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PIXEL REGION is an alternative method to REGION to set the ROI. PIXEL REGION uses pixel numbers to set the ROI whereas REGION uses data coordinates which may be very different owing to offsets and re-binning of images.

The user is prompted for the X/Y lower and upper limits of the required ROI. The values must be within the given ranges, which are between 1 and the number of defined values for the lower limits, and between the lower limits and the number of defined values for the upper limits. e.g. The prompts and input values may appear as follows:

X-LOWER LIMIT (Range: 1 to 1152) [1]:500
Y-LOWER LIMIT (Range: 1 to 1482) [1]:600
X-UPPER LIMIT (Range: 500 to 1152) [1152]:800
Y-UPPER LIMIT (Range: 600 to 1482) [1482]:900

Andrew Hammersley