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Display of the ROI of the current data as a 2-D false colour pixel image with graphical input to change displayed region and set display attributes. This is the same as the graphical user interface MOVEMENT command; see Section 5.6, Page [*] for further information.

Figure 3, Page [*] shows an example of the display window complete with the graphical menu choices.

Many of the keyboard interface main menu commands change the behaviour of the displayed graphics:

ANNOTATION LABELS Add annotation labels to the graphics (See Section 15.5, Page [*])

DISPLAY LIMITS Set the maximum number of pixels which will be used in either the X or the Y-direction to output the image (this only affects the output to file). Larger images, or image regions, will be automatically re-binned to make the number of pixels smaller than the limit. (See Section 15.29, Page [*])

GRID Control horizontal and vertical, coarse and fine grid lines on top of image (See Section 15.44, Page [*])

SET **** The set commands will change the aspect of the displayed graphical items (See Section 15.91, Page [*] and following SET commands)

TITLE Change title of image. Section 15.116, Page [*])

X-AXIS LABEL Change text for X-axis label (See Section 15.126, Page [*])

Y-AXIS LABEL Change text for Y-axis label (See Section 15.127, Page [*])

Z-AXIS LABEL Change text for Z-axis (intensity) label (See Section 15.128, Page [*])

Z-SCALE Change scaling mode for the Z-scale (intensity). By default the data is always automatically scaled to display the full range of data values within the display region (See Section 15.129, Page [*])

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Andrew Hammersley