("user_getcounts", "sony_ct_read\n", "beamct", 0x10)

# Cleans-up the camera and counter set-up.
def sony_unsetup '{
        print "Deleting the sony beam parameter counters!"

        cdef ("","","beamct","delete")

# Switches on the configured counters during ct and scans.
def sony_on '{
	SONY_ON = 1

# Disables the configured counters during ct and scans.
def sony_off '{
	local	_mne
	local	_ct_num
	local 	_counters

	SONY_ON = 0
	_counters = list_n (SONY_CT_LIST)
	for (i=1; i <= _counters; i++) {
		_ct_num = cnt_num (_mne = list_item (SONY_CT_LIST, i))			
	 		S[_ct_num] = 0

#%UU% [ counter_mnemonic value_index ]
# Adds the counter with the given mnemonic which reads the camera value 
# specified by the index. The index can be found executing "sony_show"!
def sony_counter_add '{

    if ($# == 2) {
	 	  sony_ct_add  ("$1", $2)
    } else {
       printf("    Usage: ");
       tty_cntl("md");print "sony_counter_add counter_mnemonic signal_index";tty_cntl("me")

#%UU% [ counter_mnemonic ]
# Removes the counter with the given mnemonic.
def sony_counter_remove '{

    if ($# == 1) {
	 	  sony_ct_remove  ("$1")
    } else {
       printf("    Usage: ");
       tty_cntl("md");print "sony_counter_remove counter_mnemonic";tty_cntl("me")

#%IU% (counter_mnemonic value_index)
# Adds the counter with the given mnemonic which reads the camera value 
# specified by the index. The index can be found executing "sony_show"!
def sony_ct_add (counter_mnemonic, signal_index) '{
	 list_add (SONY_CT_LIST, counter_mnemonic)
    list_setpar(SONY_CT_LIST, counter_mnemonic, "index", signal_index)

#%IU% (counter_mnemonic)
# Removes the counter with the given mnemonic.
def sony_ct_remove (counter_mnemonic) '{
	local	_ct_num
	list_remove(SONY_CT_LIST, counter_mnemonic)
	_ct_num = cnt_num (counter_mnemonic)
	S[_ct_num] = 0

# Reads all counters specified for the camera if the reading was eanabled
# by "sony_on"!
def sony_ct_read '{
	 local	_val
	 local	_mne
	 local	_index
	 local	_ct_num
	 local 	_counters

	 if (SONY_ON == 1){
	 	esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE, "DevReadSigValues", _val)
		_counters = list_n (SONY_CT_LIST)
    	for (i=1; i <= _counters; i++) {
			_ct_num = cnt_num (_mne = list_item (SONY_CT_LIST, i))
			_index = list_getpar (SONY_CT_LIST, _mne, "index")
	 		S[_ct_num] = _val[_index]

#%UU% (threshold)
# Sets the intensity threshold for the camera.
def sony_set_threshold (threshold) '{
		esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE, "DevCcdSetThreshold", threshold)

#%UU% ()
# Returns the intensity threshold for the camera.
def sony_get_threshold () '{
	local	_th
	_th = esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE, "DevCcdGetThreshold")
	return _th

#%UU% (exposure_time)
# Sets the exposure time for the camera.
def sony_set_exposure (exp_time) '{
		esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE, "DevCcdSetExposure", exp_time)

#%UU% ()
# Returns the actual exposure time off the camera.
def sony_get_exposure () '{
	local	_exp
	_exp = esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE, "DevCcdGetExposure")
	return _exp

#%UU% (max_exposure_time)
# Sets the maximum exposure time for the camera.
def sony_set_max_exposure (exp_time) '{
		esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE, "DevCcdSetMaxExposure", exp_time)

#%UU% ()
# Returns the maximum exposure time off the camera.
def sony_get_max_exposure () '{
	local	_exp
	_exp = esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE, "DevCcdGetMaxExposure")
	return _exp

#%UU% ()
# Sets the camera to live mode
def sony_live_on () '{
		esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE, "DevCcdSetLive", 1)

#%UU% ()
# Stops the camera live mode
def sony_live_off () '{
		esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE, "DevCcdSetLive", 0)

#%UU% (min_intensity, max_intensity)
# Switch on the intensity calibration for every image aquired.
# The camera calibrates the image intensity to the specified range
# before taking an image by changing the exposure time.
def sony_autocal_on (min_intensity, max_intensity) '{
		local argin
		argin[0] = 1
		argin[1] = min_intensity
		argin[2] = max_intensity
		esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE, "DevCalibration", argin)

#%UU% ()
# Switch off the intensity calibration for every image aquired.
def sony_autocal_off () '{
		local argin
		argin[0] = 0
		esrf_io(SONY_DEVICE, "DevCalibration", argin)

#%UU% (min_intensity, max_intensity)
# The camera calibrates the image intensity to the specified range
# by changing the exposure time.
def sony_calibrate_intensity (min_intensity, max_intensity) '{
	local	argin
	local	state
	local calib_values

	# I know its dirty to put the device name here!

	calib_values[0] = -1.0
	calib_values[1] = -1.0

	argin[0] = min_intensity
	argin[1] = max_intensity 

	esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE,"DevSetCalib", argin)
	state = esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE,"DevState")

	# state == DevCcdTaking 
	while ( state == 202899458 ) {
		state = esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE,"DevState")

	# state == DevCcdReady 
	if ( state == 202899457 ) {
		esrf_io(SONY_DEVICE, "DevGetCalib", calib_values)
	} else {
		p "Calibration did not finish correctly!"
		p esrf_io(METEOR_DEVICE, "DevCcdGetLstErrMsg")

	return calib_values

#    Shows all readable parameters for the camera with their index
#	  and actual values.
def sony_show '{
	local _val
	esrf_io (SONY_DEVICE, "DevReadSigValues", _val)
	printf ("The actual SONY camera set-up is:\n\n")
	printf ("[index] : description : value\n")
  	printf ("[0]  : Exposure time             : %f\n", _val[0])
	printf ("[1]  : Threshold                 : %3.0f\n", _val[1])
	printf ("[9]  : Live mode                 : %1.0f\n", _val[9])
	printf ("[30] : Auto calibration mode     : %1.0f\n", _val[30])
	printf ("[2]  : Calibrated max. Intensity : %3.0f\n", _val[2])
	printf ("\n")
	printf ("[3]  : Full image siz X          : %4.0f\n", _val[3])
	printf ("[4]  : Full image siz Y          : %4.0f\n", _val[4])
	printf ("\n")
	printf ("[5]  : ROI start X               : %4.0f\n", _val[5])
	printf ("[6]  : ROI start Y               : %4.0f\n", _val[6])
	printf ("[7]  : ROI end X                 : %4.0f\n", _val[7])
	printf ("[8]  : ROI end Y                 : %4.0f\n", _val[8])
	printf ("\n")
	printf ("[10] : Number of beam spots      : %1.0f\n", _val[10])
	printf ("[11] : Beam intensity 	         : %g\n", _val[11])
	printf ("[29] : Nomalized beam intensity  : %g\n", _val[29])
	printf ("     : (Beam intensity/Exposure time)\n")
	printf ("\n")
	printf ("[12] : Beam center X             : %6.2f\n", _val[12])
	printf ("[13] : Beam center Y             : %6.2f\n", _val[13])
	printf ("[14] : Beam size FWHM X          : %4.0f\n", _val[14])
	printf ("[15] : Beam size FWHM Y          : %4.0f\n", _val[15])
	printf ("[16] : Beam size full X          : %4.0f\n", _val[16])
	printf ("[17] : Beam size full Y          : %4.0f\n", _val[17])			
	printf ("\n")
	printf ("[18] : Max. pixel value          : %3.0f\n", _val[18])			
	printf ("[19] : Max. pixel X              : %4.0f\n", _val[19])			
	printf ("[20] : Max. pixel Y              : %4.0f\n", _val[20])			
	printf ("\n")	
	printf ("[21] : Beam spot start X         : %4.0f\n", _val[21])
	printf ("[22] : Beam spot start Y         : %4.0f\n", _val[22])
	printf ("[23] : Beam spot end X           : %4.0f\n", _val[23])
	printf ("[24] : Beam spot end Y           : %4.0f\n", _val[24])
	printf ("[25] : Beam spot FWHM start X    : %4.0f\n", _val[21])
	printf ("[26] : Beam spot FWHM start Y    : %4.0f\n", _val[22])
	printf ("[27] : Beam spot FWHM end X      : %4.0f\n", _val[23])
	printf ("[28] : Beam spot FWHM end Y      : %4.0f\n", _val[24])
	printf ("\n")		
