Extended version

On this page you find information about the extended version and its features. It contains extensions to ANA done by Rainer Wilcke (wilcke@esrf.fr) and extensions to ROD done by Odile Robach (robach@esrf.fr), Marie-Claire Saint-Lager (stlager@polycnrs-gre.fr), Olof Svensson (svensson@esrf.fr) with Mikaël Doré, and Chris Walker (c.j.walker@physics.org).

The current version is "extended 1.7", it is based on the standard version 1.5. Consult the README.txt file for more information.

Standard version 1.6 introduced extensive changes to the code that made it incompatible with the extended version. It was therefore decided to discontinue the development of the extended version. This frozen version is and will remain available for download, because it contains features that might still be useful.

If someone is interested to port (some of) these features to the standard version, please contact R. Wilcke (wilcke@esrf.fr).

The following links lead to the documentation (pdf format):



Last updated on 11/Jul/2019