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The MACROS / LOG FILE Interface

The MACROS / LOG FILE Interface is a support interface which allows creation and running of macros, including running simple macros on whole sequences of files, and the creation of log files of the FIT2D output and user input. The main menu is shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28: The MACROS / LOG FILE Menu Commands

EXIT: Leave the MACROS / LOG FILE sub-menu, and return to the interfaces menu.

CREATE MACRO: Open a user specified file and start saving a macro of the current series of operations. The user is prompted with the name of a file in which to save the macro (fit2d.mac by default). Enter YES to use the suggested file, or NO to select another file using the file selection tool. See Section 8.1, Page [*] for full details on creating and using simple macros.

RUN SEQUENCE: Run a user specified macro on a series of files. At present this only allows for relatively simple macros i.e. macros which work on zero or one input file, and zero or one output file. This covers most real cases, but more complicated macros can be run using the SEQUENCE command in the ``KEYBOARD'' Interface. The user selects the macro file to run using the file selection tool, and the first and last files in the sequence. The user is then prompted FILE INCREMENT which is the step between inputting files in the sequence. Normally this will be 1, but to skip every other file, the value 2 would be entered. The OUTPUT FILES EXTENSION is then defined. If the macro includes input and output files, the output files will be created in the same directory and with the same file names as the input files, but a different file extension will be used. Here the file extension for the output files is defined. If no output files are defined then this value can be ignored.

?: Help text with short explanation of commands.

STOP MACRO: Closes a previously opened macro file; stops the recording of a sequence of operations. See Section 8.1, Page [*] for full details on creating and using simple macros.

OPEN LOG: Open a user specified file and start saving a macro of the current series of operations. The user is prompted with the name of a file in which to save the macro (fit2d.log by default). Enter YES to use the suggested file, or NO to select another file using the file selection tool.

HELP: Detailed help text on the interface and the available commands.

RUN MACRO: Run a macro once. The file selection tool is used to select the macro file to run. Whilst it must be done manually, a single macro file can be set up to run on a whole sequence of input and/or output files.

CLOSE LOG FILE: Close a previously opened log file; stop outputting a record of the FIT2D output and user input to a file.

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Andrew Hammersley