
If you think that the backstop is misaligned, go to EXP spec section and tape for example "mvr bsy 0.1" to move it in horizontal direction by 0.1 mm in positive (= to the right if looking along the beam), or "mvr bsz -0.1" to move the beamstop by 0.1 mm down. Be sure what you are doing!!! Always take a test image to see the modifications.



Sample (i.e. capillary) can be moved for example (again in EXP spec) by "mvr sy 1" - in horizontal direction by 1 mm (can be useful if capillary too dirty when the beam is passing) and by "mvr sz 0.2" - in vertical up by 0.2 mm (if capilary is scattering on its wall).



Beam defining slits (sm**) and beam cleaning slits (s1** and s2**) can be re-adjusted by commands like: EXP> mvr s1vt 0.02, which will translate slit 1 verticaly (keep the same gap) by 20 microns.


All these alignments can be performed in quazi-automatic way using BsxCuBE interface in Beamline perspective (Expert mode).