
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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See other macros in category: Detection MCA
    Macros to control the digital ADC Canberra 9635
    Simple macros to control the "digital" ADC Canberra 9635. Use "can9635menu" to set the parameters, "can9635status" to see them and "can9635init" to put them to some default values.

    Usage: can9635setup [mca_no (mca_no ...)]
    Sets up Canberra 9635 ADC(s) - MCA number mca_no as in the SPEC config.

    Usage: can9635init [mca_no]
    Sets the canberra ADC module to some default state.

    Usage: can9635menu [mca_no]
    Simple menu to send commands to the canberra adc without having to remember the individual routines.

    Usage: can9635_setlld [mca_no lld]
    Set the LLD (Lower Level Discriminator) for minimum input acceptance voltage, range 0 to +10 V dc. Resolution 1 part in 4096 or 2.5 mV/step.

    Usage: can9635_setuld [mca_no uld]
    Set the ULD (Upper Level Discriminator) for maximum input acceptance voltage; range 0 to +10.5 V dc. Resolution 1 part in 4096 or 2.6 mV/step.

    Usage: can9635_setzero [mca_no zero]
    Set the analog zero level; adjustment range +-3% of the ADC full scale range. Resolution 1 part in 4096 or 0.0015%/step.

    Usage: can9635_setrange [mca_no range]
    Set the range - 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 or 8192 channels as the ADC's output limit.

    Usage: can9635_setgain [mca_no gain]
    Set the gain - 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 or 8192 channels as the ADC's output limit.

    Usage: can9635_setadcgain [mca_no adc_gain]
    Set adc gain

    Usage: can9635_setoffset [mca_no offset]
    Set the digital offset of 0 to 8064 channels in binary multiples of 128 channels.

    Usage: can9635_setmode [mca_no]
    Sets the canberra ADC mode as follows
    Pileup Rejection: LTC/PUR - non-LTC/PUR;
    Data Transfer: Overlapped - Non-overlapped;
    Peak Detect: Delayed - Automatic;
    Coincidence Mode: Anticoincidence - Coincidence;
    Coincidence Timing: Late - Early;
    Conversion Mode: SVA - PHA;

    Usage: can9635read [mca_no]
    Read all parameters from the ADC.

    Usage: can9635status [mca_no]
    Read and print all the parameters from the ADC.

Internal Macros:
    Usage: _can9635setup (mca_no)
    Get the MCA mca_no device name.

    Usage: _can9635init (mca_no)
    Sets the canberra ADC module to some default state.

    Usage: _can9635_setlld (mca_no, val, flag)
    Set the LLD to val for mca_no ADC. If the flag is nonzero, ask for the value. Return -1 if error.

    Usage: _can9635_setuld (mca_no, val, flag)
    Set the ULD to val for mca_no ADC. If the flag is nonzero, ask for the value. Return -1 if error.

    Usage: _can9635_setzero (mca_no, val, flag)
    Set analog zero level to val for mca_no ADC. If the flag is nonzero, ask for the value. Return -1 if error.

    Usage: _can9635_setrange (mca_no, val, flag)
    Set the range to val for mca_no ADC. If the flag is nonzero, ask for the value. Return -1 if error.

    Usage: _can9635_setgain (mca_no, val, flag)
    Set the gain to val for mca_no ADC. If the flag is nonzero, ask for the value. Return -1 if error.

    Usage: _can9635_setadcgain (mca_no, val, flag)
    Set ADC Gain to val for mca_no (as in the config) ADC. Return -1 if error.

    Usage: _can9635_setoffset (mca_no, val, flag)
    Set ADC Offset to val for mca_no ADC. If the flag is nonzero, ask for the value. Return -1 if error.

    Usage: _can9635_reset (mca_no)
    Reset the mca_no ADC.

    Usage: _can9635_setreg (reg, bit, value)
    Change to value the bit of the register reg. Return the reg value.

    Usage: _can9635_readmode (mca_no)
    read the mode from the mca_no ADC. Return -1 if error, a string otherwise.

    Usage: _can9635read (mca_no)
    Read all parameters from the mca_no ADC. Return -1 if error.

    Usage: _can9635status (mca_no)
    Read and print all parameters from the mca_no ADC.

    Usage: _can9635_conv_to_reg (type, value, reg_arr)
    convert to register contents from physical value depending of the type - "gain", "range", "lld", "uld", "zero" and "adc_gain". The result is written in reg_arr indexed by the number of the register.

    Usage: _can9635_conv_from_reg (type, reg_arr)
    convert register content reg_arr to physical value, depending of the type - "gain", "range", "lld", "uld", "zero" or "adc_gain".

    Usage: _icb_read (mca_no, from_reg, no_reg, outarr)
    read values from the ICB bus for number of registers no_reg, starting from register number from_reg on MCA mca_no and put the result in the output array outarr . Return 0 if OK, -1 if error. The outarr is indexed with the number of the register (i.e. the value of register 7 is outarr[7]).

    Usage: _icb_write (mca_no, from_reg, no_reg, inarr)
    write values from the input array inarr for number of registers no_reg, starting from register number from_reg on MCA mca_no. Return 0 if OK, -1 if error.

    Usage: _nbch (nb_ch)
    set the number of channels nb_ch to be 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 or 8192 only.

Filename: can9635.mac
Author: $Revision: 1.4 $, $Date: 2008/02/18 09:50:38 $
Last mod.: 18/02/2008 10:50 by rey