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Electronic and magnetic phase diagram of Sr2FeO4 at high pressure: A synchrotron Mössbauer study
Adler P., Medvedev S.A., Mu Q., Bessas D., Chumakov A., Yaroslavtsev S., Jansen M., Felser C.,
Physical Review B 110, 054444-1-054444-12 (2024)
Following the structural changes of iron oxides during reduction under transient conditions
Braun L., Spielmann J., Doronkin D.E., Kuhn C., Maliugin A., Sharapa D.I., Huck I., Bao J., Tischer S., Studt F., Deutschmann O., Kramm U.I., Grunwaldt J.,
ChemSusChem 17, e202401045-1-e202401045-13 (2024)
Glass‐like phonon dynamics and thermal transport in a GeTe nano‐composite at low temperature
Cravero R., Tlili A., Paterson J., Tomelleri M., Marcello P., Debord R., Pailhès S., Bourgeois O., Hippert F., Le Qui D., Raty J.Y., Noé P., Giordano V.M.,
Small 20, 2310209-1-2310209-12 (2024)
A bis-phenolate carbene-supported bis-μ-oxo iron(IV/IV) complex with a [FeIV(μ-O)2FeIV] diamond core derived from dioxygen activation
Gravogl L., Kass D., Pyschny O., Heinemann F.W., Haumann M., Katz S., Hildebrandt P., Dau H., Swain A., García-Serres R., Ray K., Munz D., Meyer K.,
Journal of the American Chemical Society 146, 28757-28769 (2024)
Magnetic and structural properties of the iron silicide superconductor LaFeSiH
Hansen M.F., Layek S., Vaney J.B., Chaix L., Suchomel M.R., Mikolasek M., Garbarino G., Chumakov A., Rüffer R., Nassif V., Hansen T., Elkaïm E., Pelletier T., Mayaffre H., Bernardini F., Sulpice A., Núñez-Regueiro M., Rodière P., Cano A., Tencé S., Toulemonde P., Julien M.H., D'Astuto M.,
Physical Review B 109, 174523-1-174523-14 (2024)
Nuclear resonance techniques for high-pressure research: Example of the ID18 beamline of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Kupenko I., Li X., Müller S.C., Bessas D., Yaroslavtsev S., Aprilis G., Chumakov A.I., Celse J.P., Rüffer R.,
High Pressure Research 44, 310-336 (2024)
Correlated electron physics near a site-selective pressure-induced Mott transition in α-LiFe5O8
Layek S., Greenberg E., Levy D., Prakapenka V., Saxena S.S., Rozenberg G.K.,
Communications Materials 5, 155-1-155-8 (2024)
Potential biosignatures in goethite deposits in Mavros Vrachos Quarry hypogene cave
Lazaridis G., Bessas D., Panou M., Maroti B., Crichton W., Melfos V., Papadopoulou L., Gkelis S., Merkel D.G., Chumakov A.I., Voudouris P.,
Catena 242, 108113-1-108113-11 (2024)
Monoclinic distortion and magnetic transitions in FeO under pressure and temperature
Li X., Bykova E., Vasiukov D., Aprilis G., Chariton S., Cerantola V., Bykov M., Müller S., Pakhomova A., Akbar F.I., Mukhina E., Kantor I., Glazyrin K., Comboni D., Chumakov A.I., McCammon C., Dubrovinsky L., Sanchez-Valle C., Kupenko I.,
Communications Physics 7, 305-1-305-11 (2024)
Finite size effects in antiferromagnetic highly strained BiFeO3 multiferroic films
Sando D., Appert F., Paull O., Yasui S., Bessas D., Findiki A., Carrétéro C., Garcia V., Dkhil B., Barthélémy A., Bibes M., Juraszek J., Valanoor N.,
Advanced Physics Research 3, 2400068-1-2400068-10 (2024)
Evolution of Mn-doped LiFePO4 during cycling: Fast synchrotron operando Mössbauer studies
Stenina I., Kulova T., Yaroslavtsev A.,
Materials Today Chemistry 39, 102160-1-102160-9 (2024)
New tool for extraction of 187Os Mössbauer parameters with biologically relevant detection sensitivity
Stepanenko I., Huang Z., Ungur L., Bessas D., Chumakov A., Sergueev I., Büchel G.E., Al-Kahtani A.A., Chibotaru L.F., Telser J., Arion V.B.,
ArXiv , 1-24 (2024)
In situ investigation of the atomic structure of carbonate-silicate liquids at high pressure-temperature and spectroscopic characterization of the recovered quenched glasses
Stopponi V., D'Arco A., Kono Y., Piccirilli F., Poe B.T., Lupi S., Nazzari M., Pappalardo L., Marras G., Zacchigna M., Manning C.E., Romano C., Stagno V.,
Chemical Geology 659, 122152-1-122152-15 (2024)
Nuclear quantum memory for hard x-ray photon wave packets
Velten S., Bocklage L., Zhang X., Schlage K., Panchwanee A., Sadashivaiah S., Sergeev I., Leupold O., Chumakov A.I., Kocharovskaya O., Röhlsberger R.,
Science Advances 10, eadn9825-1-eadn9825-9 (2024)
Electrochemical cell for synchrotron nuclear resonance techniques
Yaroslavtsev S., Celse J.P.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 31, 1241-1248 (2024)
Detection of metastable solid solution in doped LiFePO4 by synchrotron nuclear resonance techniques
Yaroslavtsev S., Müller S.C.,
Materials Today Chemistry 39, 102159-1-102159-8 (2024)
Orthogonal magnetic structures of Fe4O5: Representation analysis and DFT calculations
Zhandun V.S., Kazak N.V., Kupenko I., Vasiukov D.M., Li X., Blackburn E., Ovchinnikov S.G.,
Dalton Transactions 53, 2242-2251 (2024)
Ferric iron stabilization at deep magma ocean conditions
Zhang H.L., Hirschmann M.M., Lord O.T., Rosenthal A., Yaroslavtsev S., Cottrell E., Chumakov A.I., Walter M.J.,
Science Advances 10, eadp1752-1-eadp1752-10 (2024)
Interplay of structure and magnetism in LuFe4Ge2 tuned by hydrostatic pressure
Ajeesh M.O., Materne P., dos Reis R.D., Weber K., Dengre S., Sarkar R., Khasanov R., Kraft I., León A.M., Bi W., Zhao J., Alp E.E., Medvedev S., Ksenofontov V., Rosner H., Klauss H.H., Geibel C., Nicklas M.,
Physical Review B 107, 125136-1-125136-9 (2023)
Control of high frequency electromagnetic radiation
Andrejic P.
From: Heidelberg University, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Heme protonation affects iron-NO binding in the NO transport protein nitrophorin
Auerbach H., Faus I., Rackwitz S., Wolny J.A., Chumakov A.I., Knipp M., Walker F.A., Schünemann V.,
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 246, 112281-1-112281-7 (2023)
Cluster-layered [Fe/Cr]30 structure exhibited Kondo-like effect studied by GISAXS and Mössbauer spectroscopy
Baulin R.A., Andreeva M.A., Rogachev A.V., Repchenko Yu.L., Yakunin S.N., Milyaev M.A., Ponomarev D.A., Romashev L.N., Ustinov V.V.,
Materials Science and Engineering B 291, 116314-1-116314-7 (2023)
Microscopic investigation of the Johari-Goldstein relaxation in cumene: Insights on the mosaic structure in a van der Waals liquid
Caporaletti F., Capaccioli S., Bessas D., Chumakov A.I., Martinelli A., Monaco G.,
Journal of Molecular Liquids 383, 122107-1-112107-8 (2023)
Petrology and geochemistry of peri-Mediterranean carbonatite magmatism: Case studies from Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) and Mt. Vulture volcano (southern Italy)
Carnevale G.
From: Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy (PhD Thesis),
High pressure-driven magnetic disorder and structural transformation in Fe3GeTe2: Emergence of a magnetic quantum critical point
Dang N.T., Kozlenko D.P., Lis O.N., Kichanov S.E., Lukin Y.V., Golosova N.O., Savenko B.N., Duong D.L., Phan T.L., Tran T.A., Phan M.H.,
Advanced Science 10, 2206842-1-2206842-12 (2023)
Magnetic phase transitions in ultrathin YFeO3 films according to synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometry data
Izyurov V.V., Nosov A.P., Gribov I.V., Andreeva M.A.,
Physics of Metals and Metallography 124, 643-652 (2023)
Crystal chemistry and compressibility of Fe0.5Mg0.5Al0.5Si0.5O3 and FeMg0.5Si0.5O3silicate perovskites at pressures up to 95 GPa
Koemets I., Wang B., Koemets E., Ishii T., Liu Z., McCammon C., Chanyshev A., Katsura T., Hanfland M., Chumakov A., Dubrovinsky L.,
Frontiers in Chemistry 11, 1258389-1-1258389-10 (2023)
Aromatic hexazine [N6]4- anion featured in the complex structure of the high-pressure potassium nitrogen compound K9N56
Laniel D., Trybel F., Yin Y., Fedotenko T., Khandarkhaeva S., Aslandukov A., Aprilis G., Abrikosov A.I., Masood T.B., Giacobbe C., Lawrence Bright E., Glazyrin K., Hanfland M., Wright J., Hotz I., Abrikosov I.A., Dubrovinsky L., Dubrovinskaia N.,
Nature Chemistry 15, 641-646 (2023)
Epitactic magnetite growth in fluid inclusions as driving force for olivine oxidation coupled with hydrogen production at high pressure
Malaspina N., Campione M., Tumiati S., Murri M., Fumagalli P., Cerantola V., La Fortezza M., Scambelluri M.,
Chemical Geology 629, 121495-1-121495-14 (2023)
First measurements of the Fe oxidation state of spinel inclusions in olivine single crystals from Vulture (Italy) with the in situ synchrotron micro-Mössbauer technique
Marras G., Carnevale G., Caracausi A., Rotolo S.G., Stagno V.,
European Journal of Mineralogy 35, 665-678 (2023)
Extensive oxidizing events recorded by peridotite mantle xenoliths from the Hyblean Plateau: Evidence from combined measurements of ferric iron in spinel with noble gases and fluid inclusions chemistry in olivine
Marras G., Stagno V., Andreozzi G.B., Caracausi A., Cerantola V., Frezzotti M.L., Zacchigna M., Perinelli C.,
Lithos 458–459, 107337-1-107337-16 (2023)
The stability field of ferropericlase with respect to oxygen fugacity in the Earth’s mantle and the origin of superdeep diamonds
Melai C.
From: University of Bayreuth, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Compressibilities along the magnetite–magnesioferrite solid solution
Melai C., Boffa Ballaran T., Uenver-Thiele L., Kurnosov A., Chumakov A.I., Bessas D., Frost D.J.,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 50, 1-1-1-14 (2023)
Non-Fermi-liquid behavior of superconducting SnH4
Troyan I.A., Semenok D.V., Ivanova A.G., Sadakov A.V., Zhou D., Kvashnin A.G., Kruglov I.A., Sobolevskiy O.A., Lyubutina M.V., Perekalin D.S., Helm T., Tozer S.W., Bykov M., Goncharov A.F., Pudalov V.M., Lyubutin I.S.,
Advanced Science 10, 2303622-1-2303622-10 (2023)
Structural correlations of nitrogenase active sites using nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy and QM/MM calculations
Van Stappen C., Benediktsson B., Rana A., Chumakov A., Yoda Y., Bessas D., Decamps L., Bjornsson R., DeBeer S.,
Faraday Discussions 243, 253-269 (2023)
Synthesis and magnetic microstructure of ternary ordered Fe–Al–M (M = Ga, B, Sn, V, Mn) alloys
Voronina E.V., Abdullin A.F., Ivanova A.G., Dobysheva L.V., Korolev A.V., Arzhnikov A.K.,
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 136, 89-96 (2023)
Mössbauer and nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy studies of iron species involved in N–N bond cleavage
Wandzilak A., Grubel K., Skubi K.L., McWilliams S.F., Bessas D., Rana A., Hugenbruch S., Dey A., Holland P.L., DeBeer S.,
Inorganic Chemistry 62, 18449-18464 (2023)
SYNCmoss software package for fitting Mössbauer spectra measured with a synchrotron Mössbauer source
Yaroslavtsev S.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 30, 596-604 (2023)
Spiral magnetism, spin flop, and pressure-induced ferromagnetism in the negative charge-transfer-gap insulator Sr2FeO4
Adler P., Reehuis M., Stüsser N., Medvedev S.A., Nicklas M., Peets D.C., Bertinshaw J., Christensen C.K., Etter M., Hoser A., Schröder L., Merz P., Schnelle W., Schulz A., Mu Q.G., Bessas D., Chumakov A., Jansen M., Felser C.,
Physical Review B 105, 054417-1-054417-10 (2022)
Reflectivity spectra as absorption resonant spectra: Is it correct?
Andreeva M., Baulin R.,
Journal of Applied Crystallography 55, 1196-1204 (2022)
Mössbauer synchrotron and X-ray studies of ultrathin YFeO3 films
Andreeva M., Baulin R., Nosov A., Gribov I., Izyurov V., Kondratev O., Subbotin I., Pashaev E.,
Magnetism 2, 328-339 (2022)
Anionic N18 macrocycles and a polynitrogen double helix in novel yttrium polynitrides YN6 and Y2N11 at 100 GPa
Aslandukov A., Trybel F., Aslandukova A., Laniel D., Fedotenko T., Khandarkhaeva S., Aprilis G., Giacobbe C., Lawrence Bright E., Abrikosov I.A., Dubrovinsky L., Dubrovinskaia N.,
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61, e202207469-1-e202207469-7 (2022)
Polarization analysis for the interpretation of poorly resolved synchrotron Mössbauer spectra
Baulin R.A., Andreeva M.A., Chumakov A.I., Bessas D., Rüffer R.,
Moscow University Physics Bulletin 77, 57-60 (2022)
Magnetic ordering of magnetite inclusions in olivine at mantle depths in subduction zones
Campione M., Murri M., Cerantola V., Bessas D., Rosenthal A., Chumakov A., Scambelluri M., Malaspina N.,
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 6, 2755-2759 (2022)
New constraints on the physico-chemical state of Earth’s upper mantle
Faccincani L.
From: Università di Ferrara, Italy (PhD thesis),
Relatively oxidized conditions for diamond formation at Udachnaya (Siberia)
Faccincani L., Cerantola V., Nestola F., Nimis P., Ziberna L., Pasqualetto L., Chumakov A.I., Harris J.W., Coltorti M.,
European Journal of Mineralogy 34, 549-561 (2022)
Low Thermal Conductivity of Hydrous Phase D Leads to a Self‐Preservation Effect Within a Subducting Slab
Hsieh W.P., Marzotto E., Ishii T., Dubrovinsky L., Aslandukova A.A., Criniti G., Tsao Y.C., Lin C.H., Tsuchiya J., Ohtani E.,
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127, e2022JB024556-1-e2022JB024556-11 (2022)
Lattice dynamics of β−FeSi2 nanorods
Kalt J., Sternik M., Sergeev I., Mikolasek M., Bessas D., Göttlicher J., Krause B., Vitova T., Steininger R., Sikora O., Jochym P.T., Leupold O., Wille H.C., Chumakov A.I., Piekarz P., Parlinski K., Baumbach T., Stankov S.,
Physical Review B 106, 205411-1-205411-13 (2022)
Interplay of electronic correlations, magnetism and lattice dynamics in correlated solids
Khanal G.
From: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA (PhD Thesis),
Subduction-related oxidation of the sublithospheric mantle evidenced by ferropericlase and magnesiowüstite diamond inclusions
Kiseeva E.S., Korolev N., Koemets I., Zedgenizov D.A., Unitt R., McCammon C., Aslandukova A., Khandarkhaeva S., Fedotenko T., Glazyrin K., Bessas D., Aprilis G., Chumakov A.I., Kagi H., Dubrovinsky L.,
Nature Communications 13, 7517-1-7517-8 (2022)
Equations of state of α-SiC (6H) and β'-Mg2Si1.1 from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data and novel high-pressure magnesium silicide Mg2Si7
Koemets I., Ishii T., Hanfland M., Dubrovinsky L.,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 49, 12-1-12-9 (2022)
A reentrant phase transition and a novel polymorph revealed in high-pressure investigations of CF4 up to 46.5 GPa
Laniel D., Fedotenko T., Winkler B., Aslandukova A., Aslandukov A., Aprilis G., Chariton S., Milman V., Prakapenka V., Dubrovinsky L., Dubrovinskaia N.,
Journal of Chemical Physics 156, 044503-1-044503-9 (2022)
Synergy effect of temperature, electric and magnetic field on the depth structure of the FeRh/BaTiO3 composite multiferroic
Lengyel A., Bazsó G., Chumakov A.I., Nagy D.L., Hegedüs G., Bessas D., Horváth Z.E., Nemes N.M., Gracheva M.A., Szilágyi E., Sajti S., Merkel D.G.,
Materials Science and Engineering B 285, 115939-1-115939-8 (2022)
Structural independence of hydrogen-bond symmetrisation dynamics at extreme pressure conditions
Meier T., Trybel F., Khandarkhaeva S., Laniel D., Ishii T., Aslandukova A., Dubrovinskaia N., Dubrovinsky L.,
Nature Communications 13, 3042-1-3042-8 (2022)
A three-dimensional analysis of magnetic nanopattern formation in FeRh thin films on MgO substrates: Implications for spintronic devices
Merkel D.G., Hegedüs G., Gracheva M., Deák A., Illés L., Németh A., Maccari F., Radulov I.A., Major M., Chumakov A.I., Bessas D., Nagy D.L., Zolnai Z., Graning S., Sájerman K., Szilágyi E., Lengyel A.,
ACS Applied Nano Materials 5, 5516-5526 (2022)
Search for magnetoelectric coupling at the 57Fe/Hf0.5Zr0.5o2 interface using operando synchrotron Mössbauer spectroscopy
Mikheev V., Mantovan R., Zarubin S., Dmitriyeva A., Suvorova E., Buffat P.A., Zenkevich A.V.,
Advanced Materials Interfaces 9, 2201341-1-2201341-8 (2022)
Laboratory simulation of space weathering on silicate surfaces in the water environment
Murri M., Capitani G., Fasoli M., Monguzzi A., Calloni A., Bussetti G., Malaspina N., Campione M.,
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 6, 197-206 (2022)
Phonon confinement and interface lattice dynamics of ultrathin high-k rare earth sesquioxide films: The case of Eu2O3 on YSZ(001)
Stankov S., Merkel D.G., Kalt J., Göttlicher J., Lazewski J., Sternik M., Jochym P.T., Piekarz P., Baumbach T., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R.,
Nanoscale Advances 4, 19-25 (2022)
Advanced characterization of Fe-N-C catalysts using nuclear resonance techniques
Wagner S.
From: Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Europium-151 and iron-57 nuclear resonant vibrational spectroscopy of naturally abundant KEu(III)Fe(II)(CN)6 and Eu(III)Fe(III)(CN)6 complexes
Wang H., Huang S.D., Yan L., Hu M.Y., Zhao J., Alp E.E., Yoda Y., Petersen C.M., Thompson M.K.,
Dalton Transactions 51, 17753-17761 (2022)
Pressure-induced high-spin/low-spin disproportionated state in the Mott insulator FeBO3
Xu W., Dong W., Layek S., Shulman M., Glazyrin K., Bykova E., Bykov M., Hanfland M., Pasternak M.P., Leonov I., Greenberg E., Rozenberg G.K.,
Scientific Reports 12, 9647-1-9647-10 (2022)
Synchrotron Mössbauer source: Trade-off between intensity and linewidth
Yaroslavtsev S., Chumakov A.I.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 29, 1329-1337 (2022)
Revealing the nature of glass by the hyperquenching-annealing-calorimetry approach
Yue Y.,
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids: X 14, 100099-1-100099-17 (2022)
Canted magnetic interlayer ordering in a [Fe(3.0 nm)/Cr(1.2 nm)]10 structure revealed by synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometry with polarization analysis
Baulin R.A., Andreeva M.A., Chumakov A.I., Bessas D., Roshchin B.S., Karimov D.N., Asadchikov V.E.,
JETP Letters 113, 162-168 (2021)
Unique surface sensitivity to ferro- and antiferromagnetic phases by polarization analysis in synchrotron Mössbauer reflectivity
Baulin R.A., Andreeva M.A., Häggström L., Asadchikov V.E., Roshchin B.S., Chumakov A.I., Bessas D., Rüffer R.,
Surfaces and Interfaces 27, 101521-1-101521-9 (2021)
Phlogopite-pargasite coexistence in an oxygen reduced spinel-peridotite ambient
Bonadiman C., Brombin V., Andreozzi G.B., Benna P., Coltorti M., Curetti N., Faccini B., Merli M., Pelorosso B., Stagno V., Tesauro M., Pavese A.,
Scientific Reports 11, 11829-1-11829-17 (2021)
Design simulations of a horizontally deflecting high-heat-load monochromator
Brumund P., Reyes-Herrera J., Detlefs C., Morawe C., Sánchez del Río M., Chumakov A.I.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 28, 91-103 (2021)
Experimental evidence of mosaic structure in strongly supercooled molecular liquids
Caporaletti F., Capaccioli S., Valenti S., Mikolasek M., Chumakov A.I., Monaco G.,
Nature Communications 12, 1867-1-1867-7 (2021)
Coherent X-ray−optical control of nuclear excitons
Heeg K.P., Kaldun A., Strohm C., Ott C., Subramanian R., Lentrodt D., Haber J., Wille H.C., Goerttler S., Rüffer R., Keitel C.H., Röhlsberger R., Pfeifer T., Evers J.,
Nature 590, 401-404 (2021)
Revealing the complex nature of bonding in the binary high-pressure compound FeO2
Koemets E., Leonov I., Bykov M., Bykova E., Chariton S., Aprilis G., Fedotenko T., Clément S., Rouquette J., Haines J., Cerantola V., Glazyrin K., McCammon C., Prakapenka V.B., Hanfland M., Liermann H.P., Svitlyk V., Torchio R., Rosa A.D., Irifune T., Ponomareva A.V., Abrikosov I.A., Dubrovinskaia N., Dubrovinsky L.,
Physical Review Letters 126, 106001-1-106001-7 (2021)
Lattice dynamics and structural phase transitions in Eu2O3
Lazewski J., Sternik M., Jochym P.T., Kalt J., Stankov S., Chumakov A.I., Göttlicher J., Rüffer R., Baumbach T., Piekarz P.,
Inorganic Chemistry 60, 9571-9579 (2021)
Suppression of the nuclear forward scattering signal in GdBaFe2O5 and PrBaFe2O5
Lindroos F., Slotte J.M.K., Lindén J., Chumakov A.I., Karen P.,
Physics Letters A 416, 127652-1-127652-4 (2021)
Sound velocities in FeSi at lower mantle conditions and the origin of ultralow‐velocity zones
Mergner V., Kupenko I., Spiekermann G., Petitgirard S., Libon L., Chariton S., Krug M., Steinbrügge R., Sergueev I., Sanchez-Valle C.,
Geophysical Research Letters 48, e2020GL092257-1-e2020GL092257-11 (2021)
X-ray dichroism in polyimide caused by non-resonant scattering
Schulze K.S., Loetzsch R., Rüffer R., Uschmann I., Röhlsberger R., Paulus G.G.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 28, 176-180 (2021)
Incorporation of tetrahedral ferric iron into hydrous ringwoodite
Thomson A.R., Piltz R.O., Crichton W.A., Cerantola V., Ezad I.S., Dobson D.P., Wood I.G., Brodholt J.P.,
American Mineralogist 106, 900-908 (2021)
Galfenol/polyurethane Magnetoactive composites study by small angle scattering of resonant synchrotron radiation
Zholudev S., Kiseleva T., Chumakov A., Levin E., Rusakov V., Matsnev M., Bessas D., Novakova A.,
Hyperfine Interactions 242, 43-1-43-12 (2021)
Pressure-induced collapse of large-moment magnetic order and localized-to-itinerant electronic transition in the host-guest compound [Cs6Cl][Fe24Se26]
Adler P., Medvedev S.A., Valldor M., Naumov P.G., ElGhazali M.A., Rüffer R.,
Physical Review B 101, 094433-1-094433-9 (2020)
Polarization analysis in synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometry
Andreeva M., Baulin R., Chumakov A., Rüffer R.,
In: "New Insights into Physical Science Vol. 8" Rafatullah M. (Eds.) (Book Publisher International, 2020) pp. 1-22
Polarization analysis in synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometry
Andreeva M.A., Baulin R.A., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R.,
In: "New Insights into physical science, volume 8" Rafatullah M. (Eds.) (Book Publisher International, 2020) pp. 1-22
Pulsed laser heating in the diamond anvil cell : Applications in geo- and material sciences
Aprilis G.
From: University of Bayreuth, Germany (PhD Thesis),
The effect of pulsed laser heating on the stability of ferropericlase at high pressures
Aprilis G., Pakhomova A., Chariton S., Khandarkhaeva S., Melai C., Bykova E., Bykov M., Fedotenko T., Koemets E., McCammon C., Chumakov A.I., Hanfland M., Dubrovinskaia N., Dubrovinsky L.,
Minerals 10, 542-1-542-16 (2020)
Ultra-high precision X-ray polarimetry with artificial diamond channel cuts at the beam divergence limit
Bernhardt H., Schmitt A.T., Grabiger B., Marx-Glowna B., Loetzsch R., Wille H.C., Bessas D., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., Röhlsberger R., Stöhlker T., Uschmann I., Paulus G.G., Schulze K.S.,
Physical Review Research 2, 023365-1-023365-6 (2020)
On a hyperfine interaction in ε-Fe
Bessas D., Sergueev I., Glazyrin K., Strohm C., Kupenko I., Merkel D.G., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R.,
Hyperfine Interactions 241, 1-1-1-10 (2020)
Revealing the hidden hyperfine interactions in Ε-iron
Bessas D., Sergueev I., Glazyrin K., Strohm C., Kupenko I., Merkel D.G., Long G.J., Grandjean F., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R.,
Physical Review B 101, 035112-1-035112-7 (2020)
Effect of redox on Fe-Mg-Mn exchange between olivine and melt and an oxybarometer for basalts
Blundy J., Melekhova E., Ziberna L., Humphreys M.C.S., Cerantola V., Brooker R.A., McCammon C.A., Pichavant M., Ulmer P.,
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 175, 103-1-103-32 (2020)
Commensurate Growth of Magnetite Microinclusions in Olivine under Mantle Conditions
Campione M., La Fortezza M., Alvaro M., Scambelluri M., Malaspina N.,
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 4, 825-830 (2020)
Accessing the non-ergodicity factor of o-terphenyl via multi-line nuclear γ-resonance time-domain interferometry
Caporaletti F., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., Monaco G.,
Philosophical Magazine 100, 2646-2657 (2020)
Seismic detectability of carbonates in the deep Earth: A nuclear inelastic scattering study
Chariton S., McCammon C., Vasiukov D.M., Stekiel M., Kantor A., Cerantola V., Kupenko I., Fedotenko T., Koemets E., Hanfland M., Chumakov A.I., Dubrovinsky L.,
American Mineralogist 105, 325-332 (2020)
Fe dopants and surface adatoms versus nontrivial topology of single-crystalline Bi2Se3
Chrobak M., Mackosz K., Jurczyszyn M., Dobrzanski M., Nowak K., Slezak T., Zajac M., Sikora M., Rams M., Eelbo T., Stepien J., Wasniowska M., Mathon O., Yakhou-Harris F., Merkel D.G., Miotkowski I., Kakol Z., Kozlowski A., Przybylski M., Tarnawski Z.,
New Journal of Physics 22, 063020-1-063020-18 (2020)
Synchrotron-based Mössbauer spectroscopy characterization of sublimated spin crossover molecules
Cini A., Poggini L., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., Spina G., Wattiaux A., Duttine M., Gonidec M., Fittipaldi M., Rosa P., Mannini M.,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 6626-6637 (2020)
Static disorder in a perovskite mixed-valence metal-organic framework
Collings I.E., Saines P.J., Mikolasek M., Baltaran T.B., Hanfland M.,
CrystEngComm 22, 2859-2865 (2020)
Space charge-limited current transport mechanism in crossbar junction embedding molecular spin crossovers
Cucinotta G., Poggini L., Giaconi N., Cini A., Gonidec M., Atzori M., Berretti E., Lavacchi A., Fittipaldi M., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., Rosa P., Mannini M.,
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 31696-31705 (2020)
Effects of composition and pressure on electronic states of iron in bridgmanite
Dorfman S.M., Potapkin V., Lv M., Greenberg E., Kupenko I., Chumakov A.I., Bi W.L., Alp E.E., Liu J.C., Magrez A., Dutton S.E., Cava R.J., McCammon C.A., Gillet P.,
American Mineralogist 105, 1030-1039 (2020)
The Fe4+/3+ redox mechanism in NaFeO2: A simultaneous operando nuclear resonance and X-ray scattering study
Fehse M., Bessas D., Mahmoud A., Diatta A., Hermann R.P., Stievano L., Sougrati M.T.,
Batteries & Supercaps 3, 1341-1349 (2020)
Determination of Fe3+/ΣFe of olivine-hosted melt inclusions using Mössbauer and XANES spectroscopy
Gaborieau M., Laubier M., Bolfan-Casanova N., McCammon C.A., Vantelon D., Chumakov A.I., Schiavi F., Neuville D.R., Venugopal S.,
Chemical Geology 547, 119646-1-119646-13 (2020)
Magnetoelectric coupling in epitaxial multiferroic BiFeO3-BaTiO3 composite thin films
Hohenberger S., Lazenka V., Selle S., Patzig C., Temst K., Lorenz M.,
Physica Status Solidi (b) 257, 1900613-1-1900613-18 (2020)
Phonon spectroscopy in antimony and tellurium oxides
Jafari A., Klobes B., Sergueev I., Moseley D.H., Manley M.E., Dronskowski R., Deringer V.L., Stoffel R.P., Bessas D., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., Mahmoud A., Bridges C.A., Daemen L.L., Cheng Y., Ramirez-Cuesta A.J., Hermann R.P.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 124, 7869-7880 (2020)
Lattice dynamics and polarization-dependent phonon damping in alpha-phase FeSi2 nanostructures
Kalt J., Sternik M., Krause B., Sergueev I., Mikolasek M., Bessas D., Sikora O., Vitova T., Göttlicher J., Steininger R., Jochym P.T., Ptok A., Leupold O., Wille H.C., Chumakov A.I., Piekarz P., Parlinski K., Baumbach T., Stankov S.,
Physical Review B 101, 165406-1-165406-12 (2020)
Lattice dynamics of endotaxial silicide nanowires
Kalt J., Sternik M., Krause B., Sergueev I., Mikolasek M., Merkel D., Bessas D., Sikora O., Vitova T., Göttlicher J., Steininger R., Jochym P.T., Ptok A., Leupold O., Wille H.C., Chumakov A.I., Piekarz P., Parlinski K., Baumbach T., Stankov S.,
Physical Review B 102, 195414-1-195414-9 (2020)
Nuclear forward scattering application to the spiral magnetic structure study in Ε-Fe2O3
Knyazev Y.V., Chumakov A.I., Dubrovskiy A.A., Semenov S.V., Sergueev I., Yakushkin S.S., Kirillov V.L., Martyanov O.N., Balaev D.A.,
Physical Review B 101, 094408-1-094408-9 (2020)
The crystal chemistry of iron oxides and oxyhydroxides at extreme conditions : Implications for the deep Earth's oxygen cycle.
Koemets E.
From: University of Bayreuth, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Pressure induced spin crossover and magnetic properties of multiferroic Ba3NbFe3Si2O14
Lyubutin I., Starchikov S., Troyan I., Nikiforova Y., Lyubutina M., Gavriliuk A.,
Molecules 25, 3808-1-3808-17 (2020)
Redox state determination of eclogite xenoliths from Udachnaya kimberlite pipe (Siberian craton), with some implications for the graphite/diamond formation
Mikhailenko D.S., Stagno V., Korsakov A.V., Andreozzi G.B., Marras G., Cerantola V., Malygina E.V.,
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 175, 107-1-107-17 (2020)
Variations in the magnetic properties of meteoritic cloudy zone
Nichols C.I.O., Bryson J.F.J., Blukis R., Herrero-Albillos J., Kronast F., Rüffer R., Chumakov A.I., Harrison R.J.,
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21, e2019GC008798 (2020)
Linking carbon and iron cycles by investigating transport, fate and mineralogy of iron-bearing nanoparticles and colloids from peat-draining rivers - Scotland as a model for high-latitude rivers
Wood D.A.
From: University of Stirling, UK (PhD Thesis),
High-pressure magnetism of the double perovskite Sr2FeOsO6 studied by synchrotron 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy
Adler P., Medvedev S.A., Naumov P.G., Mohitkar S., Rüffer R., Jansen M., Felser C.,
Physical Review B 99, 134443-1-134443-12 (2019)
Polarization analysis in Mössbauer reflectometry with synchrotron Mössbauer source
Andreeva M., Baulin R., Chumakov A., Kiseleva T., Rüffer R.,
Condensed Matter 4, 8-1-8-17 (2019)
Standing wave approach in the theory of X-ray magnetic reflectivity
Andreeva M.A., Baulin R.A., Repchenko Y.L.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26, 483-496 (2019)
Polarization selection in Mössbauer reflectivity for magnetic multilayer investigation
Andreeva M.A., Baulin R.A., Slinko O.V., Häggström L., Asadchikov V.E., Karimov D.N., Roshchin B.S., Ponomarev D.A., Romashev L.N., Chumakov A.I., Bessas D., Rüffer R.,
Journal of Physics : Conference Series 1389, 012016-1-012016-5 (2019)
Comparative study of the influence of pulsed and continuous wave laser heating on the mobilization of carbon and its chemical reaction with iron in a diamond anvil cell
Aprilis G., Kantor I., Kupenko I., Cerantola V., Pakhomova A., Collings I.E., Torchio R., Fedotenko T., Chariton S., Bykov M., Bykova E., Koemets E., Vasiukov D.M., McCammon C., Dubrovinsky L., Dubrovinskaia N.,
Journal of Applied Physics 125, 095901-1-095901-13 (2019)
Pressure-induced semiconductor-semimetal transition in Rb0.8Fe1.6S2
Baskakov A.O., Ogarkova Y.L., Lyubutin I.S., Starchikov S.S., Ksenofontov V., Shylin S.I., Kroitor D., Tsurkan V., Medvedev S.A., Naumov P.G.,
JETP Letters 109, 536-540 (2019)
Characterization of a bent diamond used as dispersive spectrometer for XFEL applications
Boesenberg U., Samoylova L., Roth T., Sinn H., Terentev S., Blank V., Rüffer R., Madsen A.,
AIP Conference Proceedings 2054, 060011-1-060011-5 (2019)
Fast inside-source X-ray fluorescent holography
Bortel G., Faigel G., Tegze M., Angelov B.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26, 170-174 (2019)
A microscopic look at the Johari-Goldstein relaxation in a hydrogen-bonded glass-former
Caporaletti F., Capaccioli S., Valenti S., Mikolasek M., Chumakov A.I., Monaco G.,
Scientific Reports 9, 14319-1-14319-10 (2019)
The elastic properties and the crystal chemistry of carbonates in the deep Earth
Chariton S.
From: Universität Bayreuth, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Hard-X-ray spectroscopy with a spectrographic approach
Chumakov A.I., Shvyd'Ko Y., Sergueev I., Bessas D., Rüffer R.,
Physical Review Letters 123, 097402-1-097402-6 (2019)
Local structure of ferroic iron formates at low temperature and high pressure studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy
Collings I.E., Vasiukov D.M., McCammon C.A., Dubrovinsky L., Cerantola V., Petitgirard S., Hübschle C.B., Schönleber A., Chernyshov D., van Smaalen S., Dubrovinskaia N.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 21676-21684 (2019)
The electrochemical sodiation of FeSb2: New insights from operando 57Fe synchrotron Mössbauer and X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Fehse M., Bessas D., Darwiche A., Mahmoud A., Rahamim G., La Fontaine C., Hermann R.P., Zitoun D., Monconduit L., Stievano L., Sougrati M.T.,
Batteries & Supercaps 2, 66-73 (2019)
The validity of an experiment testing the influence of acceleration on time dilation using a rotating Mössbauer absorber and a Synchrotron Mössbauer Source
Friedman Y., Steiner J.M., Livshitz S., Sanchez Perez E., Nowik I., Felner I., Wille H.C., Wortmann G., Efrati O., Finkelstein A., Petitgirard S., Chumakov A.I., Bessas D.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26, 473-482 (2019)
Time-resolved sub-Ångström metrology by temporal phase interferometry near X-ray resonances of nuclei
Goerttler S., Heeg K., Kaldun A., Reiser P., Strohm C., Haber J., Ott C., Subramanian R., Röhlsberger R., Evers J., Pfeifer T.,
Physical Review Letters 123, 153902-1-153902-4 (2019)
Vibrational properties and cooperativity of the 3D spin crossover network [Fe(pyrazine)][Pt(CN)4]
Hochdörffer T., Chumakov A.I., Wille H.C., Schünemann V., Wolny J.A.,
Dalton Transactions 48, 15625-15634 (2019)
In situ study of the α-Sn to β-Sn phase transition in low-dimensional systems: Phonon behavior and thermodynamic properties
Houben K., Jochum J.K., Lozano D.P., Bisht M., Menéndez E., Merkel D.G., Rüffer R., Chumakov A.I., Roelants S., Partoens B., Milošević M.V., Peeters F.M., Couet S., Vantomme A., Temst K., Van Bael M.J.,
Physical Review B 100, 075408-1-075408-9 (2019)
Mechanosynthesized particles of Galfenol magnetostrictive composition and their polyurethane-bonded magnetoactive composites probed by synchrotron Mossbauer spectroscopy
Kiseleva T., Zholudev S., Kabanov V., Baulin R., Levin E., Markov G., Grigoreva T., Chumakov A., Bessas D.,
Materials Today: Proceedings 12, 106-110 (2019)
Mossbauer study of the magnetic transition in epsilon-Fe2O3 nanoparticles using synchrotron and radionuclide sources
Knyazev Y.V., Chumakov A.I., Dubrovskiy A.A., Semenov S.V., Yakushkin S.S., Kirillov V.L., Martyanov O.N., Balaev D.A.,
JETP Letters 110, 613-617 (2019)
Magnetic and electronic properties of magnetite across the high pressure anomaly
Kozlenko D.P., Dubrovinsky L.S., Kichanov S.E., Lukin E.V., Cerantola V., Chumakov A.I., Sevenko B.N.,
Scientific Reports 9, 4464-1-4464-9 (2019)
Magnetism in cold subducting slabs at mantle transition zone depths
Kupenko I., Aprilis G., Vasiukov D.M., McCammon C., Chariton S., Cerantola V., Kantor I., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., Dubrovinsky L., Sanchez-Valle C.,
Nature 570, 102-106 (2019)
Differential protonation at the catalytic six-iron cofactor of [FeFe]-hydrogenases revealed by Fe-57 nuclear resonance X-ray scattering and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics analyses
Mebs S., Duan J., Wittkamp F., Stripp S.T., Happe T., Apfel U.P., Winkler M., Haumann M.,
Inorganic Chemistry 58, 4000-4013 (2019)
Fate of oxygen species from O2 activation at dimetal cofactors in an oxidase enzyme revealed by 57Fe nuclear resonance X-ray scattering and quantum chemistry
Mebs S., Srinivas V., Kositzki R., Griese J.J., Högbom M., Haumann M.,
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1860, 148060-1-148060-13 (2019)
Phase stability of spin-crossover nanoparticles investigated by synchrotron Mössbauer spectroscopy and small-angle neutron scattering
Mikolasek M., Ridier K., Bessas D., Cerantola V., Félix G., Chaboussant G., Piedrahita-Bello M., Angulo-Cervera E., Godard L., Nicolazzi W., Salmon L., Molnár G., Bousseksou A.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10, 1511-1515 (2019)
Atomic dynamics of diamond at a "negative" pressure
Parshin P.P., Bosak A.A., Somenkov V.A., Syrykh G.F., Chumakov A.I.,
JETP Letters 110, 37-40 (2019)
Tracking the connection between disorder and energy landscape in glasses using geologically hyperaged amber
Pogna E.A.A., Chumakov A.I., Ferrante C., Ramos M.A., Scopigno T.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10, 427-432 (2019)
Phonon confinement and spin-phonon coupling in tensile-strained ultrathin EuO films
Pradip R., Piekarz P., Merkel D.G., Kalt J., Waller O., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., Oleś A.M., Parlinski K., Baumbach T., Stankov S.,
Nanoscale 11, 10968-10976 (2019)
Diffraction properties of a strongly bent diamond crystal used as a dispersive spectrometer for XFEL pulses
Samoylova L., Boesenberg U., Chumakov A., Kaganer V., Petrov I., Roth T., Rüffer R., Sinn H., Terentyev S., Madsen A.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26, 1069-1072 (2019)
Fate of hydrocarbons in iron-bearing mineral environments during subduction
Serovaiskii A., Mukhina E., Dubrovinsky L., Chernoutsan A., Kudryavtsev D., McCammon C., Aprilis G., Kupenko I., Chumakov A., Hanfland M., Kutcherov V.,
Minerals 9, 651-1-651-11 (2019)
61Ni nuclear forward scattering study of magnetic hyperfine interactions in double perovskites A2NiMnO6 (A = Sc, In, Tl)
Sobolev A.V., Glazkova I.S., Akulenko A.A., Sergueev I., Chumakov A.I., Yi W., Belik A.A., Presniakov I.A.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 23628-23634 (2019)
Nuclear resonant methods applied to inhomogeneous systems with texture
Vrba V.
From: Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic (PhD Thesis),
Identification of spatial magnetic inhomogeneities by nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation
Vrba V., Procházka V., Miglierini M.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26, 1310-1315 (2019)
Large oxygen excess in the primitive mantle could be the source of the Great Oxygenation Event
Andrault D., Muñoz M., Pesce G., Cerantola V., Chumakov A., Kantor I., Pascarelli S., Rüffer R., Hennet L.,
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 6, 5-10 (2018)
Nuclear resonance reflectivity of Dy/Gd superlattices
Andreeva M.A., Baulin R.A., Antropov N.O., Kravtsov E.A., Ryabukhina M.V., Popov V.V., Ustinov V.V., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R.,
JETP Letters 107, 196-199 (2018)
Double-spiral magnetic structure of the Fe/Cr multilayer revealed by nuclear resonance reflectivity
Andreeva M.A., Baulin R.A., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., Smirnov G.V., Babanov Y.A., Devyaterikov D.I., Milyaev M.A., Ponomarev D.A., Romashev L.N., Ustinov V.V.,
Physical Review B 97, 024417-1-024417-6 (2018)
Nuclear resonance reflectivity from a [57Fe/Cr]30 multilayer with the Synchrotron Mössbauer Source
Andreeva M.A., Baulin R.A., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., Smirnov G.V., Babanov Y.A., Devyaterikov D.I., Milyaev M.A., Ponomarev D.A., Romashev L.N., Ustinov V.V.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 25, 473-483 (2018)
Pressure-mediated structural transitions in bulk EuTiO3
Bessas D., Glazyrin K., Ellis D.S., Kantor I., Merkel D.G., Cerantola V., Potapkin V., van Smaalen S., Baron A.Q.R., Hermann R.P.,
Physical Review B 98, 054105-1-054105-7 (2018)
Lattice dynamics across the magnetic transition in (Mn,Fe)1.95(P,Si)
Bessas D., Maschek M., Yibole H., Lai J.W., Souliou S.M., Sergueev I., Dugulan A.I., van Dijk N.H., Brück E.,
Physical Review B 97, 094303-1-094303-7 (2018)
Fe-N system at high pressure reveals a compound featuring polymeric nitrogen chains
Bykov M., Bykova E., Aprilis G., Glazyrin K., Koemets E., Chuvashova I., Kupenko I., McCammon C., Mezouar M., Prakapenka V., Liermann H.P., Tasnádi F., Ponomareva A.V., Abrikosov I.A., Dubrovinskaia N., Dubrovinsky L.,
Nature Communications 9, 2756-1-2756-8 (2018)
Beltrandoite, a new root-name in the högbomite supergroup: The Mg end-member magnesiobeltrandoite-2N3S
Cámara F., Cossio R., Regis D., Cerantola V., Ciriotti M.E., Compagnoni R.,
European Journal of Mineralogy 30, 545-558 (2018)
Superradiance of an ensemble of nuclei excited by a free electron laser
Chumakov A.I., Baron A.Q.R., Sergueev I., Strohm C., Leupold O., Shvyd'Ko Y., Smirnov G.V., Rüffer R., Inubushi Y., Yabashi M., Tono K., Kudo T., Ishikawa T.,
Nature Physics 14, 261-264 (2018)
Mössbauer spectroscopy of a monolayer of single molecule magnets
Cini A., Mannini M., Totti F., Fittipaldi M., Spina G., Chumakov A., Rüffer R., Cornia A., Sessoli R.,
Nature Communications 9, 480-1-480-9 (2018)
Elasticity of Prussian-blue-analogue nanoparticles
Félix G., Mikolasek M., Shepherd H.J., Long J., Larionova J., Guari Y., Itié J.P., Chumakov A.I., Nicolazzi W., Molnár G., Bousseksou A.,
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2018, 443-448 (2018)
Pressure-induced site-selective Mott insulator-metal transition in Fe2O3
Greenberg E., Leonov I., Layek S., Konôpková Z., Pasternak M.P., Dubrovinsky L., Jeanloz R., Abrikosov I.A., Rozenberg G.K.,
Physical Review X 8, 031059-1-031059-13 (2018)
Pressure-induced disruption of the local environment of Fe-Fe dimers in FeGa3 accompanied by metallization
Hearne G.R., Bhattacharjee S., Doyle B.P., Ahmed M.A.M., Musyimi P., Carleschi E., Joseph B.,
Physical Review B 98, 020101-1-020101-5 (2018)
Oxidized iron in garnets from the mantle transition zone
Kiseeva E.S., Vasiukov D.M., Wood B.J., McCammon C., Stachel T., Bykov M., Bykova E., Chumakov A., Cerantola V., Harris J.W., Dubrovinsky L.,
Nature Geoscience 11, 144-147 (2018)
Metal centers in hydrogenases, bimetallic oxidases, and model complexes studied by advanced X-ray spectroscopy techniques and quantum chemistry
Kositzki R.
From: Freien Universität Berlin, Germany (PHD, Thesis),
High pressure magnetic, structural, and electronic transitions in multiferroic Ba3NbFe3Si2O14
Lyubutin I.S., Starchikov S.S., Gavriliuk A.G., Troyan I.A., Nikiforova Y.A., Ivanova A. G., Chumakov A. I., Rüffer R.,
Applied Physics Letters 112, 242405-1-242405-5 (2018)
Hydrogen and oxygen trapping at the H-cluster of [FeFe]-hydrogenase revealed by site-selective spectroscopy and QM/MM calculations
Mebs S., Kositzki R., Duan J., Kertess L., Senger M., Wittkamp F., Apfel U.P., Happe T., Stripp S.T., Winkler M., Haumann M.,
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1859, 28-41 (2018)
In situ study of electric field controlled ion transport in the Fe/BaTiO3 interface
Merkel D.G., Bessas D., Bazsó G., Jafari A., Rüffer R., Chumakov A.I., Khanh N.Q., Sajti S., Celse J.P., Nagy D.L.,
Materials Research Express 5, 016405-1-016405-8 (2018)
Complete set of elastic moduli of a spin-crossover solid: Spin-state dependence and mechanical actuation
Mikolasek M., Manrique-Juarez M.D., Shepherd H.J., Ridier K., Rat S., Shalabaeva V., Bas A.C., Collings I.E., Mathieu F., Cacheux J., Leichle T., Nicu L., Nicolazzi W., Salmon L., Molnár G., Bousseksou A.,
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140, 8970-8979 (2018)
On the structure and reaction mechanism of human acireductone dioxygenase
Milaczewska A., Kot E., Amaya J.A., Makris T.M., Zajac M., Korecki J., Chumakov A., Trzewik B., Kedracka-Krok S., Minor W., Chruszcz M., Borowski T.,
Chemistry - A European Journal 24, 5225-5237 (2018)
Pressure tuning of charge ordering in iron oxide
Ovsyannikov S.V., Bykov M., Bykova E., Glazyrin K., Manna R.S., Tsirlin A.A., Cerantola V., Kupenko I., Kurnosov A.V., Kantor I., Pakhomova A.S., Chuvashova I., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., McCammon C., Dubrovinsky L.S.,
Nature Communications 9, 4142-1-4142-11 (2018)
Stability and nature of the volume collapse of ε-Fe2O3 under extreme conditions
Sans J.A., Monteseguro V., Garbarino G., Gich M., Cerantola V., Cuartero V., Monte M., Irifune T., Muñoz A., Popescu C.,
Nature Communications 9, 4554-1-4554-11 (2018)
Interplay between superconductivity and magnetism in Cu-doped FeSe under pressure
Shylin S.I., Ksenofontov V., Naumov P.G., Medvedev S.A., Felser C.,
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 31, 763-769 (2018)
Iron electronic states in minerals of the Earth’s mantle
Vasiukov D.
From: University of Bayreuth, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Sound velocities of skiagite–iron–majorite solid solution to 56 GPa probed by nuclear inelastic scattering
Vasiukov D.M., Ismailova L., Kupenko I., Cerantola V., Sinmyo R., Glazyrin K., McCammon C., Chumakov A.I., Dubrovinsky L., Dubrovinskaia N.,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 45, 397-404 (2018)
Magnetic phase separation and magnetic moment alignment in ordered alloys FE65Al35−xMx (Mx = Ga, B; x = 0; 5 at.%)
Voronina E.V., Arzhnikov A.K., Chumakov A.I., Chistyakova N.I., Ivanova A.G., Pyataev A.V., Korolev A.V.,
Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 2018, 5781873-1-5781873-8 (2018)
Magnetic state of quasiordered Fe–Al alloys doped with Ga and B: Magnetic phase separation and spin order
Voronina E.V., Ivanova A.G., Arzhnikov A.K., Chumakov A.I., Chistyakova N.I., Pyataev A.V., Korolev A.V.,
Physics of the Solid State 60, 730-737 (2018)
Strain and magnetic field induced spin-structure transitions in multiferroic BiFeO3
Agbelele A., Sando D., Toulouse C., Paillard C., Johnson R.D., Rüffer R., Popkov A.F., Carrétéro C., Rovillain P., Le Breton J.M., Dkhil B., Cazayous M., Gallais Y., Méasson M.A., Sacuto A., Manuel P., Zvezdin A.K., Barthélémy A., Juraszek J., Bibes M.,
Advanced Materials 29, 1602327-1-1602327-8 (2017)
Nuclear resonance scattering study of iridates, iridium and antimony based pyrochlores
Alexeev P.
From: Universität Hamburg, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Field-temperature evolution of the magnetic state of [Fe(1.2Å)/Cr(10.5Å)]30 structure by Mössbauer reflectometry with synchrotron radiation
Andreeva M.A., Baulin R.A., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., Smirnov G.V., Babanov Y.A., Devyaterikov D.I., Goloborodsky B.Y., Ponomarev D.A., Romashev L.N., Ustinov V.V.,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 440, 225-229 (2017)
Double-spiral magnetic structure of the Fe/Cr multilayer revealed by nuclear resonance scattering
Andreeva M.A., Baulin R.A., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., Smirnov G.V., Babanov Y.A., Devyaterikov D.I., Milayev M.A., Ponomarev D.A., Romashev L.N., Ustinov V.V.,
ArXiv , ee (2017)
Portable double-sided pulsed laser heating system for time-resolved geoscience and materials science applications
Aprilis G., Strohm C., Kupenko I., Linhardt S., Laskin A., Vasiukov D.M., Cerantola V., Koemets E.G., McCammon C., Kurnosov A., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., Dubrovinskaia N., Dubrovinsky L.,
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 084501-1-084501-10 (2017)
A high spatial resolution synchrotron Mössbauer study of the Tazewell IIICD and Esquel pallasite meteorites
Blukis R., Rüffer R., Chumakov A.I., Harrison R.J.,
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52, 925-936 (2017)
Crystal-chemical relations and classification problems in tourmalines 2 belonging to the oxy-schorl–oxy-dravite–bosiite–povondraite series
Bosi F., Cámara F., Ciriotti M.E., Hålenius U., Reznitskii L., Stagno V.,
European Journal of Mineralogy 29, 445-455 (2017)
A new experimental scheme for nuclear γ-resonance time-domain interferometry
Caporaletti F., Chumakov A.I., Rüffer R., Monaco G.,
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 105114-1-105114-7 (2017)
Stability of iron-bearing carbonates in the deep Earth’s interior
Cerantola V., Bykova E., Kupenko I., Merlini M., Ismailova L., McCammon C., Bykov M., Chumakov A.I., Petitgirard S., Kantor I., Svitlyk V., Jacobs J., Hanfland M., Mezouar M., Prescher C., Rüffer R., Prakapenka V.B., Dubrovinsky L.,
Nature Communications 8, 15960-1-15960-9 (2017)
High-pressure NiAs-type modification of FeN
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The giant effect of magnetic ordering on a sound velocity in a σ-Fe55Cr45 alloy
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Disentangling magnetic order on nanostructured surfaces
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Relativistic Newtonian dynamics
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Advances in testing the effect of acceleration on time dilation using a synchrotron Mössbauer source
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High-pressure magnetic, electronic, and structural properties of MFe2O4 (M=Mg,Zn,Fe) ferric spinels
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Rabi oscillations of X-ray radiation between two nuclear ensembles
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Spectral narrowing of x-ray pulses for precision spectroscopy with nuclear resonances
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Lattice dynamics in Sn nanoislands and cluster-assembled films
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Effect of composition on compressibility of skiagite-Fe-majorite garnet
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Rocking curve imaging of high quality sapphire crystals in backscattering geometry
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Alternative solutions for data storage using magnetic films exchange-coupled through non-magnetic layer
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New concept for information storage in magnetic films exchange-coupled through non-magnetic layer
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Magnetic phase separation and strong enhancement of the Neel temperature at high pressures in a new multiferroic Ba3TaFe3Si2O14
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Nuclear inelastic scattering at the diiron center of ribonucleotide reductase from Escherichia coli
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Nanocrystallization of metallic glasses followed by in situ nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation
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Finite-size effects on the lattice dynamics in spin crossover nanomaterials. I. Nuclear inelastic scattering investigation
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Pressure-induced magnetic collapse and metallization of TlFe1.6Se2
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Growth, structure and lattice dynamics of epitaxial europium oxide thin films
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Conventional and unconventional superconductivity in chalcogenides under high pressure
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Site-specific spin crossover in Fe2TiO4 post-spinel under high pressure up to nearly a megabar
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The sapphire backscattering monochromator at the Dynamics beamline P01 of PETRA III
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Striking anomalies in the shape of Mössbauer spectra measured near "magnetic" Bragg reflection from [Fe/Cr] multilayer
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Single-crystal sapphire microstructure for high-resolution synchrotron X-ray monochromators
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