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New Head for the Instrumentation Services and Development Division
ESRF Management has appointed Michael Krisch as the new Head of the Instrumentation Services and Development Division. Michael replaces Jean Susini, who recently joined Harald Reichert as Director of Research. The appointment comes into effect from 1 June 2015 for five years.
Michael Krisch joined the European Synchrotron in 1988 as a trainee and then as a PhD student in the Optics Group. After receiving his degree from the University of Dortmund, Germany, he spent a year at Brookhaven National Laboratory before returning to the ESRF. He first worked at beamline ID16, and then was entrusted with the responsibility of ID28 in 1996. Since 2009, Michael has been Head of the Dynamics and Extreme Conditions Group. In 2012, he took over the project management of ID20, one of the Phase I Upgrade beamlines.
During his career, Michael's name has appeared in more than 200 publications in the field of X-ray instrumentation, X-ray spectroscopy and vibrational properties of condensed matter. “I am looking forward to working together with my ISDD colleagues to develop cutting-edge instrumentation and to provide optimum support for the accelerator complex and ESRF’s beamline portfolio. It is a challenging, but equally exciting period for us and our user community” concludes Michael.
We all welcome Michael in his new function and responsibilities and look forward to working together.
Top image: Michael Krisch (left) accepting his appointment as Head of the Instrumentation Services and Development Division, with Luis Sánchez Ortiz, Director of Administration.