Tango Core Classes Reference  9.2.0
Tango Namespace Reference

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class  ApiUtil
 Miscellaneous utility methods usefull in a Tango client. More...
struct  ArchiveEventInfo
 Attribute archive event configuration. More...
class  Attr
 User class to create a no dimension attribute object. More...
class  AttrConfEventData
 Attribute configuration change event callback execution data. More...
class  AttrHistoryStack
 This class is a used to pass an attribute value history when the user directly fills the attribute polling buffer. More...
class  Attribute
 This class represents a Tango attribute. More...
struct  AttributeAlarmInfo
 Attribute alarms configuration. More...
struct  AttributeEventInfo
 Attribute event configuration. More...
struct  AttributeInfo
 Attribute configuration data extension. More...
struct  AttributeInfoEx
 Extended attribute configuration data. More...
class  AttributeProxy
 Easy to use interface to Tango device attribute. More...
class  AttrProp
 This class represents a Tango attribute property. More...
class  AttrReadEvent
 Asynchronous read attribute execution callback data. More...
class  AttrWrittenEvent
 Asynchronous write attribute execution callback data. More...
class  AutoConnectTimeout

Small utility classes

class  CallBack
 Event and asynchronous (callback model) calls base class. More...
struct  ChangeEventInfo
 Attribute change event configuration. More...
class  CmdDoneEvent
 Asynchronous command execution callback data. More...
class  CmdHistoryStack
 This class is a used to pass a command result history when the user directly fills the command polling buffer. More...
class  Command
 This class is a class representing a command in the TANGO device server pattern. More...
struct  CommandInfo
 Command information data extension. More...
class  Connection
 Base class for Tango device access. More...
class  Database
 A high level object which contains the link to the database. More...
struct  DataElement
 Fundamental type for extracting data from a device pipe blob. More...
class  DataReadyEventData
 Data ready event callback execution data. More...
class  DbClass
 A database object for a class which can be used to query or modify class properties. More...
class  DbDatum
 A database value. More...
class  DbDevExportInfo
 Device export information to the database. More...
class  DbDevFullInfo
 Device information from the database. More...
class  DbDevice
 A high level object for a device interface to the database. More...
class  DbDevImportInfo
 Device import information from the database. More...
class  DbDevInfo
 Device information for Database device creation. More...
class  DbHistory
 Class used to retrieve database object history. More...
class  DbServer
 A database object for a device server which can be used to query or modify server database information. More...
class  DbServerData
 Class used to move/copy a complete device server process database configuration from one Tango host to another. More...
struct  DevCommandInfo
 Base structure for command information. More...
class  Device_2Impl
 Base class for all TANGO device since version 2. More...
class  Device_3Impl
 Base class for all TANGO device since version 3. More...
class  Device_4Impl
 Base class for all TANGO device since version 4. More...
class  Device_5Impl
 Base class for all TANGO device since version 5. More...
class  DeviceAttribute
 Fundamental type for sending an dreceiving data to and from device attributes. More...
struct  DeviceAttributeConfig
 Base structure for Attribute configuration. More...
class  DeviceAttributeHistory
 Fundamental type for receiving data from device attribute polling buffers. More...
class  DeviceClass
 Base class for all TANGO device-class class. More...
class  DeviceData
 Fundamental type for sending and receiving data from device commands. More...
class  DeviceDataHistory
 Fundamental type for receiving data from device command polling buffers. More...
class  DeviceImpl
 Base class for all TANGO device. More...
class  DevicePipe
 Fundamental type for sending/receiving data from device pipes. More...
class  DevicePipeBlob
 A device pipe blob. More...
class  DeviceProxy
 High level class which provides the client with an easy-to-use interface to TANGO devices. More...
class  DevIntrChangeEventData
 Device interface change event callback execution data. More...
class  DoubleAttrProp
 This class represents a Tango compound attribute property which consists of two values. More...
class  EncodedAttribute
 This class provides method to deal with Tango::DevEncoded attribute format. More...
class  EventData
 Event callback execution data. More...
class  Except
 Container class for all exception related methods. More...
class  FwdAttr
 User class to create a forwarded attribute object. More...
class  Group
 High level class allowing the user to handle Tango group. More...
class  GroupAttrReply
 Single element group reply for a read attribute execution. More...
class  GroupAttrReplyList
 Group reply for a read_attribute execution. More...
class  GroupCmdReply
 Single element group reply for a command execution. More...
class  GroupCmdReplyList
 Group reply for a command execution. More...
class  GroupReply
 Base class for Group reply. More...
class  GroupReplyList
 Group reply for a write_attribute execution. More...
class  ImageAttr
 User class to create a two dimensions attribute object. More...
class  MultiAttribute
 There is one instance of this class for each device. More...
class  MultiAttrProp
 This class represents Tango modifiable attribute properties grouped in one object to facilitate setting and getting attribute properties in one go. More...
class  NamedDevFailed
 An exception class. More...
class  NamedDevFailedList
 An exception class. More...
struct  PeriodicEventInfo
 Attribute periodic event configuration. More...
class  Pipe
 This class is a class representing a pipe in the TANGO device server pattern. More...
class  PipeEventData
 Pipe event callback execution data. More...
struct  PipeInfo
 Base structure for pipe information. More...
class  SpectrumAttr
 User class to create a one dimension attribute object. More...
class  TemplCommand
 This class is a class representing a command in the template command model without input or output parameter. More...
class  TemplCommandIn
 This class is a class representing a command in the template command model with input parameter but without output parameter. More...
class  TemplCommandInOut
 This class is a class representing a command in the template command model with output and input parameters. More...
class  TemplCommandOut
 This class is a class representing a command in the template command model with output parameter but without input parameter. More...
class  TimedAttrData
 This class is used to store one element of an attribute history stack. More...
class  TimedCmdData
 This class is used to store one element of a command history stack. More...
class  UserDefaultAttrProp
 User class to set attribute default properties. More...
class  UserDefaultFwdAttrProp
 User class to set forwarded attribute default properties. More...
class  UserDefaultPipeProp
 User class to set pipe default properties. More...
class  Util
 This class is a used to store TANGO device server process data and to provide the user with a set of utilities method. More...
class  WAttribute
 This class represents a writable attribute. More...
class  WPipe
 This class is a class representing a writable pipe in the TANGO device server pattern. More...


typedef struct
 Attribute archive event configuration.
typedef struct
 Attribute alarms configuration.
typedef struct
 Attribute event configuration.
typedef Tango::AttributeInfo AttributeInfo
 Attribute configuration data extension.
typedef Tango::AttributeInfoEx AttributeInfoEx
 Extended attribute configuration data.
typedef vector< AttributeInfoExAttributeInfoListEx
 vector of AttributeInfoEx structure
typedef enum
 Possible memorized attribute type.
typedef struct
 Attribute change event configuration.
typedef Tango::CommandInfo CommandInfo
 Command information data extension.
typedef vector< CommandInfoCommandInfoList
 A vector of CommandInfo structure.
typedef vector< DbDevInfoDbDevInfos
 Some typedef and define.
typedef struct
 Base structure for command information. More...
typedef struct
 Base structure for Attribute configuration. More...
typedef struct
 Attribute periodic event configuration.
typedef struct Tango::PipeInfo PipeInfo
 Base structure for pipe information. More...


enum  _AttrMemorizedType {
 Possible memorized attribute type. More...
enum  asyn_req_type {
 Possible asynchronous request type. More...
enum  cb_sub_model {
 Possible callback mode. More...
enum  ErrorManagementType {
 Possible error management with write_read_attribute call. More...
enum  EventType {
 Possible event type. More...


void operator<< (DevVarCharArray &lval, const vector< unsigned char > &rval)
 Init a DevVarCharArray from a C++ vector of char(s). More...
void operator<< (vector< unsigned char > &lval, const DevVarCharArray &rval)
 Init a C++ vector of char from a DevVarCharArray. More...
void operator<< (DevVarShortArray &lval, const vector< short > &rval)
 Init a DevVarShortArray from a C++ vector of short(s). More...
void operator<< (vector< short > &lval, const DevVarShortArray &rval)
 Init a C++ vector of short from a DevVarShortArray. More...
void operator<< (DevVarLongArray &lval, const vector< DevLong > &rval)
 Init a DevVarLongArray from a C++ vector of DevLong(s). More...
void operator<< (vector< DevLong > &lval, const DevVarLongArray &rval)
 Init a C++ vector of DevLong from a DevVarLongArray. More...
void operator<< (DevVarLong64Array &lval, const vector< DevLong64 > &rval)
 Init a DevVarLongArray from a C++ vector of DevLong64(s). More...
void operator<< (vector< DevLong64 > &lval, const DevVarLong64Array &rval)
 Init a C++ vector of long from a DevVarLong64Array. More...
void operator<< (DevVarFloatArray &lval, const vector< float > &rval)
 Init a DevVarFloatArray from a C++ vector of float(s). More...
void operator<< (vector< float > &lval, const DevVarFloatArray &rval)
 Init a C++ vector of long from a DevVarFloatArray. More...
void operator<< (DevVarDoubleArray &lval, const vector< double > &rval)
 Init a DevVarDoubleArray from a C++ vector of double(s). More...
void operator<< (vector< double > &lval, const DevVarDoubleArray &rval)
 Init a C++ vector of long from a DevVarDoubleArray. More...
void operator<< (DevVarBooleanArray &lval, const vector< bool > &rval)
 Init a DevVarBooleanArray from a C++ vector of bool(s). More...
void operator<< (vector< bool > &lval, const DevVarBooleanArray &rval)
 Init a C++ vector of long from a DevVarBooleanArray. More...
void operator<< (DevVarUShortArray &lval, const vector< unsigned short > &rval)
 Init a DevVarUShortArray from a C++ vector of unsigned short(s). More...
void operator<< (vector< unsigned short > &lval, const DevVarUShortArray &rval)
 Init a C++ vector of long from a DevVarUShortArray. More...
void operator<< (DevVarULongArray &lval, const vector< DevULong > &rval)
 Init a DevVarULongArray from a C++ vector of DevULong(s). More...
void operator<< (vector< DevULong > &lval, const DevVarULongArray &rval)
 Init a C++ vector of long from a DevVarULongArray. More...
void operator<< (DevVarULong64Array &lval, const vector< DevULong64 > &rval)
 Init a DevVarULong64Array from a C++ vector of DevULong64(s). More...
void operator<< (vector< DevULong64 > &lval, const DevVarULong64Array &rval)
 Init a C++ vector of long from a DevVarULong64Array. More...
void operator<< (DevVarStringArray &lval, const vector< string > &rval)
 Init a DevVarStringArray from a C++ vector of string(s). More...
void operator<< (vector< string > &lval, const DevVarStringArray &rval)
 Init a C++ vector of long from a DevVarStringArray. More...
void operator<< (DevVarStateArray &lval, const vector< DevState > &rval)
 Init a DevVarStateArray from a C++ vector of state(s). More...
void operator<< (vector< DevState > &lval, const DevVarStateArray &rval)
 Init a C++ vector of long from a DevVarStateArray. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &lval, const DevVarCharArray &rval)
 Print a DevVarCharArray. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &lval, const DevVarShortArray &rval)
 Print a DevVarShortArray. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &lval, const DevVarLongArray &rval)
 Print a DevVarLongArray. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &lval, const DevVarLong64Array &rval)
 Print a DevVarLong64Array. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &lval, const DevVarFloatArray &rval)
 Print a DevVarFloatArray. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &lval, const DevVarDoubleArray &rval)
 Print a DevVarDoubleArray. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &lval, const DevVarBooleanArray &rval)
 Print a DevVarBooleanArray. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &lval, const DevVarUShortArray &rval)
 Print a DevVarUShortArray. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &lval, const DevVarULongArray &rval)
 Print a DevVarULongArray. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &lval, const DevVarULong64Array &rval)
 Print a DevVarULong64Array. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &lval, const DevVarStringArray &rval)
 Print a DevVarStringArray. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &lval, const DevVarStateArray &rval)
 Print a DevVarStateArray. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &lval, const DevVarEncodedArray &rval)
 Print a DevVarEncodedArray. More...
CORBA::Any * return_empty_any (const char *cmd)
 Create and return an empty CORBA Any object. More...

Detailed Description


Typedef Documentation

Base structure for command information.

Base structure for Attribute configuration.

Base structure for pipe information.

Function Documentation

CORBA::Any* Tango::return_empty_any ( const char *  cmd)

Create and return an empty CORBA Any object.

Create an empty CORBA Any object. Could be used by command which does not return anything to the client. This method also prints a message on screen (level 4) before it returns

cmdThe cmd name which use this empty Any. Only used to create the thrown exception (in case of) and in the displayed message
The empty CORBA Any
DevFailedIf the Any object creation failed. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification

References Tango::Except::throw_exception().