
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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    %B%xfescan.mac%B% - X-ray fluorescence emission scan
    id.mac MAD.mac safshut.mac matt.mac multimca.mac transmission.mac SpecfitServer
    $Revision: 1.17 $ $Date: 2012/05/11 13:35:25 $ ####### obsolete ########

    Usage: xfespectrum_setup [emot_mne [und_move]]
    Set the energy mototr mnemonic emet_mne and evetually if the undulator(s) should be moved und_move (yes=1, no=0).

    Usage: xfespectrum [time file]
    Do the emission acquisition for time seconds, save the data in file.

    Usage: xfescan_setup [servname en_mot und_use]
    Set the parameters for the servname Specfit device server.

Internal Macros:
    Usage: eprodc_xfespectrum(tim,file,edge)

    Usage: _xfespectrum (tim, file)
    Get the energy, open the shutters, prepare the mca, search for appropriate attenuation, do mcaacq for tim seconds, close the shutters, save the spectra in the file, unset the mca, if needed. Find the peaks in the spectra. Suggest elements, corresponding to the energy of the peaks.

    Usage: _xfescan_mcaset ()
    Set the MCA parameters. Set the acquisition on full spectra (roi 0).

    Usage: _xfescan_cleanup (att,mcaon,gui)
    Reset the attenuators and the MCA with the before the scan values.

    Usage: _get_config_filename(en)

    Usage: _xfescan_ps ()
    Search for peaks in the MCA_DATA array.

    Usage: _estimateE (en)
    Get the elements with energy close to the inserted en [keV] elements from the file /users/blissadm/local/spec/userconf/PhotonEn.dat

Filename: xfescan.mac
Author: A.Beteva
Last mod.: 11/05/2012 15:35 by beteva