
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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    control of serveral motors (named as protected motors) which must not move when a pair of brakes is applied
    The pair of brakes is controlled by the macros of 'MVH_brakes.mac'.
    - macro names for brakes control begins with MVH_ or _MVH_
    - macro names for the control of the protected motors begins with MVHP_ or _MVHP.
    - the protected motors are disabled by default when the 'MVHP_setup' is run (usually done in the setup).
    The parameter provided to the MVHP macro functions represents the index of the brakes in the list of brakes defined by MVH_brakes_setup
    A complete setting will be for example:
    MVH_brakes_setup mhbru 0 mhbrd 0 tegb1u 0 tegb2u 0
    MVHP_setup MH 0 mh1 mh2 mh3
    MVHP_setup TEG 1 teg1 teg2
    Where 'mh1' 'mh2' 'mh3' use 'mhbru' and 'mhbrd' brakes (using label MH for selection)
    and 'teg1' and 'teg2' use 'tegb1u' and 'tegb2u' brakes (using label TEG for selection). need MVH_brakes.mac

    Usage: MVHP_setup <label> <brake_index> <mne1> <mne2> ... <mne'n'>
    It defines the protected motors for the brakes '<brakes_index>'. This set is labelled <label>.
    It defines motors <mne1> <mne2> ... <mne'n'> which must not be moved when brakes (defined by MVH_brakes_setup at index <brake_index>) are applied

    Usage: MVHP_expert (ni)
    set expert mode for brakes 'ni'. In this mode, the motors are enabled and can be moved normally (mv ..) and seen normally (wa ...)

    Usage: MVHP_safe (ni)
    set safe mode. The motors must be moved using withMVHP. And can be seen with MVHP_status(ni)

    Usage: MVHP_show (ni)
    reads the motors positions associated to brakes 'ni'.

    Usage: MVHP_user (ni)
    Does MVH_brakeon followed by MVHP_safe

    Usage: MVHP_status (ni)
    Gives the status of the brakes and the positions of the associated motors

    Usage: MVHP_debug
    toggle debug mode for the present macros.

    Usage: MVHP_select <label>
    Selects a set (by its label) for the use of withMVHP.

    Usage: withMVHP <a command>
    For the motor set previously choosen with MVHP_slect, it can be used before an ascan or mv command on the motors, like:
    withMVHP mv <motor> 3
    1- releases the brakes and enable the translation motors associated to previously selected set.
    2- do the choosen command
    3- disables the motors and sets the brakes

    If a controlC is done during this action,the brakes are set after stopping.

Internal Macros:
    Usage: _MVHP_trans_disable (ni)
    disables the motors associated to brakes 'ni'

    Usage: _MVHP_trans_enable (ni)
    enables the motors associated to brakes 'ni'

    Usage: _MVHP_checkmot (n)
    check that the motors associated to brakes 'ni'exist. exit if not.

    Usage: _MVHP_cleanup (n)
    to be hooked in cleanup_once.

Filename: MVHP.mac
Author: mcd july 2011
Last mod.: 07/02/2012 17:39 by domingue