
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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    TFOC.MAC - Manages the transfocator device through WAGO DAC and I/O

    The Wago controllers must be declared in the setup file by means of the wagosetup macro (see help in wagocore.mac). This requires that the the device server Wagods must be properly configured to access to the Wago controllers.

    Usage: tfsetup <edit|show|update>
    edit : create or modify a configuration
    show : print current configuration loaded
    update: load configuration from file

    Usage: tfshow ["all"|"in"|"out"]
    Without argument, it shows the position of configured actuators.
    With "all", it shows even the unconfigured actuators.
    Finally only the actuationrs "in" the beam or "out" can be displayed.

    Usage: tfin actuator
    Move the specified actuator, numbered from 1, in the beam.

    Usage: tfout actuator|"all"
    Move the specified actuator, numbered from 1, or "all" the actuators out of the beam.

    Usage: tfset bit_pattern
    Move all the actuators according to the bit pattern passed. If the bit is set then the corresponding actuator is moved in the beam. If the bit is clear then the actuator is moved out. The bit pattern can be passed as "0xNNNN"

    Usage: tfabort
    Abort any motion on all actuators

    Usage: tfenable
    Enable the piezo controller

    Usage: tfdisable
    Disable the piezo controller

    Usage: tfreset
    Reset the piezo controller

Internal Macros:
    Usage: _tfsetup_usage(arg)

    Usage: _tfsetup_cfgfile ()

    Usage: _tfsetup_edit ()

    Usage: _tfsetup_new ()

    Usage: _tfsetup_show ()

    Usage: _tfsetup_read ()

    Usage: _tfgetls_pattern (array)
    Fill the two cells array. The first value is a bit pattern value corresponding to the limitswitches values. The actuator positive switch is activated, the corresponding bit is set. In all other switch value cases (negative on, both on, both off), the bit is clear. The second value returned is a bit pattern with bit set when the corresponding actuator limitswitches are in-coherent (both on, both off)

    Usage: _tfgetls (array)
    Fill the array with all limitswitches values. Return the array size or -1 in case or error.

    Usage: _tfgetdacs (array)
    Fill the array with all WAGO DACs values. Return the array size or -1 in case or error.

    Usage: _tfsetdacs (array)
    Write the array of values to all WAGO DACs.

    Usage: _tfset (bit_pattern)
    Move all the actuators according to the bit pattern passed. If the bit is set then the corresponding actuator is moved in the beam. If the bit is clear then the actuator is moved out.
    Return -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise

    Usage: _tfcontrol (action)
    action = 1 -> enable axis
    action = 0 -> disable axis
    action = -1 -> reset axis

Filename: tfoc.mac
Author: R.Hino, M.Perez, (Original 5/2010). $Revision: 1.4 $ / $Date: 2010/06/22 06:25:19 $
Last mod.: 22/06/2010 08:25 by perez