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- Standard Proposal
Standard Proposal
A standard proposal (STD) is a request for public beamtime over a period of 6 months on ESRF or Collaborating Research Group (CRG) beamlines that are not structural biology beamlines.
- Multiple Requests: Fill in a separate beamtime application for each project.
- It is possible to select up to 2 principal beamlines if different techniques are required for the same project. Please do not submit separate proposals requesting one beamline each for the same project.
STD proposals may be submitted twice a year at the regular proposal call deadlines. Please follow the general Proposal Submission Guide.
If accepted, the beamtime awarded covers a period of 6 months only, corresponding to the next scheduling period.
As for all ESRF proposals, each STD proposal must be identified with a single spokesperson, who is named as Principal Investigator, along with a list of Co-Investigators. The Principal and Co-Investigators can be affiliated to a scientific institution of any country. Please see the conditions for allocation of beamtime to users from non-contracting party countries.
ESRF scientists may participate as a scientific investigator in a STD proposal as long as they are one of the scientific drivers of the project. Please ensure you obtain permission from ESRF staff members before adding them as an Investigator on a proposal.
The Principal Investigator is the single contact point for the ESRF and is responsible for:
- Submitting the STD proposal
- Submitting the A-forms
- Ensuring the submission of the experiment report after each beamtime session.
This is described in the Proposal Review page.
An experiment report must be submitted after each beamtime session - please see the Reporting and Feedback page for detailed instructions and deadlines.
Failure to submit an experiment report is likely to affect the acceptance of future proposals at the ESRF by the applicants concerned. Scientific publications and their impact emerging from previous proposals will be considered a key item in the assessment.
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2 | If approved and awarded beamtime:
Templates Required
The template contains help-text boxes to guide you, please remove them before uploading your file.
Maximum size of the Standard project description is 2 pages.