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FLIP.MAC Flip Magnet
See other macros in category: Other hardware Tools
    Flip magnet polarity during scans.
    Those macros add to standard scan facility (motor scans and time scan), the possibility of flipping magnet polarity or whatever at counting. The data are plotted in additional windows and saved to standard DATAFILE in additional columns.

    flipsetup; flipcounterselect det; flipstyle 4; fliphdwrelay ID16/Relay/80
    initialisation and setup.
    flip ascan m0 0 10 10 1
    flip scan command.
    flipon; ascan m0 0 10 10 1 ; flipoff
    almost the same. _flip_usermacro1 and 2 are not called, nor _flip_readpol macro.

    There is no general setup macro but several ones.
    flipsetup macro:
    initialisation, default and general setup: COMPULSORY.
    flipcounterselect macro:
    counters selection for plotting.
    flipsave macro:
    counters selection for data saving.
    flipstyle* macros:
    way of flipping setup. basically, sets the number of countings at each scan steps.
    fliphdw* macros:
    installation of the device that will control the flipping. You can add your own device. Check the ones that are already existing (fliphdw* macros) and see how to proceed in %{%<A HREF="#INTERNALS_1">INTERNALS,chapter I</A>%}%.
    flipcal*/flipcal*off macros:
    insert or remove some online calculations to/from the flip. You can add your own calculations as well. (%{%<A HREF="#INTERNALS_2">INTERNALS, chapter II</A>%}%).

    %{%<A NAME="INTERNALS_1"></A>%}%
     setup macros 	: fliphdw* flipresetcontrol
     global related : FLPOL
    fliphdw* macro
    installs the flipping hardware control into flip software by r-def-ing _flip_* macros listed below:
    polarity toggling
    polarity - setting
    polarity + setting
    whatever to be executed prior to motor move.
    whatever to be executed after angles reading.
    returns the actual polarity
    un-install everything. It is safe to call it at the beginning of any fliphdw* macros.
    internally given -1/1 values to keep track of the polarity.

    _flip_move and _flip_get were created to allow "flip scans" of a magnet pseudo motor. This sort of scan implies the polarity control is disabled from motion commands, so that the absolute intensity of the field can vary along the scan, while its polarity is flipped only at each scan step.


    _flip_flip, _flip_neg and _flip_pos
    macros must never call each others because of the internal assignment of FLPOL.
    is always updated at the end of each _flip_flip, _flip_neg and _flip_pos macros.
    is just read once at the beginning of a scan, %{%<a href="flip_src.html#flip">flip</a>%}% command only, in order to read in the actual polarity of the hardware. It will not be called if flipon/flipoff is used rather than the prefix flip.


    %{%<a href="flip_src.html#fliphdwsim">fliphdwsim</a>%}% %{%<a href="flip_src.html#fliphdwrelay">fliphdwrelay</a>%}% %{%<a href="flip_src.html#fliphdwpulse">fliphdwpulse</a>%}% %{%<a href="flip_src.html#fliphdwdacpulse">fliphdwdacpulse</a>%}% %{%<a href="flip_src.html#fliphdwdio">fliphdwdio</a>%}% %{%<a href="flip_src.html#fliphdwsd">fliphdwsd</a>%}% %{%<a href="flip_src.html#fliphdwox">fliphdwoxford</a>%}%.

    %{%<A NAME="INTERNALS_2"></A>%}%
     setup macros 		: flipcal* flipcal*off
     cdef key     		: free, one per calculation.
     global array related	: FLPDAT
    flipcal* macro
    installs online calculations into flip software by c-def-ing _flip_* macros listed below with macros performing calculations. Several calculations can be installed each having a specific cdef key.
    calculation macros
    related final plotting
    un-install the corresponding calculation.
    array holds the scan data. It is filled up in %{%<A HREF="flip_src.html#_flip_count">_flip_count</A>%}% macro, called from scan_count, and always before _flip_calcs. It is formatted the following way:
    array FLPDAT [4096] [ 1 + FLPSTYLE * COUNTERS]
    ie: [scan step] [0] 		: motor position or whatever x.
                    [1:COUNTERS] 	: 1st counter positions set 
    				  1st positive polarity counting
    			 	: 2nd counter positions set 
    				  1st negative polarity counting
    			 	: 3rd counter positions set 
    				  2nd positive polarity counting


    %{%<a href="flip_src.html#flipcaldelta">flipcaldelta</a>%}% %{%<a href="flip_src.html#flipcadeltaoff">flipcadeltaoff</a>%}%

    III - SCAN
     macros        : flip  flipon  flipoff
     cdef key      : flps
    The flip software is hooked to standard scan user macros from flipon/flipoff commands, or by having usual scan commands preceeded by the word %{%<a href="flip_src.html#flip">flip</a>%}%. (eg: flip ascan mot0 0 10 10 1). In the last case, all is removed at the end of the scan. The hooks are listed below: (see %{%<a href="flip_src.html#flipon">flipon</a>%}%)

    • user_cleanup2_flip_cleanup
    • user_checkall_flip_move
    • user_getpangles_flip_get;_flip_heading
    • Fheader_flip_Fhead
    • Flabel_flip_Flab
    • Pheader_flip_Phead
    • Plabel_flip_Plab
    • Fout_flip_Fout
    • Pout_flip_Pout
    • and rdef scan_count_flip_count

     macros         : flipcounterselect
     globals 	: FLP_CNO  FLP_CLST
    %{%<a href="flip_src.html#flipcounterselect">flipcounterselect</a>%}% macro selects the counters to be plotted in the flip window, as setplot does for standard scan window. FLP_CNO holds the number of selected counters, and the array FLP_CLST holds selected counters mnemonics.

     macros         : flipsave
     globals 	: FLP_SNO  FLP_SLST
    %{%<a href="flip_src.html#flipsave">flipsave</a>%}% macro selects the counters which value should be dumped to scan file more than once at each scan step (in fact, each time a flip counting occurs). FLP_SNO holds the number of selected counters, and the array FLP_SLST holds selected counters numbers. If flipsave is never called, default behavior applies, i.e. all the measurements are dumped to the file. Any scan will always start with a measurement at POSITIVE polarity. Then the following measurements results are always dumped alternating - and +, even if they did not actually occured that way.

    The file flip.mac has to be read in.
    It also needs:
    • stlocal.mac
    • flipping device specific macros.(oxPS.mac, dio.mac ...)

    Usage: flipsetup [sleep]
    General initialisation and default settings.
    One can specify here the time to wait after flipping has occured.

    Usage: flipinit
    Initialises internal macros and set defaults.
    Called by flipsetup.

    Usage: flipunsetup
    Remove flip software.

    Usage: flipstyle [[number (always even)] [flag]] | | [style_string]
    Sets the number of countings and flippings.
    If flag is zero, flipping occurs between each couting; if it is 1, I dont know how to explain it, but the style_string way might help. It is a string of + and - ordered along with the flippings. e.g. +-+- would mean 4 countings flipped (flipstyle 4), +--+ is also 4 countings, but not flipped at the middle. It is flag 1. (flipstyle 4 1). There must be as many negative as positive countings for it works, and it will neither allow an odd number of countings. Means that allowed entries are 1, 2, 4 0, 4 1, or +--+, or +-+-. +-+--+-+ would also work, but not +-++-+...

    Usage: flipcounterselect [ALL|mnemonic] [mnemonic] [mnemonic] ...
    Select the counters that will be plotted in flip window.

    Usage: flipsave [ALL|mnemonic] [mnemonic] [mnemonic] [mnemonic]
    Select the counters that will be dumpped their content to the file for additionnal measurements produced by flip.

    Usage: flipresetcontrol
    Remove any flip controller installed.

    Usage: fliphdwsim
    Install a simulation of a hardware flipping.

    Usage: fliphdwrelay <relay_device_server_name>
    needs dio.mac macros.
    Install one CS Relay device server to control the flipping. Relay opens for negative polarity and closes for positive.

    Usage: fliphdwpulse <pulsedrelay_device_server_name> <pulse_time>
    needs dio.mac macros.
    Install one CS Pulsed Relay device server to control the flipping. Flipping occurs on relay pulsing.

    Usage: fliphdwdacpulse <dac_device_server_name> <pulse_time> <rest_voltage> <pulse_voltage>
    Install one DAC (icv712) output to control the flipping. Flipping occurs when output pulses.

    Usage: fliphdwdacpulse1 <dac_device_server_name> <pulse_time> <pulse_voltage> <rest_voltage>
    Install one DAC (icv712) output to control the flipping. Goes to positive polarity when pulse is positive, and to negative when pulse is negative.

    Usage: fliphdwdac <dac_device_server_name> <positive_voltage> <negative_voltage>
    Install one DAC (icv712) output to control the flipping. Goes to positive polarity when <positive_voltage> is applied, and to negative when <negative_voltage> is applied.

    Usage: fliphdwdio <dio_actuator_name>
    needs dio.mac macros and diosetup done.
    Install one DIO channel to control the flipping. This works only if diosetup has been done. Otherwise, use fliphdwrelay or fliphdwpulse.

    Usage: fliphdwsd
    needs sdlin.mac macros and sdsetup
    Install the Sodilec BOS/S Power Supply to control the flipping.

    Usage: fliphdwoxford <oxpssetup_device_number>
    needs oxPS1.mac macros, and oxpssetup
    Install an Oxford PS 180 or 120 type Power Supply to control the flipping. <oxpssetup_device_number> starts from 1.

    Usage: flipcaldelta
    Install some online DELTA calculation.

    Usage: flipcaldeltaoff
    Un-install delta calculation.

    Usage: flipcalaverage
    Install some online AVERAGE calculation.

    Usage: flipcalaverageoff
    Un-install average calculation.

    Usage: flip <standard_usual_scan_command>
    Does the flip scan.

    Usage: flipon
    Hooks the flip to standard scans.

    Usage: flipoff
    Detach the flip from standard scans.

    Usage: flipsplot
    Screen plot of flip data.

    Usage: flippplot [detector-mnemonic] [detector-mnemonic] ...
    flip data printer plot, pplot like.

    Usage: flipcplot [detector-mnemonic] [detector-mnemonic] ...
    flip data cplot, cplot like.

    Usage: flipstat
    Shows what is installed.

Internal Macros:
    Usage: _flip_config
    Configuration macro. (config_mac)

    Usage: _flip_style_keep_request

    Usage: _flip_Fhead
    _cols update and File output formatting. (Fheader).

    Usage: _flip_Foutput
    Compiles the global variables FLP_OUT and FLP_LABEL out of the flip style set up. Both are used for printing out flip data to scan file. Each counter name is added a suffix like "_1", for each measurement over the regular one.
     FLP_LABEL = "Counter 1  Counter 2" or "Counter 1  Counter 2  Counter 1_1 ..."

    Usage: flip_Foutput_old

    Usage: _flip_Flab

    Usage: _flip_delta
    DELTA online calculations.
    i.e. substracts negative countings from positive countings, stores the result in FLPDELTA array, and plots it out.

    Usage: _flip_average
    AVERAGE online calculations.
    i.e. average all countings, stores the result in FLPAVER array, and plots it out.

    Usage: _flip_heading
    Scan heading string. (HEADING)

    Usage: _flip_count
    (scan_count). Here is the flipping_counting manager.

    Usage: _flip_cleanup
    Cleanup macro. (user_cleanup2)

    Usage: _flip_rplot <filter_num> <data_array_name> [window_title]
    Running scan plot for all flip data.

    Usage: _flip_splot <filter_num> <data_array_name>
    Final scan plot for all flip data.

    Usage: _flip_plotwhat (number_of_countings)
    Returns FLPDAT array index string of what to plot.

    Usage: _flip_cplot
    Does for cplot.

    Usage: _flip_y
    Compiles Y index string to pass to cp_mplot.

    Usage: menu_2lists(list,sz,list0,sz0)
    Menu stuff.

    Usage: flipbody(mode)
    For use of blmenu (use blmenu.mac).

Filename: flip.mac
Author: FLIP.MAC - Marie-Claire LAGIER - 96/10/21
Last mod.: 09/09/2011 16:05 by witsch