
Beamline Instrument Software Support
SPEC Macro documentation: [ Macro Index | BCU Home ]

See other macros in category: Detection MCA
    Access to Canbera ICB bus
    These macros provide access to modules on the Canberra ICB bus. They are typically used by modules like the 9635 and the 9660. The first argument in the macros is the device. This understands the ESRF domain device name like "idxx/mca/yyyicb".

    Usage: icb_read (device, addr, reg)
    Read register <reg> from ICB device address <addr> on MCA device <device>

    Usage: icb_write (device, addr, reg)
    Put value <value> into register <reg> on ICB device on address <addr> on MCA device <device>

    Usage: icb_mread (device, addr, from_reg, to_reg, outarr)
    Read registers <from_reg> to <to_reg> on ICB device address <addr> on MCA device <device>. Put the results in the array outarr. The outarr will have to be indexed with the register. For example, reading from 4 to 7, the value of register 7 will be in outarr[7].

    Usage: icb_mwrite (device, addr, from_reg, to_reg, inarr)
    Write registers <from_reg> to <to_reg> to ICB device address <addr> on MCA device <device>. Write what is in array inarr. Inarr will have to be indexed with the register. For example, reading from 4 to 7, the value of register 7 will be in inarr[7].

Internal Macros:
Filename: can_icb.mac
Author: JK
Last mod.: 27/02/2008 13:48 by rey