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ESRF host a visit from the Italian CNR
A delegation led by Dr. C. Spinella of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) visited the ESRF today, 10 April 2015.
Dr. C. Spinella, Director of the CNR Department of Physical Sciences and Technologies of Matter visited the ESRF to learn about the ESRF and its significance for the Italian scientific programme in general and to learn in particular about the strategic importance of the ESRF research programme that serves the needs of the Italian scientific community using synchrotron radiation. Dr Spinella was accompanied by a delegation that included eminent Italian scientists who have been involved with synchrotron radiation and the ESRF for many years.
The delegation met with Francesco Sette (Director General, ESRF) and Harald Reichert (Director of Reseach, ESRF) and then visited a selection of beamlines, many of which are new or recently upgraded during Phase I of the ESRF Upgrade Programme. The beamlines were presented by Italian members of staff, highlighting the significant involvement of Italy in the running of this facility.
Harald Reichert commented that this was an opportunity to demonstrate the value of the ESRF to the Italian scientific community, but also how the rest of Europe benefits from the involvement of some of Italy’s foremost researchers using synchrotron light through their support of this pan-European facility.
The delegation also included Prof. A. Morgante, Director of the Istituto Officina dei Materiali (IOM) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) in Trieste, which is the institute that is responsible for the Italian CRG beamline (BM08), They were accompanied by Dr. A. Tajani, a representative of the ESRF Council's Italian delegation and Prof. G. Ghiringhelli, a member of the ESRF Science Advisory Committee.
The CNR is the entity that funds and coordinates a major part of the country’s public research. The CNR also represents the Italian interests in the ESRF.
Top image: Dr. Spinella (left) and Francesco Sette (Director General, ESRF) at beamline ID20, examining a diced analyser crystal used for high-resolution spectroscopy experiments.