
Beamline Instrument Software Support
SPEC Macro documentation: [ Macro Index | BCU Home ]

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    realizes a sequence to evaluate the repetability of the motions. For that it:
    - set user soft limits to very high values (out of the hardware limits)
    - set user position to 0
    - finds the low an high hardware limits
    - set the high and low user soft limits to these high and low positions
    - go to medium value and set user position to 0
    - move randomly to positions between the limits
    - finally go to user position 0
    Note: in case of spec error in an 'eval' command, the macro cannot be stopped. But the error message is dispalyed in the screen and the macro continues. global __MOTSTAB_interrupt global __MOTSTAB_LIMP global __MOTSTAB_LIMN

    Usage: motstab <mne> <nbmot>
    it realizes the following sequence on motor <mne>
    - set user position to 0
    - go to limit- and get position
    - go to limit+ and get position
    - go to middle and set 0
    - make <nbmot> random motions
    - go to 0

    Usage: motstab_random <mne> <nbmot>
    it realizes the random motions then go to 0

    Usage: motstab_setinterrupt <1/0>
    test macro: allows to stop between each command, waiting for user to continue

Internal Macros:
    Usage: _motstab_interrupt ()
    interrupting macr

    Usage: _motstab_wm (mne)
    asks wm on the corresponding mmnemonic <mne>

Filename: motstab.mac
Author: MCD august 10
$Revision: 1.5 $ / $Date: 2013/11/29 12:59:19 $
Last mod.: 29/11/2013 13:59 by perez