
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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See other macros in category: Scans
    Macros for line up scans.
    The lineup scan can be useful to align a motor at the position of a signal peak. Once the scan is finished the motor is moved to the position of the peak according to a criterion selected by means of lupsetup.
    The scan range is defined in relative coordinates as it is done in the dscan macro.
    lineup uses the first plotted counter as detector. Use plotselect to change.

    lineup chi -1 1 15 1

    lineup is a relative scan (dscan) followed by a movement to the final position. If selected the macro turns on the background subtraction flag to calculate CEN and COM. When the scan is finished this parameter is set back to its original value.

    Usage: lineup <motor> <start> <finish> <intervals> <time> [<thrhold>]
    Line up scan. It is similar to a dscan macro but if the scan finishes succesfully the motor is moved to the position of the peak.
    The peak position is determined according to the `LUPmode' variable that can be modified with the lupsetup macro.
    If the scan is aborted or an error is found the motor is moved back to the original position (starting position).
    An optional parameter <thrhold> forces the macro to further checks. If the peak value is lower than the threshold value the macro prints a `No peak found' error. If <thrhold> is negative the actual threshold is the absolute value of <thrhold>. If <thrhold> is positive the counters are run one time interval before starting the scan and then the threshold value is calculated by multiplying <thrhold> by the detector counts. In other words positive values of <thrhold> are relative thresholds.

    Usage: lupsetup [[ PK | COM | CEN ] <bg_subtraction>
    Lets the user select the final position after a line up and whether or not background subtraction will be performed. The choices are:
    • PK - PeaK value of the scan data.
    • COM - Center Of Mass of the scan data.
    • CEN - CENter of the FWHM.
    The lineup macro (and xlineup if `xscans.mac' is loaded) are affected.

Internal Macros:
Filename: lineup.mac
Author: P. Fajardo, (Original 4/94). $Revision: 3.7 $ / $Date: 2017/02/03 14:21:29 $
Last mod.: 03/02/2017 15:21 by witsch