
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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See other macros in category: Positioning
    Macros to control the Hbm 2 channels equipement (MGC)
    These macros allow to initialize, read this type of encoder, and define them as pseudomotors.

    To use an HBM encoder:
    • load the macro file : hbm2.mac
    • setup the encoder(s) : with hbmsetup
    • configure your encoder(s) :
      • controller NONE
      • mnemonic corresponding to the one provided in hbmsetup
    For the following macros, the HBM_DEV_index represents the index 0..n in the list of HBM devices defined by the user with hbmsetup if this parameter is omitted, as it is always the last parameter in the list of the macro, Spec will replace it by 0. So omitting it allows to work to the first HBM of the list.

    Usage: hbmsetup <nb of hbm> <dev name> <hbm mne> <dev name> ..
    • nb of hbm : nb of pseudomotors hbm defined
    • dev name `i' : server device name for pseudomotor hbm `i'
    • hbm mne `i' : mnemonic for pseudomotor hbm `i'
      This macro allows to define some HBM encoders as pseudomotors.
      For each encoder, the user has to provide the mnemonic for this encoder (free), plus the server device name for the hardware access to the encoder. Each encoder has a number, from 0 to [nb of hbm]-1.

      Usage: hbm_flushnom <HBM_DEV_index>
      Reads silently the buffer This macro can be run, in case of problem, to flush old values in the buffer.

      Usage: hbm_read <HBM_DEV_index>
      Displays the value of the Hbm
      Puts the value in HBM_VAL

Internal Macros:
    Usage: hbm_quit <HBM_DEV_index>
    frees the connection with the serial line for one device

    Usage: hbm_cmd <XXX> <HBM_DEV_index>
    sends the set of characters XXX to Hbm

    Usage: hbm_init <HBM_DEV_index>
    initialises the connection with one device
    this macro is automatically run by hbm_init

    Usage: hbm_flush <HBM_DEV_index>
    Reads the buffer and displays the value

    Usage: hbm_read3 <mne> <HBM_list_index>
    for pseudo motor mecanism, reads the value of one pseudo motor <mne>
    It puts also this value in HBM_VAL

Filename: hbm2.mac
Author: MCD
Last mod.: 25/04/2008 10:18 by rey