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Main Menu Commands

? List of available commands and functions
ADD Add active data region of memory to current data
ANNOTATION LABEL Define annotation labels for graphics
BLUR Blur data by a top hat convolution
BRAGGS' EQUATION Variety of uses of Braggs equation
CADD Add constant to active data region
CALCULATOR Reverse Polish Notation calculator
CALIBRATION Calculate or apply calibration functions
CDIVIDE Divide by a constant value the active data region
CLEAR DATA Set data region (and variances) to zero
CLOSE LOG Close log file
CMULTIPLY Multiply active data region by a constant
COLOUR TABLE Choice of colour table and index range
CONTOUR PLOT Graphic display of active data region
CREATE DATA Define blank data region (for simulation)
CURVE STYLES Set attributes for curve representation
DEFINE VARIABLE Define variable and its corresponding value
DIFFRACTION PATTERN Predict part of diffraction pattern
DIMENSIONS Change dynamic array dimensions
DISPLAY LIMITS Set maximum number of displayable pixels
DIVIDE Divide ROI of current data by the memory
END GRAPHICS FILE Close previously opened PostScript file
EXCHANGE Exchange current data with the memory contents
EXIT Exit from program
FAST IMAGE Fast output of an image to PostScript
FILTER Fourier Filtering of data with sharp cut-off filter
FIT Least squares fitting with Gaussian functions
FLIP Reflect data through horizontal or vertical middle
FONT Select text font to be used for all Roman text
FUJI LINEARISATION Convert intensities to linear scale
FULL REGION Set active data region to full data region
GAUSSIAN Add 2-D Gaussian to data
GEOMETRY (EXPERIMENT) Define experimental geometry
GRID Define graphics grid requirements
HELP User help and information
IMAGE Interactive control of image display
INFORMATION Information on the internal state of FIT2D
INPUT DATA Input data from data file
LINEARISE FILM Non-linearity corrections to film data
LIST VARIABLES Table of currently defined variables and values
LOGARITHM Take logarithm base 10 of all elements in ROI
MACRO Run previously saved macro definition file
MEDIAN FILTER Filter by taking median value within window
MOVE/ROTATE Move and or rotate image, output in memory
MULTIPLY Multiply ROI of memory to the current data
NORMALISE Normalise ROI; divide by maximum value within ROI
OFFSET/SCALE Calculate offset and scale between two images
OPEN LOG Open log file for record of input and output
OUTPUT DATA Output data to named data file
PAGE POSITION Set position of data display region on page
PEEP Look at pixel coordinates and value
PIXEL REGION Change active data region using pixel limits
PLOT DATA Plot data as 2-D image (or X-Y graph if 1-D)
POISSONIAN NOISE Add Poissonian noise to data
POWER SPECTRUM Calculate power spectrum of ROI
PRINT GRAPHICS Output graphics to a file for printing
PUBLICATION QUALITY Set attributes for high quality output
QUIT Exit from program
RAISE TO A POWER Raise elements in ROI to specified power
REBIN Re-bin data, output in memory
RECALL Recall data set from internal memory
REFLECT Reflect data about input line, output in memory
REGION Change active data region
ROI Defined Region Of Interest (Active Data Region) (pixels)
ROTATE LUT Interactive rotation of the colour table
RUN MACRO Run previously saved macro definition file
SELECT PIXEL OPERATION Operation on defined pixel value range
SEQUENCE Run macro for a sequence of files (or not)
SET ANNOTATION STYLE Set style of annotation label text
SET ARROW STYLE Set style of an arrow; style, colour, etc.
SET AXES STYLE Set style of axes, line width, colour, etc.
SET BACKGROUND STYLE Define background colour
SET COLOUR Set colour of graph lines, text, and markers
SET CURVE STYLES Set attributes for curve representation
SET ENUMERATION STYLE Set style for axis numbering
SET FONT Select text font to be used for all Roman text
SET GRID STYLE line type, colour, and width for grid
SET TICK POSITIONS Number, interval of large tick marks
SMOOTH Top-hat convolution smoothing of user input size
SPATIAL FILTERING Filtering in Spatial domain
START MACRO Save commands in macro definition file
STATISTICS Calculate parameters of a region of the data
STOP MACRO Close previously opened macro definition file
STORE Store present data set in internal memory
SUBTRACT Subtract active data region of memory from data
SURFACE INTERPOLATION User defined surface in memory
SYMMETRIC FUNCTION Add circularly symmetric function to data
TITLE Input new text for title
THRESHOLD Set minimum and/or maximum values in ROI
TRANSPOSE Transpose data arrays and variance arrays
UN-DEFINE VARIABLE Remove variable from translation table
UNIT CELL PARAMETERS Convert between real and reciprocal
V2C Variances to current and vice versa (special command)
VARIABLE Define variable and its corresponding value
VARIANCES DEFINITION Define variances from current data
WEIGHTED AVERAGE data and memory weighted by variances
X-AXIS LABEL Input new text for X-axis label
Y-AXIS LABEL Input new text for Y-axis label
Z-AXIS LABEL Input new text for Z-axis (intensity) label
1-D INTERPOLATION Correct 1-D values by interpolation
3-D SURFACE PLOT Graphics view of active data region
Z-SCALE Image scaling mode, automatic, minimum/maximum

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Andrew Hammersley