
Beamline Instrument Software Support
SPEC Macro documentation: [ Macro Index | BCU Home ]

# %DT% * Collection of usefull macros to program with SPEC. %DD%
# %DT% * Please add your favorite macros. %DD%
# %DT% * Majority of macros have a test function. %DD%
# %DT% * Please add pertinent tests. %DD%

#  To split ???

#############################             ############################
#############################  FULL TEST  ############################
#############################             ############################

#    Launch a set of tests of spec_utils macros.
def spec_utils_test '{

    print_boxed(" INTROSPECTION ", -1)

    print_boxed(" TACO ", -1)

    print_boxed(" TANGO ", -1)

    print_boxed(" MATH ", -1)

    print_boxed(" STRINGS ", -1)

    print_boxed(" CASE ", -1)

    print_boxed(" TYPE CHECKING ", -1)

    print_boxed(" INPUTS ", -1)
    # interactive..
    # getval_list_test()

    print_boxed(" BEAMLINE ", -1)

    print_boxed(" MESSAGES ", -1)

    print_boxed(" COLOR PRINTING ", -1)

    print_boxed(" TEXT FORMATING ", -1)

    print_boxed(" DATE / TIME ", -1)

    print_boxed(" BIT MANIPULATION ", -1)

    print_boxed(" MOTORS ", -1)

    print_boxed(" COUNTERS ", -1)



###########################                 ##########################
###########################  INTROSPECTION  ##########################
###########################                 ##########################

#%UU% <symbol>
#    Prints infos about <symbol>.
def wwwhat '{
    local _w

    _w = whatis("$1")

    print ""
    print "$1" ":" _w

    if(_w == 0){
        print "Not a command, macro or keyword"
        if(_w & 0x0001){
            print "0x0001 : Command or keyword"
            if(_w & 0x0002){
                print "0x0002 : Macro, size=" _w >> 16
                if(_w & 4)
                    print "0x0000 0004 : variable"

                if(_w >> 16 & 0x8000)
                    print "0x8000 0000 : Associative array element"

                if(_w >> 16 & 0x4000)
                    print "0x4000 0000 : Local"

                if(_w >> 16 & 0x2000)
                    print "0x2000 0000 : Immutable"

                if(_w >> 16 & 0x0800)
                    print "0x0800 0000 : Unset"

                if(_w >> 16 & 0x0400)
                    print "0x0400 0000 : Global"

                if(_w >> 16 & 0x0200)
                    print "0x0200 0000 : Built-in"

                if(_w >> 16 & 0x0100)
                    print "0x0100 0000 : Associative array"

                if(_w >> 16 & 0x0040)
                    print "0x0040 0000 : Constant-valued"

                if(_w >> 16 & 0x0020)
                    print "0x0020 0000 : String-valued"

                if(_w >> 16 & 0x0010)
                    print "0x0010 0000 : Number-valued"

                if(_w >> 16 & 0x0001)
                    print "0x0001 0000 : New-style data array"

#%UU% (<macro_name>)
#    Return the file from where the macro is taken
# ???????? (without the "#" of prdef)
def spec_utils_which(macro_name) '{
    local _ret

    unix("/bin/rm -f /tmp/piped")
    unix("chmod 777 /tmp/piped")

    eval (sprintf("prdef %s", macro_name))

    unix("cat /tmp/piped | sed  -ne \'2 p\'", _ret)
    unix("/bin/rm -f /tmp/piped")

    return (_ret)

#    Performs tests on wwwhat
def wwwhat_test '{
    global lolo lala lulu

    local tutu toto tata

    toto = 4
    tata = "tretFdsfs"

    lala = 3
    lulu = "frefds"

    wwwhat wwwhat_test
    wwwhat "for"

    wwwhat lolo
    wwwhat lala
    wwwhat lulu

    wwwhat tutu
    wwwhat toto
    wwwhat tata

#%UU% (<symbol_name>)
#    Return 1 if symbol <symbol_name> exists in the current SPEC
# session.  Return 0 otherwise.
def symbol_exists(symbol_name) '{
    local _path

    if (whatis(symbol_name) & 0x04100004){
        # symbol_name is a variable
        return (1)
    else if (whatis(symbol_name) & 0x0002) {
        # symbol_name is a macro.
        return (1)
        # Ok this symbol does not exist.
        return (0)

#%IU% (<symbol_name>, <file>)
#    Return 1 if symbol <symbol_name> is defined in file <file>.
def symbol_in_file(symbol_name, file) '{
    local _path

    _path = spec_utils_which(symbol_name)

    if (index(_path, file)){
        # print "symbol in file "
        return (1)
        # print "symbol not in file "
        return (0)

#%IU% (<symbol_name>, <file_name>)
#    Checks if <symbol_name> macro has to be defined.
def symbol_to_define(symbol_name, file_name) '{

    if (symbol_exists(symbol_name)) {

        if (symbol_in_file(symbol_name, file_name))  {
            # print "# exists and in file => redefine"
            return (1)
            print ""
            print ""
            printf ("# \"%s\" exists but is not the spec_utils.mac one => PROBLEM\n", symbol_name)
            print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
            print "------------Warning \""symbol_name"\" already defined.---------------------"
            print "--------can you consider changing the name of your symbol or macro ?-------"
            print "------ It must be a standard macro. If you do not agree, ------------------"
            print "-------it is a good idea to discuss about that with me. -------------------"
            print "--------------------------------- cyril guilloud (spec_utils packager)-----"
            print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
            print ""
            print ""
            print ""

            return (0)
        # print "# not exist => to be defined."
        return (1)

#%IU% (<sname>, <print_error>)
#    Return 1 (0) depending if function is called (not) from
# session <sname>.
# if <print_error> then print an error message.
def in_spec_session(sname, print_error) '{

    if (SPEC == sname)
        return (1)

    if (print_error)
        print "Error: not in session", sname

    return (0)

# Saves state of SPEC session to find memory problems.
def help_css '{
   unix(sprintf("show_state -D %s -u %s -g %s -t esrf >/tmp/%s.state", SPECD, USER, SPEC, date(\"%Y-%m-%d-%T\")))
   printf("state saved in /tmp/%s.state\n", date(\"%Y-%m-%d-%T\"))

###########################                 ##########################
###########################  SPEC VERSIONS  ##########################
###########################                 ##########################

def spec_version_newer_than(major, minor, patch, release) '{
    # Return 1 if version in use is newer (or equal) to specified version
    # <major>, <minor>, <patch>, <release>
    # ex: 6.10.05
    #     6.11.02+5

    local TTT[]
    local RRR[]

    local using_major using_minor using_patch using_release

    if (index(VERSION, "+") > 0 ) {
        # There is a "+" in VERSION

        split(VERSION, RRR, "+")
        using_release = int(RRR[1])
        using_release = 0

    split(VERSION, TTT, ".")
    using_major = int(TTT[0])
    using_minor = int(TTT[1])
    using_patch = int(TTT[2])

    if (using_major > major){
        return 1
    else if(using_major < major){
        return 0
        # print "Same major."
        if (using_minor > minor){
            return 1
        else if(using_minor < minor){
            return 0
            # print "Same major and same minor."
            if (using_patch > patch){
                # print "patch newer or equal"
                return 1
            else if (using_patch < patch){
                return 0
                # print "Same major , same minor, same patch"
                if (using_release > release){
                    # print "release newer or equal"
                    return 1
    return 0

def spec_version_test '{

    _spec_version_test_func(6, 11, 02, 5)
    _spec_version_test_func(6, 2, 02, 5)

    _spec_version_test_func(6, 5, 1)
    _spec_version_test_func(6, 5, 2)
    _spec_version_test_func(6, 5, 3)
    _spec_version_test_func(6, 5, 3)
    _spec_version_test_func(5, 5, 1)
    _spec_version_test_func(5, 5, 2)
    _spec_version_test_func(5, 5, 3)
    _spec_version_test_func(7, 5, 1)
    _spec_version_test_func(7, 5, 2)
    _spec_version_test_func(7, 5, 3)
    _spec_version_test_func(0, 0, 0)
    _spec_version_test_func(0, 0, 1)
    _spec_version_test_func(0, 0, 2)
    _spec_version_test_func(0, 0, 3)

def _spec_version_test_func(major, minor, patch, release) '{

    if (spec_version_newer_than(major, minor, patch)){
        printf ("newer than %s %s %s + %s (or equal)\n", major, minor, patch, release)
        printf ("older than %s %s %s + %s\n", major, minor, patch, release)


# SCAN_D structure has changed (again) in recent SPEC versions
# used at least by cenpiccurs.mac and kb_focus.mac
def get_SCAN_D_counter_number(counter_number) '{
    local nb_disabled
    local scan_d_counter_index
    local ii

    nb_disabled = 0

    for (ii=0 ; ii< counter_number ; ii++ ){
        nb_disabled = nb_disabled + CPC_DISABLED_COUNTERS["cnt"][ii]

    print "nb_disabled=", nb_disabled
    scan_d_counter_index = counter_number - nb_disabled

    return scan_d_counter_index

###############################        ###############################
###############################  TACO  ###############################
###############################        ###############################

# from DevStates.h

#   #define DEVUNKNOWN         0
#   #define DEVOFF             1
#   #define DEVON              2
#   #define DEVCLOSE           3
#   #define DEVOPEN            4
#   #define DEVLOW             5
#   #define DEVHIGH            6
#   #define DEVINSERTED        7
#   #define DEVEXTRACTED       8
#   #define DEVMOVING          9
#   #define DEVWARMUP         10
#   #define DEVINIT           11
#   #define DEVSTANDBY        12
#   #define DEVSERVICE        13
#   #define DEVRUN            14
#   #define DEVLOCAL          15
#   #define DEVREMOTE          16
#   #define DEVAUTOMATIC        17
#   #define DEVRAMP              18
#   #define DEVTRIPPED           19
#   #define DEVHV_ENABLE         20
#   #define DEVBEAM_ENABLE       21
#   #define DEVBLOCKED            22
#   #define DEVFAULT               23
#   #define DEVSTARTING             24
#   #define DEVSTOPPING             25
#   #define DEVSTARTREQUESTED       26      /* startup sequence requested but
#                                              not initialised */
#   #define DEVSTOPREQUESTED        27      /* stop sequence requested but
#                                              not initialised */
#   #define DEVPOSITIVEENDSTOP      28
#   #define DEVNEGATIVEENDSTOP      29
#   #define DEVBAKEREQUESTED        30   /* bake requested but not yet started */
#   #define DEVBAKEING              31   /* channel is bakeing */
#   #define DEVSTOPBAKE             32   /* channel bake is stopping */
#   #define DEVFORCEDOPEN           33
#   #define DEVFORCEDCLOSE          34
#   #define DEVOFFUNAUTHORISED      35    /* off, restarting not authorised */
#   #define DEVONNOTREGULAR         36    /* on, temp not regulated  */
#   #define DEVRESETTING            37    /* resetting */
#   #define DEVFORBIDDEN            38
#   #define DEVOPENING              39
#   #define DEVCLOSING              40
#   #define DEVUNDEFINED            41
#   #define DEVCOUNTING             42      /* Device counting */
#   #define STOPPED                 43      /* Device stopped  */
#   #define RUNNING                 44      /* Device running */
#   #define DEVALARM                45      /* Powersupply in alarm */
#   #define DEVDISABLED             46
#   #define DEVON_NOT_REACHED       48

#%UU% (<taco_state_string>)
#    Return a number corresponding to the Taco state string
# <taco_state_string>.
def taco_str_to_state_number(taco_state_string) '{
    local _taco_number

    if     (taco_state_string == "UNKNOWN"         )       _taco_number =  0
    else if(taco_state_string == "OFF"             )       _taco_number =  1
    else if(taco_state_string == "ON"              )       _taco_number =  2
    else if(taco_state_string == "CLOSE"           )       _taco_number =  3
    else if(taco_state_string == "OPEN"            )       _taco_number =  4
    else if(taco_state_string == "LOW"             )       _taco_number =  5
    else if(taco_state_string == "HIGH"            )       _taco_number =  6
    else if(taco_state_string == "INSERTED"        )       _taco_number =  7
    else if(taco_state_string == "EXTRACTED"       )       _taco_number =  8
    else if(taco_state_string == "MOVING"          )       _taco_number =  9
    else if(taco_state_string == "WARMUP"          )       _taco_number = 10
    else if(taco_state_string == "INIT"            )       _taco_number = 11
    else if(taco_state_string == "STANDBY"         )       _taco_number = 12
    else if(taco_state_string == "SERVICE"         )       _taco_number = 13
    else if(taco_state_string == "RUN"             )       _taco_number = 14
    else if(taco_state_string == "LOCAL"           )       _taco_number = 15
    else if(taco_state_string == "REMOTE"          )       _taco_number = 16
    else if(taco_state_string == "AUTOMATIC"       )       _taco_number = 17
    else if(taco_state_string == "RAMP"            )       _taco_number = 18
    else if(taco_state_string == "TRIPPED"         )       _taco_number = 19
    else if(taco_state_string == "HV_ENABLE"       )       _taco_number = 20
    else if(taco_state_string == "BEAM_ENABLE"     )       _taco_number = 21
    else if(taco_state_string == "BLOCKED"         )       _taco_number = 22
    else if(taco_state_string == "FAULT"           )       _taco_number = 23
    else if(taco_state_string == "STARTING"        )       _taco_number = 24
    else if(taco_state_string == "STOPPING"        )       _taco_number = 25
    else if(taco_state_string == "STARTREQUESTED"  )       _taco_number = 26
    else if(taco_state_string == "STOPREQUESTED"   )       _taco_number = 27
    else if(taco_state_string == "POSITIVEENDSTOP" )       _taco_number = 28
    else if(taco_state_string == "NEGATIVEENDSTOP" )       _taco_number = 29
    else if(taco_state_string == "BAKEREQUESTED"   )       _taco_number = 30
    else if(taco_state_string == "BAKEING"         )       _taco_number = 31
    else if(taco_state_string == "STOPBAKE"        )       _taco_number = 32
    else if(taco_state_string == "FORCEDOPEN"      )       _taco_number = 33
    else if(taco_state_string == "FORCEDCLOSE"     )       _taco_number = 34
    else if(taco_state_string == "OFFUNAUTHORISED" )       _taco_number = 35
    else if(taco_state_string == "ONNOTREGULAR"    )       _taco_number = 36
    else if(taco_state_string == "RESETTING"       )       _taco_number = 37
    else if(taco_state_string == "FORBIDDEN"       )       _taco_number = 38
    else if(taco_state_string == "OPENING"         )       _taco_number = 39
    else if(taco_state_string == "CLOSING"         )       _taco_number = 40
    else if(taco_state_string == "UNDEFINED"       )       _taco_number = 41
    else if(taco_state_string == "COUNTING"        )       _taco_number = 42
    else if(taco_state_string == "STOPPED"         )       _taco_number = 43
    else if(taco_state_string == "RUNNING"         )       _taco_number = 44
    else if(taco_state_string == "ALARM"           )       _taco_number = 45
    else if(taco_state_string == "DISABLED"        )       _taco_number = 46
    else if(taco_state_string == "STANDBY_NOT_REACHED" )   _taco_number = 47
    else if(taco_state_string == "ON_NOT_REACHED"  )       _taco_number = 48
        _taco_number = -1

    return (_taco_number)


#%UU% (<taco_state_number>)
#    Return a string of the Taco state corresponding to
#    <taco_state_number>.
def taco_state_to_str(taco_state_number) '{
    local _strs

    if (taco_state_number == 0)       _strs = "UNKNOWN"
    else if(taco_state_number ==  1)  _strs = "OFF"
    else if(taco_state_number ==  2)  _strs = "ON"
    else if(taco_state_number ==  3)  _strs = "CLOSE"
    else if(taco_state_number ==  4)  _strs = "OPEN"
    else if(taco_state_number ==  5)  _strs = "LOW"
    else if(taco_state_number ==  6)  _strs = "HIGH"
    else if(taco_state_number ==  7)  _strs = "INSERTED"
    else if(taco_state_number ==  8)  _strs = "EXTRACTED"
    else if(taco_state_number ==  9)  _strs = "MOVING"
    else if(taco_state_number == 10)  _strs = "WARMUP"
    else if(taco_state_number == 11)  _strs = "INIT"
    else if(taco_state_number == 12)  _strs = "STANDBY"
    else if(taco_state_number == 13)  _strs = "SERVICE"
    else if(taco_state_number == 14)  _strs = "RUN"
    else if(taco_state_number == 15)  _strs = "LOCAL"
    else if(taco_state_number == 16)  _strs = "REMOTE"
    else if(taco_state_number == 17)  _strs = "AUTOMATIC"
    else if(taco_state_number == 18)  _strs = "RAMP"
    else if(taco_state_number == 19)  _strs = "TRIPPED"
    else if(taco_state_number == 20)  _strs = "HV_ENABLE"
    else if(taco_state_number == 21)  _strs = "BEAM_ENABLE"
    else if(taco_state_number == 22)  _strs = "BLOCKED"
    else if(taco_state_number == 23)  _strs = "FAULT"
    else if(taco_state_number == 24)  _strs = "STARTING"
    else if(taco_state_number == 25)  _strs = "STOPPING"
    else if(taco_state_number == 26)  _strs = "STARTREQUESTED"
    else if(taco_state_number == 27)  _strs = "STOPREQUESTED"
    else if(taco_state_number == 28)  _strs = "POSITIVEENDSTOP"
    else if(taco_state_number == 29)  _strs = "NEGATIVEENDSTOP"
    else if(taco_state_number == 30)  _strs = "BAKEREQUESTED"
    else if(taco_state_number == 31)  _strs = "BAKEING"
    else if(taco_state_number == 32)  _strs = "STOPBAKE"
    else if(taco_state_number == 33)  _strs = "FORCEDOPEN"
    else if(taco_state_number == 34)  _strs = "FORCEDCLOSE"
    else if(taco_state_number == 35)  _strs = "OFFUNAUTHORISED"
    else if(taco_state_number == 36)  _strs = "ONNOTREGULAR"
    else if(taco_state_number == 37)  _strs = "RESETTING"
    else if(taco_state_number == 38)  _strs = "FORBIDDEN"
    else if(taco_state_number == 39)  _strs = "OPENING"
    else if(taco_state_number == 40)  _strs = "CLOSING"
    else if(taco_state_number == 41)  _strs = "UNDEFINED"
    else if(taco_state_number == 42)  _strs = "COUNTING"
    else if(taco_state_number == 43)  _strs = "STOPPED"
    else if(taco_state_number == 44)  _strs = "RUNNING"
    else if(taco_state_number == 45)  _strs = "ALARM"
    else if(taco_state_number == 46)  _strs = "DISABLED"
    else if(taco_state_number == 47)  _strs = "STANDBY_NOT_REACHED"
    else if(taco_state_number == 48)  _strs = "ON_NOT_REACHED"
        _strs = "UNKNOWN STATE NUMBER"

    return (_strs)

#%UU% ()
#    Tests taco_state_to_str and taco_str_to_state_number on 0..48 taco states.
def taco_state_to_number_to_state_test() '{
    local ii

    for (ii=0 ; ii<49 ; ii++){
        printf("taco state number/str/number : %d / %s / %d \n",        \
               ii,                                                      \
               taco_state_to_str(ii),                                   \

###############################         ##############################
###############################  TANGO  ##############################
###############################         ##############################

#%UU% (<ds_name>)
#    Test if a DS is a Tango one.
# Return 1 if yes
# Return 0 if NO or it is unresposive.

# !!! depend on SPEC version...
# 5.08.06-6 -> does not work.

def ds_is_tango(ds_name) '{

    TANGO_ERR = -1
    tango_io(ds_name, "timeout", 0.3)

    TANGO_ERR = -1
    tango_io(ds_name, "State")

    if(TANGO_ERR == "API_DeviceNotExported" \
                    || TANGO_ERR == "DB_DeviceNotDefined" \
                    || TANGO_ERR == "API_WrongDeviceNameSyntax" \
                    || TANGO_ERR == "API_CantConnectToDevice" \
                    || TANGO_ERR == "API_CorbaException"){

        TANGO_ERR = -1
        tango_io(ds_name, "timeout", 3)
        return (0)
        TANGO_ERR = -1
        tango_io(ds_name, "timeout", 3)
        return (1)

#%UU% (<ds_name>)
#    Test if a DS is a Taco one.
# Return 1 if yes
# Return 0 if NO or it is unresposive.
def ds_is_taco(ds_name) '{

    ESRF_ERR = "-1"
    esrf_io(ds_name, "DevState")

        return (0)
        return (1)

#%UU% (<ds_name>)
#    Test if a DS (taco or tango) is responsive.
# Return 1 if YES
# Return 0 if NO
def ds_is_responsive(ds_name) '{

# hummm PB :
# ok : "taco://orion:10000/sr/d-fbpm/id16"  (tango DS)
# nok : "//orion:10000/sr/d-fbpm/id16"    (tango DS)

    if (ds_is_taco(ds_name) || ds_is_tango(ds_name)){
        return (1)
        return (0)

#%UU% (<ds_name>)
#    Test if a responsive DS is taco or tango.
# Return "TANGO" or "TACO" or "UNRESPONSIVE".
def ds_is_what(ds_name) '{
            return ("TACO")
        else if(ds_is_tango(ds_name)){
            return ("TANGO")
            print "Y A UN PROBLEME"
        return ("UNRESPONSIVE")

def is_tango_ds_test '{
    local TTT[]
    TTT[0] = "id22/xmap/3"  # taco
    TTT[1] = "id22/pen/21"  # tango
    TTT[2] = "id22/toto/2"  # unexisting

    print ""
    for (i in TTT) {
            printf ("%s is tango and running\n",TTT[i] )
            printf ("%s is not tango or not running\n",TTT[i] )
        print ""


#%UU% <tango_state>
#    Return the string corresponding to the tango state <tango_state>
def tango_state_to_str(tango_state)'{
    local _strs

    if (tango_state == -1)        _strs = "FAULT"
    else if(tango_state == 0)     _strs = "ON"
    else if(tango_state == 1)     _strs = "OFF"
    else if(tango_state == 2)     _strs = "CLOSED"
    else if(tango_state == 3)     _strs = "OPEN"
    else if(tango_state == 4)     _strs = "INSERT"
    else if(tango_state == 5)     _strs = "EXTRACT"
    else if(tango_state == 6)     _strs = "MOVING"
    else if(tango_state == 7)     _strs = "STANDBY"
    else if(tango_state == 8)     _strs = "FAULT"
    else if(tango_state == 9)     _strs = "INIT"
    else if(tango_state == 10)    _strs = "RUNNING"
    else if(tango_state == 11)    _strs = "ALARM"
    else if(tango_state == 12)    _strs = "DISABLED"
    else if(tango_state == 13)    _strs = "UNKNOWN"
    else                          _strs = "????"

    return (_strs)

#%UU% <tango_state_string>
#    Return the Tango state number corresponding to the
# string <tango_state_string>.
def tango_str_to_state(tango_state_string)'{
    local _state_nb

    #print "str to convert: " tango_state_string

    # FAULT -> 8 or -1 ???

    if (tango_state_string == "FAULT")
        _state_nb = -1
    else if(tango_state_string == "ON")
        _state_nb = 0
    else if(tango_state_string == "OFF")
        _state_nb = 1
    else if(tango_state_string == "CLOSED")
        _state_nb = 2
    else if(tango_state_string == "OPEN")
        _state_nb = 3
    else if(tango_state_string == "INSERT")
        _state_nb = 4
    else if(tango_state_string == "EXTRACT")
        _state_nb = 5
    else if(tango_state_string == "MOVING")
        _state_nb = 6
    else if(tango_state_string == "STANDBY")
        _state_nb = 7
    else if(tango_state_string == "FAULT")
        _state_nb = 8
    else if(tango_state_string == "INIT")
        _state_nb = 9
    else if(tango_state_string == "RUNNING")
        _state_nb = 10
    else if(tango_state_string == "ALARM")
        _state_nb = 11
    else if(tango_state_string == "DISABLED")
        _state_nb = 12
    else if(tango_state_string == "UNKNOWN")
        _state_nb = -1

    #print "returned number = " _state_nb
    return _state_nb

#%UU% ()
#    Tests tnago_state_to_str and tango_str_to_state_number on -1..12 tango states.
def tango_state_to_number_to_state_test() '{
    local ii

    for (ii=-1 ; ii<13 ; ii++){
        printf("Tango state number/str/number : %2d / %10s / %2d \n",        \
               ii,                                                      \
               tango_state_to_str(ii),                                   \

#%UU% <tango_state>
#    <tango_state> must be a number
def tango_cprint_state(tango_state) '{

    # print "number to print" tango_state

    if (tango_state == -1){
        cprint("FAULT", 1)
    else if(tango_state == 0){
        cprint("ON", 1)
    else if(tango_state == 1){
        cprint("OFF", 1)
    else if(tango_state == "2"){
        # white
        cprint("CLOSED", 7, 8, 3)
    else if(tango_state == 3){
        # green
        cprint("OPEN", 8, 8, 3)
    else if(tango_state == 4){
        cprint("INSERT", 1)
    else if(tango_state == 5){
        cprint("EXTRACT", 1)
    else if(tango_state == 6){
        # orange
        cprint("MOVING", 1)
    else if(tango_state == 7){
        cprint("STANDBY", 1)
    else if(tango_state == 8){
        # red
        cprint("FAULT", 1, 8, 1)
    else if(tango_state == 9){
        cprint("INIT", 1)
    else if(tango_state == 10){
        cprint("RUNNING", 1)
    else if(tango_state == 11){
        cprint("ALARM", 1)
    else if(tango_state == 12){
        # lila
        cprint("DISABLED", 1)
    else if(tango_state == 13){
        # ???
        cprint("????", 1)


###############################        ###############################
###############################  MATH  ###############################
###############################        ###############################

#    Performs a set of tests on math functions.
def math_test '{
    printf("min2(3,  5)=                        %d \n",  min2(3,  5)                        )
    printf("max2(3,  5)=                        %d \n",  max2(3,  5)                        )
    printf("min3(-4, 8.1, 44)=                  %d \n",  min3(-4, 8.1, 44)                  )
    printf("max3(4,  8.3, 9.2)=                 %d \n",  max3(4,  8.3, 9.2)                 )
    printf("supermin(1, -3, 4)=                 %d \n",  supermin(1, -3, 4)                 )
    printf("is_aprox(3.0002, 3.0001, 0.0001)  = %d \n",  is_aprox(3.0002, 3.0001, 0.0001))
    printf("is_aprox(1.1-1, 0.1, 0.00005)   =   %d \n", is_aprox(1.1-1, 0.1, 0.00005))
    printf("is_aprox(1.1-1, 0.1, 1e-20) =       %d \n",   is_aprox(1.1-1, 0.1, 1e-20))


# (<x> , <y> , <tol>)
#%MDESC% checks if two numbers are "almost" equal
def is_aprox(x, y, tol) '{
    return (fabs(x - y) <= tol)

#%UU% (<x>, <y>)
#    Return the minimum of the 2 values <x> and <y>.
def min2(x, y) '{
    if(x < y){
        return (x)
        return (y)

#%UU% (<x>, <y>, <z>)
#    Return the minimum of the 3 values <x>, <y> and <z>.
def min3(_min3_x, _min3_y, _min3_z) '{
    local _min

    if (  !( ( whatis("_min3_z") & 0x8000000) >> 27)  ) {
        # print "z exists"
        _min = min2( min2(_min3_x, _min3_y) , _min3_z)
        # print "no z"
        if (  !( ( whatis("_min3_y") & 0x8000000) >> 27)  ) {
            # print "y exists"
            _min = min2(_min3_x, _min3_y)
            # print "no y neither"
            _min = _min3_x

    return (_min)

#%UU% (<x>, <y>)
#    Return the maximum of the 2 values <x> and <y>.
def max2(x, y) '{
    if(x > y){
        return (x)
        return (y)

#%UU% (<x>, <y>, <z>)
#    Return the maximum of the 3 values <x>, <y> and <z>.
def max3(x, y, z) '{
    local local_max

    if (x >= y){
        local_max = x
        local_max = y

    if (local_max >= z){
        return (z)

#%UU% (<a>,<b>,<c>)
#    min of 2 or 3 values. (from ZAP _zap_min())
def supermin(a, b, c) '{
    local local_min

    if (a <= b){
        local_min = a
        local_min = b

    if (!((whatis("c")&0x8000000)>>27)) {
        if (local_min <= c){
            return (c)


##########################                   #########################
##########################  MATH  : MODULUS  #########################
##########################                   #########################

#%IU% (x,d)
#%MDESC% This calculates the difference between x and and the closest
# integer multiple of d.
def signed_modulus(x,d) '{
    return (x - round_next(x,d))

#%IU% (x,d)
#%MDESC% Modulus, calculate reminder of modular division of x by d,
# Similar to SPEC`s % operator, but works also for non-integer and negative
# numbers, the returned value is always positive
def mod(x,d) '{
    local mod
    mod  = x - int(x/d)*d

    if (mod < 0){
        mod = d + mod

    return (mod)

##########################                   #########################
##########################  MATH : ROUNDING  #########################
##########################                   #########################

#%IU% (x,step)
#%MDESC% Rounds "x" to a smaller or equal value that is a multiple of "step".
def round_down(x, step) '{
    if (step == 0) {
        return (x)

    return (floor(x/step)*step)

#%IU% (x,step)
#    Rounds "x" to a bigger or equal value that is a multiple of "step".
# round_up(X,1) == ceil(X)
def round_up(x, step) '{
    if (step == 0){
        return (x)

    return (ceil(x/step)*step)

#%IU% (x[,step])
#%MDESC% Rounds x up or down to the next multiple of step.
# If you omit step it rounds to integer.
def round_next (x, step) '{
    if (whatis("step") & 0x08000000){
        step = 1

    if (step == 0) {
        return (x)

    return (floor(x/step+0.5)*step)

#%IU% (<x>)
#    Return the largest integer number smaller or equal than x.
def floor(x) '{

    if (int(x) == x) {
        return (x)
    else if (x>=0) {
        return (int(x))
        return (int(x - 1))

#%IU% (<x>)
#    Return the smallesr integer number bigger or equal than x.
def ceil(x) '{
    if (int(x) == x) {
        return (x)
    else if (x>=0) {
        return (int(x + 1))
        return (int(x))

#%UI% (<x>)
#    Rounds up or down to next integer value.
def round_int(x) '{
    return (floor(x + 0.5))

# Return a well rounded integer as opposed to int() which always
# round down
def round_nearest(x) '{
    if (x>=0) {
        return int(x+0.5)
        return int(x-0.5)

#    Performs a set of tests on "round_nearest()" function.
def round_nearest_tests '{
    print "round_nearest(0)=",    round_nearest(0)
    print "round_nearest(1)=",    round_nearest(1)
    print "round_nearest(0.1)=",  round_nearest(0.1)
    print "round_nearest(0.5)=",  round_nearest(0.5)
    print "round_nearest(1.1)=",  round_nearest(1.1)
    print "round_nearest(-1)=",   round_nearest(-1)
    print "round_nearest(-0.1)=", round_nearest(-0.1)
    print "round_nearest(-1.1)=", round_nearest(-1.1)

#    Performs a set of tests on "ceil()" function.
def ceil_tests() '{
    print "ceil(0)=",    ceil(0)
    print "ceil(1)=",    ceil(1)
    print "ceil(0.1)=",  ceil(0.1)
    print "ceil(1.1)=",  ceil(1.1)
    print "ceil(-1)=",   ceil(-1)
    print "ceil(-0.1)=", ceil(-0.1)
    print "ceil(-1.1)=", ceil(-1.1)

#%UU% (<step>)
#    Performs a set of tests on "round_down" function.
def round_down_tests(_step)'{
    print "round_down(0)=",    round_down(0,    _step)
    print "round_down(1)=",    round_down(1,    _step)
    print "round_down(0.1)=",  round_down(0.1,  _step)
    print "round_down(0.5)=",  round_down(0.5,  _step)
    print "round_down(0.9)=",  round_down(0.9,  _step)
    print "round_down(1.1)=",  round_down(1.1,  _step)
    print "round_down(-1)=",   round_down(-1,   _step)
    print "round_down(-0.1)=", round_down(-0.1, _step)
    print "round_down(-1.1)=", round_down(-1.1, _step)

#%UU% (step)
#    Performs a set of tests on "round_up" function.
def round_up_tests(_step)'{
    print "round_up(0)=",    round_up(0,    _step)
    print "round_up(1)=",    round_up(1,    _step)
    print "round_up(0.1)=",  round_up(0.1,  _step)
    print "round_up(1.1)=",  round_up(1.1,  _step)
    print "round_up(-1)=",   round_up(-1,   _step)
    print "round_up(-0.1)=", round_up(-0.1, _step)
    print "round_up(-1.1)=", round_up(-1.1, _step)

#%UU% (step)
#    Performs a set of tests on "round_next" function.
def round_next_tests(_step)'{
    print "round_next(0)=",    round_next(0,    _step)
    print "round_next(1)=",    round_next(1,    _step)
    print "round_next(0.1)=",  round_next(0.1,  _step)
    print "round_next(1.1)=",  round_next(1.1,  _step)
    print "round_next(-1)=",   round_next(-1,   _step)
    print "round_next(-0.1)=", round_next(-0.1, _step)
    print "round_next(-1.1)=", round_next(-1.1, _step)

#%UU% (step)
#    Performs a set of tests on "floor" function.
def floor_tests()'{
    print "floor(0)=",    floor(0)
    print "floor(1)=",    floor(1)
    print "floor(0.1)=",  floor(0.1)
    print "floor(1.1)=",  floor(1.1)
    print "floor(-1)=",   floor(-1)
    print "floor(-0.1)=", floor(-0.1)
    print "floor(-1.1)=", floor(-1.1)

#%UU% (step)
#    Performs a set of tests on "int" function.
def int_tests()'{
    print "int(0)=",    int(0)
    print "int(1)=",    int(1)
    print "int(0.1)=",  int(0.1)
    print "int(1.1)=",  int(1.1)
    print "int(-1)=",   int(-1)
    print "int(-0.1)=", int(-0.1)
    print "int(-1.1)=", int(-1.1)

#%UU% ()
#    Performs a set of tests on "round_int" function.
def round_int_tests()'{
    print "round_int(0)=",    round_int(0)
    print "round_int(1)=",    round_int(1)
    print "round_int(0.1)=",  round_int(0.1)
    print "round_int(1.1)=",  round_int(1.1)
    print "round_int(-1)=",   round_int(-1)
    print "round_int(-0.1)=", round_int(-0.1)
    print "round_int(-1.1)=", round_int(-1.1)

#%UU% (<step>)
#    Launchs all rounding tests.
def rounding_test(step) '{

    print "-------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "-----------------------rounding tests------------------------"
    print "-------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "-- round_down  round_up  round_next  ceil floor  round_int --"
    print "-------------------------------------------------------------"
    print ""
    print ""
    _step = 1
    print ""
    _step = 1
    print ""
    _step = 1
    print ""
    print ""
    print ""
    print ""

#%UU% (<step>)
#    Launchs all rounding tests.
def rounding_test_tab(step) '{

    print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------  "
    print "-----------------------rounding tests---------------------------------------  "
    print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------  "
    print " VAL | r_down | r_up   | r_next |  ceil  | floor  |  r_int | r_near | int    "
    print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------  "
    printf("%5s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|\n", \
           -1, round_down(-1, step), round_up(-1, step), round_next(-1, step),   \
           ceil(-1), floor(-1), round_int(-1), round_nearest(-1)  , int(-1)   )
    printf("%5s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|\n", \
           0, round_down(0, step), round_up(0, step), round_next(0, step),   \
           ceil(0), floor(0), round_int(0), round_nearest(0), int(0)    )

    printf("%5s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|\n", \
           1, round_down(1, step), round_up(1, step), round_next(1, step),   \
           ceil(1), floor(1), round_int(1), round_nearest(1), int(1)    )
    print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------  "

    printf("%5s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|\n", \
           0.1, round_down(0.1, step), round_up(0.1, step), round_next(0.1, step),   \
           ceil(0.1), floor(0.1), round_int(0.1), round_nearest(0.1), int(0.1)   )

    printf("%5s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|\n", \
           1.1, round_down(1.1, step), round_up(1.1, step), round_next(1.1, step),   \
           ceil(1.1), floor(1.1), round_int(1.1), round_nearest(1.1) , int(1.1)    )

    printf("%5s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|\n", \
           0.5, round_down(0.5, step), round_up(0.5, step), round_next(0.5, step),   \
           ceil(0.5), floor(0.5), round_int(0.5), round_nearest(0.5)  , int(0.5)   )

    printf("%5s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|\n", \
           -0.5, round_down(-0.5, step), round_up(-0.5, step), round_next(-0.5, step),   \
           ceil(-0.5), floor(-0.5), round_int(-0.5), round_nearest(-0.5)  , int(-0.5)   )

    printf("%5s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|\n", \
           -0.1, round_down(-0.1, step), round_up(-0.1, step), round_next(-0.1, step),   \
           ceil(-0.1), floor(-0.1), round_int(-0.1), round_nearest(-0.1)  , int(-0.1)   )

    printf("%5s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|%8s|\n", \
           -1.1, round_down(-1.1, step), round_up(-1.1, step), round_next(-1.1, step),   \
           ceil(-1.1), floor(-1.1), round_int(-1.1), round_nearest(-1.1)  , int(-1.1)   )


##############################          ##############################
##############################  MATRIX  ##############################
##############################          ##############################

def matrix_test '{

    local rows cols

    rows = 3
    cols = 4

    global  long array mat1[rows][cols]
    array_op("row_wise", mat1, 1)

    global  long array mat2[cols][rows]
    array_op("row_wise", mat2, 1)

    global  long array mat_res[rows][rows]
    array_op("row_wise", mat_res, 1)

    global  long array mat_res_add[rows][cols]
    array_op("row_wise", mat_res_add, 1)

    #  matrix_test.dat :
    #  1   2  3  4
    #  5   6  7  8
    #  9  10 11 12
    #  matrix_test2.dat:
    #  1  2  3
    #  4  5  6
    #  7  8  9
    # 10 11 12

    matrix_load("matrix_test.dat",  mat1)
    matrix_load("matrix_test2.dat", mat2)

    # {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}, {9, 10, 11, 12}}
    print ""
    print "       x   "
    print ""
    # {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}, {10, 11, 12}}
    print ""
    print "       =   "
    print ""

    matrix_mul(mat1, mat2, mat_res)
    #   70  80  90
    #  158 184 210
    #  246 288 330

    print ""
    print ""
    print ""
    print ""
    print ""
    print ""
    print "       +   "
    print ""
    print ""
    print "       =   "
    print ""
    matrix_add(mat1, mat1, mat_res_add)
    print ""

    #    2   4   6   8
    #   10  12  14  16
    #   18  20  22  24


#%UU% (<file_name>, <out_arr>)
def matrix_load(file_name, out_arr) '{
    local _ans _col_n _row_n

    # local _nb_col _nb_row

    if(file_info(file_name, "-e")){
        # print "opening " file_name
        array_read(file_name, out_arr)
        printf("matrix_load--ERROR--unable to open file \"%s\"\n", file_name)

#%UU% <parma>
def matrix_print(matrix) '{
    local _rows _cols ii jj

    _rows = array_op("rows", matrix)
    _cols = array_op("cols", matrix)

    for (ii=0 ; ii<_rows ; ii++){
        for(jj=0 ; jj<_cols ; jj++){
            printf ("%10s", matrix[ii][jj])
        print ""

#%UU% <parma>
def matrix_print_vector(matrix) '{
    local _rows _cols ii jj

    _rows = array_op("rows", matrix)
    _cols = array_op("cols", matrix)

    if(_rows == 1){
    else if(_cols == 1){

        for (ii=0 ; ii<_rows ; ii++){
            printf ("%g ", matrix[ii])
        print "]"

        print "Pas un vectuer ?"


#%UU% (<m1>, <m2>, <m3>)
def matrix_mul(mat1, mat2, mat_res) '{
    local _rows1 _cols1
    local _rows2 _cols2
    local _rows_res _cols_res
    local ii jj kk _res

    _rows1 = array_op("rows", mat1)
    _cols1 = array_op("cols", mat1)

    _rows2 = array_op("rows", mat2)
    _cols2 = array_op("cols", mat2)

    _rows_res = array_op("rows", mat_res)
    _cols_res = array_op("cols", mat_res)

    if (_cols1 != _rows2){
        print "error in dimensions of input matrix"

    if ((_cols2 != _cols_res) || (_rows1 != _rows_res) ){
        print "erorr in dimensions of result matrix"

    for (ii=0 ; ii<_rows_res ; ii++){
        for (jj=0 ; jj<_cols_res ; jj++){

            _res = 0

            for (kk=0 ; kk<_cols1; kk++){
                # print "kk=" kk " ii=" ii
                # print " m1 " mat1[ii][kk] "*  m2 " mat2[kk][jj]
                _res = _res + mat1[ii][kk] * mat2[kk][jj]

            mat_res[ii][jj] = _res

#%UU% (<m1>, <m2>, <m3>)
def matrix_add(mat1, mat2, mat_res)'{
    local _rows1 _cols1
    local _rows2 _cols2
    local _rows_res _cols_res
    local ii jj kk _res

    _rows1 = array_op("rows", mat1)
    _cols1 = array_op("cols", mat1)

    _rows2 = array_op("rows", mat2)
    _cols2 = array_op("cols", mat2)

    _rows_res = array_op("rows", mat_res)
    _cols_res = array_op("cols", mat_res)

    if (_cols1 != _cols2){
        print "error in cols dimensions of input matrix"

    if (_rows1 != _rows2){
        print "error in rows dimensions of input matrix"

    if ((_cols1 != _cols_res) || (_rows1 != _rows_res) ){
        print "erorr in dimensions of result matrix"

    for (ii=0 ; ii<_rows_res ; ii++){
        for (jj=0 ; jj<_cols_res ; jj++){
            mat_res[ii][jj] = mat1[ii][jj] + mat2[ii][jj]

#%UU% (<m1>, <m2>, <m3>)
def matrix_sub(mat1, mat2, mat_res)'{
    local _rows1 _cols1
    local _rows2 _cols2
    local _rows_res _cols_res
    local ii jj kk _res

    _rows1 = array_op("rows", mat1)
    _cols1 = array_op("cols", mat1)

    _rows2 = array_op("rows", mat2)
    _cols2 = array_op("cols", mat2)

    _rows_res = array_op("rows", mat_res)
    _cols_res = array_op("cols", mat_res)

    if (_cols1 != _cols2){
        print "error in cols dimensions of input matrix"

    if (_rows1 != _rows2){
        print "error in rows dimensions of input matrix"

    if ((_cols1 != _cols_res) || (_rows1 != _rows_res) ){
        print "erorr in dimensions of result matrix"

    for (ii=0 ; ii<_rows_res ; ii++){
        for (jj=0 ; jj<_cols_res ; jj++){
            mat_res[ii][jj] = mat1[ii][jj] - mat2[ii][jj]

##############################           #############################
##############################  STRINGS  #############################
##############################           #############################

# * removeEndingChar
# ** removeEndingCharTests
# * removeStartingSpaces
# * removeChars

# * string_get_last_char()
# * string_get_last_N_char()

#%UU% (<str>, <char_to_remove>)
#    Removes to <str> an eventual ending <char_to_remove>.
#    NOTE : Removes only 1 character.

# OULALA pourquoi c si complique ???

def removeEndingChar(str, char_to_remove) '{

    local _arr_tmp_str[]
    local _ret_str  _nb_elems  ii

    if( index(str, char_to_remove) == length(str)){
        # print "---Ok only 1 <char_to_remove> at end of <str>."
        split(str, _arr_tmp_str, char_to_remove)
        return (_arr_tmp_str[0])
    else if(index(str, char_to_remove) == 0){
        # print "---No <char_to_remove> at end of <str>."
        return (str)
    else if(index(str, char_to_remove) < length(str)){

        if (substr(str, length(str)) == "\n"){
            # print "---The last char of <str> is not the only <char_to_remove>"
            _nb_elems = split(str, _arr_tmp_str, char_to_remove)
            _ret_str  = _arr_tmp_str[0]

            for (ii=1; ii<_nb_elems-1; ii++){
                # print "---" ii ":" _arr_tmp_str[ii]
                _ret_str = _ret_str  "\n" _arr_tmp_str[ii]

            return (_ret_str)
            # print "---No <char_to_remove> at end of <str>."
            return (str)

    return ("tutu")

#%UU% ()
#    Perform a set of tests on "removeEndingChar()" function.
def removeEndingCharTests() '{

    local _s1 _s2 _s3 _s4 _s5 _s6
    _s1 = "salut !"
    _s2 = "hello world\n"
    _s3 = "\n"
    _s4 = "hello \n world\n"
    _s5 = "hello \n world\n\n"

    if (removeEndingChar(_s1, "\n") == "salut !")
        print "s1 ok"
        print "s1 error"

    if (removeEndingChar(_s2, "\n") == "hello world")
        print "s2 ok"
        print "s2 error"

    if (removeEndingChar(_s3, "\n") == "")
        print "s3 ok"
        print "s3 error"

    if (removeEndingChar(_s4, "\n") == "hello \n world")
        print "s4 ok"
        print "s4 error"

    if (removeEndingChar(_s5, "\n") == "hello \n world\n")
        print "s5 ok"
        print "s5 error"

# Please feel free to add tests.

#     if (removeEndingChar(_s, "\n") == "")
#         print "s ok"
#     else
#         print "s error"

#%UU% (<string>)
def removeStartingSpaces(chaine) '{
    local cuttedString

    cuttedString = chaine

    while (index(cuttedString, " ") == 1 ){
        cuttedString = substr(cuttedString, 2)

    return (cuttedString)

#    Tests removeChars.
def removeChars_test '{
    local _str_test

    _str_test = "abcdefgfedcba"
    print "str1="_str_test
    print "Whithout \"e\" : " removeChars(_str_test,"e")
    print "Whithout \"a\" : " removeChars(_str_test,"a")

    print " "
    _str_test = "abcdefgfed\ncba"
    print "str2="_str_test
    print "Whithout \"\\n\" : " removeChars(_str_test,"\n")

#%UU% (<str>, <char_to_remove>)
#    Removes to <str> all occurences of <char_to_remove>.
def removeChars(str, char_to_remove) '{

    local _source_str
    local _target_str
    local _char

    local _ret_str  _nb_elems  ii

    _source_str = str
    _target_str = ""

    for (ii=0 ; ii< length(_source_str) ; ii++){
        _char = substr(_source_str, ii+1, 1)
        if (_char==char_to_remove){
            # found one ...
            _target_str = _target_str _char

    return (_target_str)

#     if( index(str, char_to_remove) == length(str)){
#         # print "---Ok only 1 <char_to_remove> at end of <str>."
#         split(str, _arr_tmp_str, char_to_remove)
#         return (_arr_tmp_str[0])
#     }
#     else if(index(str, char_to_remove) < length(str)){
#         if (substr(str, length(str)) == "\n"){
#             # print "---The last char of <str> is not the only <char_to_remove>"
#             _nb_elems = split(str, _arr_tmp_str, char_to_remove)
#             _ret_str  = _arr_tmp_str[0]
#             for (ii=1; ii<_nb_elems-1; ii++){
#                 # print "---" ii ":" _arr_tmp_str[ii]
#                 _ret_str = _ret_str  "\n" _arr_tmp_str[ii]
#             }
#             return (_ret_str)
#         }
#         else{
#             # print "---No <char_to_remove> at end of <str>."
#             return (str)
#         }
#     }
#     return ("tutu")

#%UU% (<str>)
#    Return the last char of string <str>.
def string_get_last_char(str) '{
    return substr( st, length(st))

#%UU% (<str>, <nb_char>)
#    Return last N char(s) of string <str>.
def string_get_last_N_char(str, nb_char) '{
    return substr( str, length(str) - nb_char + 1)

#%UU% (<str>, <nb_char>)
#    Return string <str> without <nb_char> last characters.
def string_remove_last_N_chars(str, nb_char) '{
    return substr(str, 1, length(str)-nb_char)

# Checks characters of <user_string> to be valid ascii characters.
# Removes "unusual" characters.
# from FTOMO / fasttomo.mac
def removeStrangeChars(user_string) '{
    local str_len idx chr final_str ascii_number

    final_str= ""
    str_len= length(user_string)

    for (idx= 0; idx<str_len; idx++) {
        chr= substr(user_string, idx + 1, 1)
        ascii_number= asc(chr)

        if (((ascii_number >= asc("0")) && (ascii_number <= asc("9"))) || \
            ((ascii_number >= asc("A")) && (ascii_number <= asc("Z"))) || \
            ((ascii_number >= asc("a")) && (ascii_number <= asc("z"))) || \
            (ascii_number==asc("_")) || (ascii_number==asc("-")) || (ascii_number==asc("."))) {
            # if chr is in "0-9 A-Z a-z  _ - ." then use it in final_str.
            final_str = sprintf("%s%c", final_str, asc(chr))

    return (final_str)

#%UU% <input_string>
# Return 1 if <input_string> contains only "standard" characters.
# from RH
def str_is_std(input_string) '{
    local _len, _i, _c
    local _std

    _std = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-."
    # _stdNo = " #()[]{}|$\'\`*?;!&<>\\@:/"

    _len = length(input_string)

    if(_len == 0) return 0

    for(_i=1; _i<=_len; _i++) {
        _c = substr(input_string, _i,1)
        if(index(_std,_c) == 0) return 0

    return 1

#%UU% <input_string>
# Return 1 if <input_string> contains only "standard" characters
#       and \ and / for paths and windows paths.
# from RH
def str_is_std_path_win(input_string) '{
    local _len, _i, _c
    local _std

    _std = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_:-./\\"
    # _stdNo = " #()[]{}|$\'\`*?;!&<>@"

    _len = length(input_string)

    if(_len == 0) return 0

    for(_i=1; _i<=_len; _i++) {
        _c = substr(input_string, _i,1)
        if(index(_std,_c) == 0) return 0

    return 1

# for compatibility
def str_isstd(input_string) '{
    return str_is_std(input_string)

# Add +1 to last digit of a string if ending by _<digit>.
# Otherwise, add "_1" at end of the string.
def name_increase(scan_name) '{
    local nb_fields
    local last_field
    local increased_digit
    local next_scan_name
    local TTT[]  ii

 #   printf("scanName=%s\n", scanName)
    nb_fields = split(scan_name, TTT, "_")

    last_field = TTT[nb_fields - 1]

 #   printf("last_field=%s\n", last_field)

    if (is_number(last_field)){
        # increase last field by 1
        increased_digit = sprintf("%02d", last_field + 1)

        next_scan_name = TTT[0]
        for (ii=1 ; ii < nb_fields-1; ii++){
            next_scan_name = sprintf("%s_%s", next_scan_name, TTT[ii])

        next_scan_name = sprintf("%s_%s", next_scan_name, increased_digit)
        # add _01 at end of scan name

        next_scan_name = sprintf("%s_01", scan_name)
  #  printf("next scan name = %s", next_scan_name)

def name_increase_test '{
    local TOTO[]

    TOTO[0] = "lalala"
    TOTO[1] = "lolo_0"
    TOTO[2] = "lili3"
    TOTO[3] = "lal_ala_4"
    TOTO[4] = "lal_4_55_ala"

    for (ii in TOTO ){
        printf("%-15s -> %s\n", TOTO[ii], name_increase(TOTO[ii]))
    print name_increase(name_increase(name_increase(name_increase("toto"))))

##################  IS ELEMENT IN STRING  #################

def is_string(the_string) '{

#%UU% (<element>, <the_string>, [<separator>])
#    Return 1 if <element> is present in string <the_string>.
# Return 0 otherwise.
# Default separator is space character.
def is_element_in_string(element, the_string, separator) '{
    local ii
    local IEIS_TTT[]

        if (separator == ""){
            separator = " "

        split(the_string, IEIS_TTT, separator)

        # printf ("string=\"%s\" \n", the_string)
        # printf ("separator = \"%s\" \n", separator)
        # print IEIS_TTT

        return ( is_element_in_ass_arr(element, IEIS_TTT) )
        print "is_element_in_string Error"
        print "   usage:  is_element_in_assarr(<element>, <associative_array>)"
        return (-1)

    return (0)

def is_element_in_string_test(element, the_string, result) '{

    printf("is_element_in_string(%s, \t\"%s\"):%s \t ", element, the_string, is_element_in_string(element, the_string)? "yes" : "no")

    if (is_element_in_string(element, the_string) == result){
        print "ok"
        print ""


def is_element_in_string_test_suite() '{

    local test_string

    test_string = "sy sampy sa sam sypz sz s"

    print "Test suite for \"is_element_in_string()\" function"
    is_element_in_string_test("sy",    test_string,  1)
    is_element_in_string_test("sampy", test_string,  1)
    is_element_in_string_test("sypz",  test_string,  1)

    is_element_in_string_test("sa", test_string,  1)
    is_element_in_string_test("x",   test_string,  0)
    is_element_in_string_test("sx",  test_string,  0)
    is_element_in_string_test("sam", test_string,  1)
    is_element_in_string_test("sypz sz", test_string,  0)  # lets say only 1 element...
    print ""


###############################        ###############################
###############################  CASE  ###############################
###############################        ###############################

# A=65    a=97    diff = 32

def string_toupper(str) '{
    local _str_len idx _upper_str
    local _char  _case_diff  _upper_char

    local _asc_diff

    _upper_str = ""
    _str_len = length(str)
    _case_diff = asc("a") - asc("A")

    for (idx = 0; idx < _str_len; idx++) {
        _char = substr(str, idx+1, 1)

        if ( char_is_lower_case(_char) ) {
            _asc_diff = _case_diff
            _asc_diff = 0
        _upper_str = sprintf("%s%c", _upper_str , asc(_char) - _asc_diff)
    return (_upper_str)

def string_tolower(str) '{
    local _str_len idx _lower_str
    local _char  _case_diff  _lower_char
    local _asc_diff

    _lower_str = ""
    _str_len = length(str)
    _case_diff = asc("a") - asc("A")

    for (idx = 0; idx < _str_len; idx++) {
        _char = substr(str, idx+1, 1)

        if ( char_is_upper_case(_char) ) {
            _asc_diff = _case_diff
            _asc_diff = 0
        _lower_str = sprintf("%s%c", _lower_str , asc(_char) + _asc_diff)
    return (_lower_str)

def char_is_lower_case(letter) '{
    local _ascii_code
    _ascii_code = asc(letter)

    if((_ascii_code>= 97) && (_ascii_code  <= 122)){

def char_is_upper_case(letter) '{
    local _ascii_code
    _ascii_code = asc(letter)

    if((_ascii_code>= 65) && (_ascii_code  <= 90)){

#### ACHTUNG !!! tolower and toupper are builtin in SPEC >= 6.08

if(!whatis("tolower")) {
    eval("rdef tolower(str)  '{ return string_tolower(str) }'  ")

if(!whatis("toupper")) {
    eval("rdef toupper(str)  '{ return string_toupper(str) }'  ")


def tolower_test() '{

    local tabStr[]
    local ii   _in _out _eout  _res_str

    print "     tolower_test    "

    tabStr[0]["in"]  = "ABCDZ"
    tabStr[0]["out"] = "abcdz"

    tabStr[1]["in"]  = "1"
    tabStr[1]["out"] = "1"

    tabStr[2]["in"]  = "aB cD"
    tabStr[2]["out"] = "ab cd"

    tabStr[3]["in"]  = "a2BcD"
    tabStr[3]["out"] = "a2bcd"

    tabStr[4]["in"]  = "aaa"
    tabStr[4]["out"] = "aaa"

    tabStr[5]["in"]  = "@#$^&*()_+"
    tabStr[5]["out"] = "@#$^&*()_+"

    for (ii=0 ; ii<6 ; ii++){
        _in   = sprintf("\"%s\"", tabStr[ii]["in"])
        _eout = sprintf("\"%s\"", tabStr[ii]["out"])
        _out  = sprintf("\"%s\"", tolower(tabStr[ii]["in"]))

        _res_str = sprintf ("in=%20s expected out=%20s out=%20s  ", _in , _eout, _out )

        if (_eout == _out){
            print ""
    print ""

def toupper_test() '{

    local tabStr[]
    local ii   _in _out _eout  _res_str

    print "     toupper_test    "

    tabStr[0]["in"]  = "abcdz"
    tabStr[0]["out"] = "ABCDZ"

    tabStr[1]["in"]  = "1"
    tabStr[1]["out"] = "1"

    tabStr[2]["in"]  = "aB cD"
    tabStr[2]["out"] = "AB CD"

    tabStr[3]["in"]  = "a2BcD"
    tabStr[3]["out"] = "A2BCD"

    tabStr[4]["in"]  = "aaa"
    tabStr[4]["out"] = "AAA"

    tabStr[5]["in"]  = "@#$^&*()_+"
    tabStr[5]["out"] = "@#$^&*()_+"

    for (ii=0 ; ii<6 ; ii++){
        _in   = sprintf("\"%s\"", tabStr[ii]["in"])
        _eout = sprintf("\"%s\"", tabStr[ii]["out"])
        _out  = sprintf("\"%s\"", string_toupper(tabStr[ii]["in"]))

        _res_str = sprintf ("in=%20s expected out=%20s out=%20s  ", _in , _eout, _out )

        if (_eout == _out){
            print ""
    print ""

def case_test '{

#########                                                    #########
#########  Compilation of macros found on ID09 (F.Schote ?)  #########
#########                                                    #########

def split_fname(f) '{
    local last_u i ret[]
    ret["dir"] = dirname(f)
    last_u = rindex(f,"_");
    ret["prefix"] = substr(f,0,last_u)
    ret["num"]    = substr(f,last_u+1,i-last_u-1)
    ret["suffix"] = substr(f,i+1,length(f)-i+1)
    return (ret)

#%MDESC% return the inverted string
def string_reverse(s) '{
    local i n sr
    for (i=n; i>0;i--) {
        sr = sr substr(s,i,1)

    return (sr)

#%UU% (<>, <>)
#    ???
def rindex(s,what) '{
    local i nwhat
    for (i=n; i>0;i--){
        if ( what == substr(s,i,nwhat) ) { return i }
    return (i)


def dirname(s) '{
    local i
    i=rindex (s,"/"); # find last /
    return (substr(s,0,i))

#%MDESC% return the basename (i.e. basename("this_is_a_long_path/with/multiple/dirs")=dirs)
#if second argument is given, the suffix will be cut off. Unlike the bash version, it`ll cut
#off any suffix, regardless of the content of the variable suffix.
#The macro should work as before, when there is no suffix.
def basename(f, suffix) '{
    local i, fname
    i = rindex (f,"/"); # find last /
    fname = substr(f,i+1,length(f))
    if (suffix) {
        i = rindex (fname,".");
        fname = substr(fname,1,i-1)
    return fname


#%IU% (fname)
#  Gets the directory path of a file name. Still incomplete ...
def dirname(fname) '{
    local alldirs nr dname

    nr = split(fname, alldirs, "/") - 1
    if (alldirs[nr] == "")
    if (nr == 0)
        return (".")

    dname = alldirs[--nr]
    while (--nr >= 0)
        dname = sprintf("%s/%s", alldirs[nr], dname)

    return (dname)

#%UU% (<filename>)
#    Return the extention of a file
# file_extention("toto.titi.42.txt") :  return "txt"
def file_extention(filename) '{
    local ffields[]
    nr = split(filename, ffields, ".")
    # print nr
    # print ffields


#%UU% (<filename>)
#    Return the filename whitout extention.
# file_without_extention("toto.titi.42.txt") :  return "toto.titi.42"
def file_without_extention(filename) '{
    local ffields[] nr _name

    nr = split(filename, ffields, ".")
    # print nr
    # print ffields
    delete ffields[nr-1]

    _name = ffields[0]
    for (ii=1 ; ii< nr-1 ; ii++){
        # print ffields[ii]
        _name = sprintf("%s.%s", _name , ffields[ii])



#%UU% (<dir>)
#    Return an associative array of files AND DIRECTORIES found in directory <dir>
def list_dir(dir) '{
    local ls_res
    local arr_res[]

    unix(sprintf("ls %s", dir), ls_res)
    _nb_fields = split(ls_res, arr_res,"\n")

    delete arr_res[_nb_fields-1]

    return arr_res

#%UU% (<dir>)
#    Return an associative array of files AND NOT DIRECTORIES found in directory <dir>.
# If specified, return only fiels with <extention> extention.
def list_dir_files(dir, extension) '{
    local ls_res
    local arr_res[]

    unix(sprintf("ls %s", dir), ls_res)
    _nb_fields = split(ls_res, arr_res,"\n")

    delete arr_res[_nb_fields-1]

    for (ff in arr_res){
        if (file_info(sprintf("%s/%s", dir, arr_res[ff]), "isreg")){
            # print "ok file " , arr_res[ff]
                if (file_extention(arr_res[ff]) == extension){
                    # printf(" \"%s\" ok : good %s extension \n", arr_res[ff], extension)
                    delete arr_res[ff]
            # print "DIR? delete?" , sprintf("%s/%s", dir, arr_res[ff])
            delete arr_res[ff]

    return arr_res

# from FTOMO / fasttomo.mac
def create_directory_tree(tree) '{
    if (index(tree, "/") == 0) {
        printf("create_directory_tree error : \"%s\" is not a valid directory name", tree)

    if (file_info(tree, "isdir") == 0) {
        unix(sprintf("mkdir -p %s", tree))
        if (file_info(tree, "isdir") == 0) {
            printf("create_directory_tree : Failed to create directory %s", tree)
            return (0)
        } else {
            printf("create_directory_tree : Created directory %s", tree)
            unix(sprintf("chmod g+w %s", tree))
    return (1)

###############################        ###############################
###############################  MISC  ###############################
###############################        ###############################

#%IU% <a> <b>
#%MDESC% interchange the value of the variables "a" and "b"
def swap '{
    local temp1

    temp1 = $1
    $1    = $2
    $2    = temp1

#%UU% (<tname> <verbose>)
#     Return the path of the file <tname>
def get_tool_path(tname, verbose) '{
    local _tmp_str _ret
    local _path
    local _cmd

    _cmd = sprintf ("which %s", tname)

    if (unix(_cmd, _tmp_str)){
        if (verbose){
            printf ("\"%s\" not found\n", tname)
        return (-1)
        _path = removeEndingChar( _tmp_str, "\n")

        if (verbose){
            printf("\"%s\" found: %s\n", tname, _path)

        return (_path)

###########################                 ##########################
###########################  TYPE CHECKING  ##########################
###########################                 ##########################

#%UU% (<value_to_test>)
#    Return 1 if <value_to_test> is an integer (-2 -1 0 1 2).
#    Return 0 otherwise.
def is_int(value, blabla) '{
    local y

    if (blabla != 0){

    y = sprintf("%.0f", value)
    return(value == y)

#%UU% (<value_to_test>)
#    Return 1 if <value_to_test> is a positive integer (0 1 2).
#    Return 0 otherwise.
def is_int_pos(value) '{

    if (is_int(value) && value >=0){
        return (1)
        return (0)

#%UU% (<value_to_test>)
#    Return 1 if <value_to_test> is a natural number (1 2 3).
#    Return 0 otherwise.
def is_int_pos_not_zero(value) '{

    if (is_int(value) && value >0){
        return (1)
        return (0)

#%UU% (<value_to_test>)
#    Return 1 if <value_to_test> is a number (-0.12 0 1 3.14 3.2232e3)
#    0 otherwise.
def is_number(value) '{
    local y

    y = sprintf("%g", value)

    if (value == y){
        return (1)
        y= value + 0
        return(y == value)


#%UU% (<value_to_test>, <low_lim>, <high_lim>)
#    Return 1 if <value_to_test> is a number (-0.12 0 1 3.14 3.2232e3)
# and in range [<low_lim>, <high_lim>] (limits included).
# Return 0 otherwise.
def is_number_in_range(value, low_lim, high_lim) '{
    local y  _is_number
    y = sprintf("%g", value)

    if (value == y){
        _is_number = 1
        y= value + 0
        if (y == value){
            _is_number = 1

    if (_is_number == 1){
        if(  (value >= low_lim) && (value <= high_lim)){
        else {
    else {


def is_ass_arr(aaasssaaarrr) '{
    return (((whatis("aaasssaaarrr") >> 16) & 0x100) == 0x100)

def is_ass_arr_test_suite()'{
    local TTTT[]
    global UUUU[]

    unglobal RRRR
    print "Test suite for \"is_ass_arr()\" function"

    TTTT[0] = TTTT[0]
    UUUU[0] = UUUU[0]

    is_ass_arr_test(RRRR, "RRRR", 0)
    is_ass_arr_test(TTTT, "TTTT", 1)
    is_ass_arr_test(UUUU, "UUUU", 1)
    print ""

def is_ass_arr_test(ass_arr, array_name, result) '{

    printf("is_ass_arr(%s):%s \t ", array_name, is_ass_arr(ass_arr)? "yes" : "no")
    if (is_ass_arr(ass_arr) == result){
        print "ok"
        print ""

    return ""


def is_type_test_suite() '{


########################                       #######################
########################  TYPE CHECKING TESTS  #######################
########################                       #######################

#%UU% (<value>)
#    Prints a int test for <value>.
def is_int_test(value) '{
    printf("is_int(%s)  \t ", value )
    print ""

#%UU% (<value>)
#    Prints a int pos test for <value>.
def is_int_pos_test(value) '{
    printf("is_int_pos(%s)  \t ", value )
    print ""

#%UU% (<value>)
#    Prints a integer positive and not zero test for <value>.
def is_int_pos_not_zero_test(value) '{
    printf("is_int_pos_not_zero(%s)  \t ", value )
    print ""

#%UU% ()
#    Performs a set of tests for is_int() function.
def is_int_test_suite() '{

    print "Test suite for \"is_int()\" function "
    is_int_test(2e9)    # these 2 tests are to keep because
    is_int_test(3e9)    # there was a bug occuring after 2^31
    print ""

    print "Test suite for \"is_int_pos()\" function "
    print ""

    print "Test suite for \"is_int_pos_not_zero()\" function "
    print ""


#%UU% (<value>)
#    Prints a number test for <value>.
def is_number_test(value, result) '{

    printf("is_number(%s):%s \t ", value, is_number(value)? "yes" : "no")
    if (is_number(value) == result){
        print "ok"
        print ""

    return ""

#%UU% ()
#    Launches a set of tests on is_number() function.
def is_number_test_suite() '{

    print "Test suite for \"is_number()\" function "
    is_number_test(1, 1)
    is_number_test(3.1, 1)
    is_number_test(.233, 1)
    is_number_test(-1.4, 1)
    is_number_test("33", 1)
    is_number_test("33rewrwe", 0)
    is_number_test(3.255444456e3, 1)
    is_number_test(2.3e9, 1)
    is_number_test(3.4e9, 1)
    print ""


##############################          ##############################
##############################  INPUTS  ##############################
##############################          ##############################

# in getval, entering spaces equals to ask for default value.

# getval([ s,] x [, u]) - Prompts the user with the string s, if
# present, then waits for a user response.  If the user enters a
# value, that value is returned.  The value of x is returned if the
# user simply enters return.  If the prompt string s is present, the
# string is printed followed by the current value of x and the string
# u, if present, in parenthesis, a question mark and a space.  The
# function works with both number and string values.  The optional
# third argument is intended to be used for a unit string (available
# as of spec release 5.08.02-6).

# newpi = getval ("enter a value for PI", 3.14)
# enter a value for PI (3.14)?

# 1300.CYRIL> p getval (3)
# 3

# 1301.CYRIL> p getval (3)
# 4
# 4

#%UU% (<message>, <default>, <unit>)
#    Prompts for an integer until a valid one is entered.
# example:
# getval_int("Enter number of samples", 4, " pieces")
def getval_int(message, default, unit) '{
    local _entry

    _entry = getval(message, default, unit)

    while (! is_int(_entry)){
        _entry = getval(message, default, unit)

    return (_entry)

#%UU% (<message>, <default>, <val_min>, <val_max>, <unit>)
#    Prompts for an integer in a range until a valid one is entered.
# example:
# getval_int("Enter number of samples", 4, 1, 10, " pieces")
def getval_int_interval(message, default, val_min, val_max, unit) '{
    local _entry

    _entry = getval(message, default, unit)

    while ((!is_int(_entry))   || (!is_number_in_range(_entry, val_min, val_max) )  ){
        _entry = getval(message, default, unit)

    return (_entry)

#%UU% (<message>, <default>, <unit>)
#    Prompts for a positive integer until a valid one is entered.
def getval_int_pos(message, default, unit) '{
    local _entry

    _entry = getval(message, default, unit)

    while (! is_int_pos(_entry)){
        _entry = getval(message, default, unit)

    return (_entry)

#%UU% (<message>, <default>, <unit>)
#    Prompts for a positive non zero integer until a valid one is entered.
def getval_int_pos_not_zero(message, default, unit) '{
    local _entry

    _entry = getval(message, default, unit)

    while (! is_int_pos_not_zero(_entry)){
        _entry = getval(message, default, unit)

    return (_entry)

#%UU% (<message>, <default>, <unit>)
#    Prompts for a number until a valid one is entered.
def getval_number(message, default, unit) '{
    local _entry

    _entry = getval(message, default, unit)

    while (! is_number(_entry)){
        _entry = getval(message, default, unit)

    return (_entry)

#%UU% (<message>, <default>, <val_min>, <val_max>, <unit>)
#    Prompts for a number between <val_min> and <val_max> (values
# included). Repeat until a valid one is entered.
# ex : getval_number_interval("Enter a temperature (-273..500)", 20.5, -273, 500)
def getval_number_interval(message, default, val_min, val_max, unit) '{
    local _entry

    _entry = getval(message, default, unit)

    while ((! is_number(_entry)) || (_entry < val_min) || (_entry > val_max)){
        _entry = getval(message, default, unit)

    return (_entry)

#%UU% (<message>, <default>, <len_min>, <len_max>)
#    Prompts for a string of lenght between <len_min> and <len_max>
#    until a valid one is entered.
# example:
# getval_string_len("Beamline type ? (ID/BM)", "ID", 2, 2)
def getval_string_len(message, default, len_min, len_max) '{
    local _entry _msg

    _msg = sprintf("%s [%d..%d]", message, len_min, len_max)
    _entry = getval(_msg, default)

    while (  (length(_entry) < len_min) ||  (length(_entry) > len_max) ){
        _entry = getval(_msg, default)

    return (_entry)

#%UU% (<message>, <default_counter_mne>)
#    Prompts for a COUNTER *mnemonic*.
# example:
# getval_counter("Detector counter ?", "apd")
def getval_counter(message, default) '{
    local _entry

    _entry = getval( message, default)

    if (cnt_num(_entry ) == -1 ){
        if( yesno ("Warning : you enter an invalid counter mnemonic... are you sure ?", "no")){
            return (_entry)
            return (-1)


#%UU% (<message>, <default_motor_mne>)
#    Prompts for a MOTOR mnemonic.
# example:
# getval_motor("Motor mne ?", "etron")
def getval_motor(message, default_mot_mne) '{
    local _entry

    _entry = getval( message, default_mot_mne)

   if (motor_num(_entry ) == -1 ){
        if( yesno ("Warning : you enter an invalid motor mnemonic... are you sure ?", "no")){
            return (_entry)
            return (-1)

#%UU% (<message>, <value>)
#    To replace "getval()" by a more secure (forbid strange characters) version.
def getval_check(message, value) '{
    local input_string
    while(1) {
        input_string = getval(message, value)

            return input_string

        printf("ERROR - invalid characters!!! try again\n")

#%UU% (<message>, <value>)
#    To replace "getval()" by a more secure (forbid strange characters) version.
def getval_check_path(message, value) '{
    local input_string
    while(1) {
        input_string = getval(message, value)

            return input_string

        printf("ERROR - invalid characters!!! try again\n")

############################              ############################
############################  LIST INPUT  ############################
############################              ############################

# ... should avoid to duplicate stlist.mac ...
# ACHTUNGGGGGGG  associative arrays are not ordered in memory or on disk.
# You cannot rely on the ass arr order ....

#%UU% (<message>, <list>, <default>)
#    Prompts for a STRING from a given associative array until a valid
# one is entered by user then RETURN THE STRING.
def getval_list(message, list, default) '{
    local _entry
    local _numbered_list[]  ii  jj

    jj = 1

    # To number the associative array.
    for (ii in list){
        _numbered_list[jj] = list[ii]

    ass_arr_print_elements(_numbered_list, "- ")
    _entry = getval( message, default)

    while(!is_element_in_ass_arr(_entry, _numbered_list)) {
        print "valid entries are :"

        # prints in the good order.
        ass_arr_print_elements(_numbered_list, "- ")

        _entry = getval( message, default)

    return (_entry)

#%IU% ()
#    Performs a test for "getval_list()".
def getval_list_test '{
    local test_list[]
    local _ans

    test_list["0"] = "red"
    test_list["3"] = "green"
    test_list["4"] = "blue"
    test_list["7"] = "yellow"

    _ans = getval_list("Enter a color :", test_list, test_list[0])

    printf("Color : %s", _ans)

#%UU% (<message>, <list>, <default>)
#    Prompts for a valid KEY of a list and return the KEY.
def getkey_list_by_key(message, list, default_key) '{
    local _entry
    local ii jj
    local _element

    _entry = -1

    while( !is_key_in_ass_arr(list, _entry) ) {
        ass_arr_print_keys_and_values(list, ":")

        _entry = getval(message, default_key)

    return (_entry)

def getkey_list_by_key_test '{

    local test_list[]
    local _ans

    test_list[0] = "grodi"
    test_list[1] = "lundi"
    test_list[4] = "jeudi"
    test_list[5] = "vendredi"
    test_list[7] = "dimanche"

    _key_ans = getkey_list_by_key("Choose a day number :", test_list, 1)

    printf("key : %s", _key_ans)

# Return the VALUE selected by key in <list> list.
# The set of keys is meaningless: list is re-ordered.
def getval_list_by_key(message, list, default_key) '{
    local _reversed_list
    local _numbered_list[]  ii jj


    for (ii in list )  {
        _numbered_list[jj] = list[ii]

#     print _numbered_list

    _key = getkey_list_by_key(message, _numbered_list, default_key)

    return _numbered_list[_key]

# Return the VALUE selected by key in <list> list.
# The set of keys is meaningfull
def getval_list_by_specific_key(message, list, default_key) '{

#     print _numbered_list
    _key = getkey_list_by_key(message, list, default_key)

    return list[_key]

def getval_list_by_specific_key_test '{
    local kk[]
    local _key, _val

    kk["a"] = "ahhhh"
    kk["b"] = "beeeeee"
    kk["c"] = "ceeeee"

    _key = getval_list_by_specific_key("Enter a key", kk, "b")
    _val = kk[_key]

    printf("key=%s  value=%s\n", _key, _val)


#%IU% ()
#    Performs a test for "getval_list_by_key()".
def getval_list_by_key_test '{
    local test_list[]
    local _ans

    # The set of keys is meaningless: list is re-ordered.
    test_list["1"] = "lundi"
    test_list["4"] = "jeudi"
    test_list["5"] = "vendredi"
    test_list["7"] = "dimanche"

    _ans = getval_list_by_key("Choose a day number :", test_list, 1)

    printf("Day : %s", _ans)

#%IU% ()
#    Ask for a file (not the directories) from directory <dir_path>.
# If specified, proposes only fiels with <extention> extention.
def getval_file_in_dir(dir_path, extension) '{

    local files[]
    local _ans

    if(extension)    {
        printf ("search for \".%s\" files in %s \n", extension, dir_path)
        printf ("search for all files in %s \n", dir_path)

    # Queries files (not dir)  in <dir_path>
    files = list_dir_files(dir_path, extension)
    # print files
    _ans = getval_list_by_key("Choose a file", files, 0)
    return _ans

########################                      ########################
########################  ASSOCIATIVE ARRAYS  ########################
########################                      ########################

# ... should avoid to duplicate stlist.mac ...

# use *_ass_arr_* rather than *assarr*

#%UU% (<ass_arr>)
#   Return the number of elements in associative array <ass_arr>.
def ass_arr_nb_key(ass_arr) '{
    local ii jj
    for (ii in ass_arr) {

#%UU% (<param>)
#    Flatterns an associative array (tilps)
# ie: the reverse of split function.
def ass_arr2string(ARR) '{
    local ii str

    while (ARR[ii] != 0){
        str = str " " ARR[ii]

def assarr2string(ARR) '{
    return ass_arr2string(ARR)

#%UU% (<element>, <ass_arr>)
#    Return 1 if <element> is present in associative array <ass_arr>.
# Return 0 otherwise.
def is_element_in_ass_arr(element, ass_arr) '{
    local ii

        for (ii in ass_arr) {
            # print ii, element
            if(ass_arr[ii] == element){
                return (1)
        print "is_element_in_ass_arr Error"
        print "   usage:  is_element_in_assarr(<element>, <associative_array>)"
        return (-1)

    return (0)

def is_element_in_assarr(element, ass_arr) '{
    return(is_element_in_ass_arr(element, ass_arr))

def is_element_in_ass_arr_test(element, ass_arr, ass_arr_name, result) '{

    printf("is_element_in_ass_arr(%s, %s):%s \t ", element, ass_arr_name,  is_element_in_ass_arr(element, ass_arr)? "yes" : "no")
    if (is_element_in_ass_arr(element, ass_arr) == result){
        print "ok"
        print ""


# Return 1 if key <key> is in associative array <ass_arr>
def is_key_in_ass_arr(ass_arr, key) '{

    for (ii in ass_arr){
        if (key == ii){
            return 1

    return 0

def is_key_in_ass_arr_test '{
    local test_list[]
    local _ans

    test_list["0"] = "red"
    test_list["3"] = "green"
    test_list["4"] = "blue"
    test_list["7"] = "yellow"

    if (is_key_in_ass_arr(test_list, "3") != 1)  print "is_key_in_ass_arr_test ERROR : 3"
    if (is_key_in_ass_arr(test_list, "2") != 0)  print "is_key_in_ass_arr_test ERROR : 2"

def is_element_in_ass_arr_test_suite() '{
    unglobal TTT
    global  TTT[]

    TTT[1] = "titi"
    TTT[2] = "to"
    TTT[3] = "tutu"

    print "Test suite for \"is_element_in_ass_arr()\" function"
    is_element_in_ass_arr_test("ti",   TTT, "TTT", 0)
    is_element_in_ass_arr_test("to",   TTT, "TTT", 1)
    is_element_in_ass_arr_test("titi", TTT, "TTT", 1)
    print ""


#%UU% (<ass_arr>, <element>)
#   Return the first found key of associative array <ass_arr>
# corresponding to element <element>.
# if nothing found, return -1   ... bof ..
def ass_arr_get_key(ass_arr, element) '{

    for (ii in ass_arr) {
        # print ii, element
        if(ass_arr[ii] == element){
            return (ii)

    return -1

#%UU% (<ass_array>, <bullet>)
def ass_arr_print_elements(ass_arr, bullet) '{
    local ii
    local _bullet

        _bullet = bullet
        _bullet = "*"

    for (ii in ass_arr){
        printf("%s%s\n", _bullet, ass_arr[ii])

def ass_arr_print_keys_and_values(list, separator) '{

    for (ii in list) {
        printf("%s %s %s\n", ii , separator, list [ii])


#%UU% (<ass_array>)
#    Prints elements of an associative array <ass_array> of size
# NB_ELEM. Elements are prefixed by numbers [1..NB_ELEM]
# NB : prints in good order !
def ass_arr_print_numbered_elements(ass_arr) '{
    local ii jj kk
    local _nb_keys

    # print "------good order-------"
    # print ass_arr

    # This prints in reverse order !!!!
    # print "------ bad order-------"
    # for (ii in ass_arr){
    #    printf("%d - %s  \n",ii, ass_arr[ii])
    # }

    # Counts keys.
    _nb_keys = 0
    for (ii in ass_arr){
        # _reverse_arr[kk] = ass_arr[ii]

    # Prints in good order.
    for (ii = 0; ii<_nb_keys ; ii++){
        printf("%d - %s\n", ii, ass_arr[ii])

#%UU% (<ass_arr>)
#    Return an assosiative array in reverse order...
def ass_arr_reverse(ass_arr) '{
    local TTT[]
    local ii

    for(ii in ass_arr) {
        TTT[ii] = ass_arr[ii]

    return TTT

#%UU% (<ass_arr>)
#    Return 1 if <ass_arr> assosiative array values are ordered.
def ass_arr_is_ordered(ass_arr) '{
    local TTT[]
    local ii

    TTT = ass_arr_reverse(ass_arr)

    for(ii=0 ; ii<(ass_arr_nb_key(TTT)-1) ; ii++) {
        if (TTT[ii] > TTT[ii+1])
            return 0

    return 1

def ass_arr_is_ordered_test '{
    local TTT[]
    local YYY[]
    local VVV[]

    TTT[0]=-1 ; TTT[1]=9 ; TTT[2]=16 ; TTT[3]=30
    YYY[0]=11 ; YYY[1]=12 ; YYY[2]=13 ; YYY[3]=9
    VVV[0]=11 ; VVV[1]=12 ; VVV[2]=13 ; VVV[3]=13

    print TTT
    print ""
    print YYY
    print ""
    print VVV

    printf("ass_arr_is_ordered(TTT)=%d \n", ass_arr_is_ordered(TTT))
    printf("ass_arr_is_ordered(YYY)=%d \n", ass_arr_is_ordered(YYY))
    printf("ass_arr_is_ordered(VVV)=%d \n", ass_arr_is_ordered(VVV))


#%IU% <array>
#%MDESC% Useful for saving global variables across a "spec -f".
# Writes the contents of all members of an array to an ASCII file,
# so they can be reloaded later by the "restore_array" macro. The file is in
# the directory ~specadm/local/userconf/SPEC and has the name of the array
# with the user name appended.
def save_array '
    local dir file command

    if( ! (whatis("$1") & 0x01000000)) {
        eprint "$1 is not an array"
    else {

        dir = BLISSADM"/local/userconf/"SPEC
        if (file_info (dir,"isdir") != 1) {
            unix (command="mkdir -p "dir)
            unix (command="chmod 777 "dir)

        file = dir"/$1_"USER
        unix (command = "rm -f "file)

        for (i in $1) fprintf (file,"%s=%s\n",i,$1[i])
        unix (command="chmod 666 " file)

#%IU% <array>
#%MDESC% Loads back saved values from an ASCII file from a previous "save_array"
# call.

def restore_array '
    local file line words tag value n

    file = BLISSADM"/local/userconf/"SPEC"/$1_"USER
    file1 = BLISSADM"/local/userconf/"SPEC"/$1"

    if (file_info(file,"-e") == 1) {
        global $1
        # without this, the first assignment would fail if array was inexistant
        $1["____"] = "__"
        delete $1["____"]
        getline (file,"open")

        while ((line = getline(file)) != -1)
            n = split (line,words,"="); tag = words[0]; value = words [1]
            if (n < 1) continue
            split (value,words,"\n"); value = words [0] # get rid of trailing new-line
            if (!(tag in $1)) $1[tag] = value
        getline (file,"close")
    } else     if (file_info(file1,"-e") == 1) {
        global $1
        # without this, the first assignment would fail if array was inexistant
        $1["____"] = "__"
        delete $1["____"]
        getline (file1,"open")

        while ((line = getline(file1)) != -1)
            n = split (line,words,"="); tag = words[0]; value = words [1]
            if (n < 1) continue
            split (value,words,"\n"); value = words [0] # get rid of trailing new-line
            if (!(tag in $1)) $1[tag] = value
        getline (file1,"close")
    } else {
        eprint "No array of the name", "\"$1\"", "found as a file!"


#############################            #############################
#############################  BEAMLINE  #############################
#############################            #############################

#%UU% ()
#    Return the name of the beamline where SPEC session is running.
# info is taken from SPECBL which is set in
# /users/blissadm/local/spec/spec.d/
def beamline_name() '{
    return (SPECBL)

#%UU% ()
#    Return an associative array containing infos on beamline:
# example :
# on piano : tmp["number"] = 26
#            tmp["type"] = "ID"
# on chandra :
#   tmp["number"] = 05
#   tmp["type"] = "D"
def beamline_info() '{
    local _arr_bl[]
    local _bl_name, t , n

    _bl_name = beamline_name()

    if (length(_bl_name) == 3){
            print "------- ID2 please change your beamline name -----------"
            t = "ID"
            n = 2
            sscanf(_bl_name, "%1s%d", t, n)
    else if(length(_bl_name) == 4){
        sscanf(_bl_name, "%2s%d", t, n)
    else if(length(_bl_name) == 5) {
        sscanf(_bl_name, "%2s%d", t, n)
        print "oupsla"
        t = n = "oupsla"

    _arr_bl["type"]   = t
    _arr_bl["number"] = sprintf("%02d", n)

    return (_arr_bl)

#%UU% ()
#    Return beamline number.
def beamline_number() '{
    local _bl_name

    local _arr[]

    _arr = beamline_info()
    return  (_arr["number"])


#%UU% ()
#    Return beamline type (ID or D)
def beamline_type() '{
    local _bl_name
    local _arr[]

    _arr = beamline_info()
    return  _arr["type"]

def beamline_info_test '{
    local TTT[]

    TTT = beamline_info()

    printf ("Beamline type : \"%s\"   beamline number : \"%d\" \n", TTT["type"], TTT["number"])

#############################            #############################
#############################  MESSAGES  #############################
#############################            #############################

# %IU% (<message>)
#     Macro to display informational messages.
def notice(message) '{
    printf("\r%s", message)
    tty_cntl ("ce") # clear to end of line

#    Performs a test on notice.
def notice_test '{
    for (ii=0; ii<100 ; ii=ii+9){
        notice(sprintf("%d %",ii)) ; sleep(0.1)
    print ""

#%UU% (<duration>)
#    Displays a <duration> seconds countdown.
# example : countdown(5)
def countdown(duration)'{
    local ii

    for (ii=duration; ii>0; ii--){
        notice(sprintf("%d", ii))

#%UU% (<char>, <color>)
#    Prints a full line of character <char> with the color <color>.
def print_line(char, color) '{
    local ii

    # To update COLS.

    for (ii=0; ii<COLS; ii++)
        cprint (sprintf("%s",char), color)


#%UU% (<message>, <len>)
#    Prints <message> right aligned in a space of <len> characters.
def print_right(msg, len) '{
    local format, a

    format = sprintf("%%%ds", len)
    # print "format=" format

    a=sprintf(format, msg)


#%UU% (<message>, <len>, <char>)
#    Prints <message> left-aligned and fills the rest of the line until
# <len> character with <char>.
def print_left(msg, len, char) '{
    local _format _len ii

    _len = length(msg)

    _fill = fabs(len - _len)
    for (ii=0 ; ii< _fill; ii++){
            printf(" ")

#########################                    #########################
#########################  GRAPHIC MESSAGES  #########################
#########################                    #########################

# what about to use zenity?

#%UU% <message>
#    Opens a QT window displaying <message>.
def message_warning(message) '{

    _ret = unix(sprintf("/users/blissadm/bin/ \"%s\"", message))


#%UU% <message>
#    Opens a QT window displaying <message> and asking for a YES/NO answer.
def message_question(message) '{

    _ret = unix(sprintf("/users/blissadm/bin/ \"%s\"", message))

    print _ret?"yes":"no"
    return _ret

########################                       #######################
########################  ON/OFF info message  #######################
########################                       #######################

#%UU% (<msg>, <status>)
#    Prints a 2-parts ligne : 1st part is a message, 2nd part is a ON/OFF green/red
# "a la" linux starting console.
# Text is adjusted to fit ligne width minus 15 chars."
def print_start_info(msg, status)'{
    local ii

    # To update COLS.


    for (ii=0 ; ii<(COLS-length(msg)-15) ; ii++){
        printf(" ")

    print ""

#    Performs a test on "print_start_info()".
def print_start_info_test '{
    local ii

    print ""
    print "   $0 prints a 2-parts ligne : 1st part is a message, 2nd part is a ON/OFF green/red"
    print "   a la linux starting console."
    print "   Text is adjusted to fit ligne width-15 chars."
    print ""

    for (ii=0; ii<11; ii++){
        print_start_info(sprintf("starting in %d seconds",10-ii), 10-ii?0:1 )

##########################                  ##########################
##########################  COLOR PRINTING  ##########################
##########################                  ##########################

#%UU% (<str>)
#    Prints <str> in bold.
def bprint(str) '{
    printf("\033[1m%s\033[0m", str)
def cprint_bold(str) '{

#%UU% (<str>)
#    Prints <str> in underlined bold.
def buprint(str) '{
    printf("\033[1m\033[4m%s\033[0m", str)
def cprint_bold_underlined(str) '{

#%UU% (<str>)
#    Prints <str> underlined.
def uprint(str) '{
    printf("\033[4m%s\033[0m", str)
def cprint_underlined(str) '{

#    Prints "Ab1" string in many colored and modified typo.
def cprint_examples '{
    local ii jj str

    str = "Ab1 "

    print "        color print"
    print "usage : cprint(str, <p1>, <p2>, <p3>, <p4>)"
    print ""
    print "p1\\p2-> 0               1               2               3           "      \
        "    4               5               6               7               8     "

    for (ii=0 ; ii<9; ii++){
        printf("%s--", ii)
        for (jj=0 ; jj<9; jj++){
            cprint(sprintf(str,ii), ii ,jj)
            cprint(sprintf(str,ii), ii ,jj,1)
            cprint(sprintf(str,ii), ii ,jj,0,1)
            cprint(sprintf(str,ii), ii ,jj,1,1)
        print "\n"

    str = "color %3d : Salut le monde *^*"

    bprint("p3 : bold : Salut le monde *^*\n")
    uprint("p4 : underlined : Salut le monde *^*\n")
    buprint("b+u : Salut le monde *^*\n")

# ok with : linux colors ; white on black;
# ok with : black on light yellow ; black on random light; black on white
# medium with : dark pastel ; green on black

global CPRINT_PAR[]
# CPRINT_PAR["dark_background"]
# CPRINT_PAR["light_background"]

#    Enables usge of colors with cprint* functions.
def cprint_enable_colors '{
    CPRINT_PAR["colors"] = 1

#%UU% ()
#    Check if usage of colors with cprint* functions is enabled.
# Return 1 if yes, 0 otherwise.
def cprint_colors_enabled() '{
    return (CPRINT_PAR["colors"])

#    Disables usge of colors with cprint* functions.
def cprint_disable_colors '{
    CPRINT_PAR["colors"] = 0

#    If using a dark background, this might help to have more readable
# colored texts.
def cprint_set_dark_background '{
    CPRINT_PAR["dark_background"]  = 1
    CPRINT_PAR["light_background"] = 0

#    If using a light background, this might help to have more readable
# colored texts.
def cprint_set_light_background '{
    CPRINT_PAR["light_background"] = 1
    CPRINT_PAR["dark_background"]  = 0

#%IU% (<fgcolor>, <bgcolor>, <bold>, <underlined>)
#    Return 1 if one of the conditions of poor contrast is matched.
def _cprint_bad_contrast(fgcolor, bgcolor, bold, underlined) '{
    local _c0 _c1 _c2 _c3 _c4 _c5 _c6 _c7 _c8 _c9

    #### ALL BG
    _c0 = (fgcolor == bgcolor)

    _c5 = (fgcolor == 1) && (bgcolor == 5)

    _c6 = (fgcolor == 2) && (bgcolor == 6)

    #### DARK BG
    _c1 = (fgcolor==4) && ((bgcolor==8) || (bgcolor==0))

    _c2 = (fgcolor == 5) && (bgcolor == 1) && (CPRINT_PAR["dark_background"])

    _c3 = (fgcolor == 6) && (bgcolor == 2) && (CPRINT_PAR["dark_background"])

    _c4 = (fgcolor == 8) && (bgcolor == 7) && (CPRINT_PAR["dark_background"])

    _c7 = (fgcolor == 4) && (bgcolor == 6) && (CPRINT_PAR["dark_background"])

    if( _c0 || _c1 || _c2 || _c3 || _c4 || _c5 || _c6 || _c7){
        return (1)
        return (0)

#%IU% (<fgcolor>, <bgcolor>, <bold>, <underlined>)
#    Return 1 if one of the conditions of poor contrast is matched.
def _cprint_bad_contrast2(fgcolor, bgcolor, bold, underlined) '{
    local _c0 _c1 _c2 _c3 _c4

    #### LIGHT BG
    _c1 = (fgcolor == 3) && (bgcolor == 8) && (bold == 1) && (CPRINT_PAR["light_background"])

    _c2 = (fgcolor == 7) && (bgcolor == 8) && (bold == 1) && (CPRINT_PAR["light_background"])

    if( _c1 || _c2){
        return (1)
        return (0)

#%IU% (<fgcolor>, <bgcolor>, <bold>, <underlined>)
#    Return 1 if one of the conditions of poor contrast is matched.
def _cprint_bad_contrast3(fgcolor, bgcolor, bold, underlined) '{
    local _c0 _c1

    #### black on black with LIGHT BG
    _c1 = (fgcolor == 8) && (bgcolor == 0) && (CPRINT_PAR["light_background"])

    if( _c1 ){
        return (1)
        return (0)

#%UU% (<str>, <fgcolor>, <bgcolor>, <bold>, <underlined>, <st>)
#    Prints <str> with color and attributes.
#    <fgcolor>    : foreground color : 0..8   (0=black 8=current fg color)
#    <bgcolor>    : background color : 0..8   (0=black 8=current bg color)
#    <bold>       : +bold
#    <underlined> : +underlined
#    <st>         : +Strikethrough
def cprint_get_coloration(str, fgcolor, bgcolor, bold, underlined, st) '{

    local _fg_str _bg_str  _mod_str
    local _colored_str
    local _ends_with_NL
    local _b_str _u_str _st_str
    local _bad_contrast _bad_contrast2 _bad_contrast3

    _bad_contrast  = _cprint_bad_contrast(fgcolor, bgcolor, bold, underlined)
    _bad_contrast2 = _cprint_bad_contrast2(fgcolor, bgcolor, bold, underlined)
    _bad_contrast3 = _cprint_bad_contrast3(fgcolor, bgcolor, bold, underlined)

    # Bold
    _b_str  = "\033[1m"

    # Underlined
    _u_str  = "\033[4m"

    # Striked-trougth
    _st_str = "\033[9m"

    # Formating the color strings.
    if (_bad_contrast3){
        # replace (current fg color black) on black by white on black.
        _fg_str = sprintf("\033[3%dm", 7)
        _fg_str = sprintf("\033[3%dm", fgcolor)

    if(bgcolor >= 0){
        _bg_str = sprintf("\033[4%dm", bgcolor)
        _bg_str = ""

    if( CPRINT_PAR["colors"] == 0 ){
        _fg_str = ""
        _bg_str = ""

    # Formating the modificator strings.
    _mod_str = ""

    if((bold || _bad_contrast) && (_bad_contrast2==0)) {
        _mod_str = _mod_str _b_str

    if(underlined) {
        _mod_str = _mod_str _u_str

    if(st) {
        _mod_str = _mod_str _st_str

    # Print depending on prsence of NL.
    _ends_with_NL = (str != removeEndingChar(str, "\n")) ? 1 : 0

    if (_ends_with_NL){
        # print "Ends with NL"
        _colored_str  = sprintf( "%s%s%s%s\033[0m\n", _mod_str, _fg_str, _bg_str, removeEndingChar(str, "\n"))
        _colored_str  = sprintf( "%s%s%s%s\033[0m", _mod_str, _fg_str, _bg_str, str)

    return (_colored_str)


def cprint(str, fgcolor, bgcolor, bold, underlined, st) '{
    printf(cprint_get_coloration(str, fgcolor, bgcolor, bold, underlined, st), str)

def ceprint(str, fgcolor, bgcolor, bold, underlined, st) '{
    eprintf(cprint_get_coloration(str, fgcolor, bgcolor, bold, underlined, st), str)

#%UU% (<etat>)
#    Prints "on" in green  "off" in red depending on <etat>
def cprint_on_off(etat) '{

    if (etat==1 || toupper(etat)=="ON"){
        cprint("on", 2)
    else if(etat==0 || toupper(etat)=="OFF"){
        cprint("off", 1)

#%UU% (<msg>, <etat>)
#    Prints <msg> depending on <etat> in green(1/ON) or in red (0/OFF)
def cprint_msg_on_off(msg, etat) '{

    if (etat==1 || toupper(etat)=="ON"){
        cprint(msg, 2, 0, 1)
    else if(etat==0 || toupper(etat)=="OFF"){
        cprint(msg, 1, 0, 1)
        cprint(msg, 3, 0, 1)

#%UU% (<etat>)
#    Prints "yes" in green  "no" in red depending on <etat>
def cprint_yes_no(etat) '{

    if (etat==1 || toupper(etat)=="YES"){
        cprint("yes", 2)
    else if(etat==0 || toupper(etat)=="NO"){
        cprint("no", 1)

#%UU% (<etat>, <str_ok>, <str_bad>)
#    Prints <str_ok> string in green  <str_bad> in red depending on <etat>
def cprint_ok_bad(etat, str_ok, str_bad) '{

    if (etat==1 || toupper(etat)=="YES"){
        cprint(str_ok, 2)
    else if(etat==0 || toupper(etat)=="NO"){
        cprint(str_bad, 1)

###########################                ###########################
###########################  COLOR PRINTS  ###########################
###########################                ###########################

#%UU% (<msg>)
#    Prints <msg> in red.
def cprint_red(msg) '{
    cprint(msg, 1,0,1)

def cprint_green(msg) '{
    cprint(msg, 2,0,1)

def cprint_yellow(msg) '{
    cprint(msg, 3,0,1)

def cprint_blue(msg) '{
    cprint(msg, 4,0,1)

def cprint_pink(msg) '{
    cprint(msg, 5,0,1)

def cprint_cyan(msg) '{
    cprint(msg, 6,0,1)

def cprint_test_colors '{

##########################                  ##########################
##########################  TEXT FORMATING  ##########################
##########################                  ##########################

#%UU% (<val>)
#    Return a decimal-point-centered string of the <val> number.
def kbf_fformat(val) '{
    local _val

    _val = val
    _str = sprintf("%.8f", _val)

    _ival = int (_val)
    _fval = _val - _ival
    _sfval = sprintf("%f", _fval)

    if (_fval == 0){
        return (sprintf("%5d      ", _ival ))
        return (sprintf("%5d.%s ", _ival , substr(_sfval,3)))

#%UU% (<msg>,<surrounding_char>,<surrounding_spaces>)
#    Prints <msg> message centered over the terminal window.
def print_centered(msg, surrounding_char, surrounding_spaces) '{
    local _space


    _space = floor( (COLS - length(msg)) / 2 ) - surrounding_spaces

    #  print "COLS=" COLS
    # print "_space=" _space

    for (ii=0 ; ii< _space ; ii++){
        if (surrounding_char != ""){
            printf("%s", surrounding_char)
            printf(" ")

    for (ii=0 ; ii< surrounding_spaces; ii++){
        printf(" ")

    printf("%s", msg)

    for (ii=0 ; ii< surrounding_spaces; ii++){
        printf(" ")

    for (ii=0 ; ii< _space ; ii++){
        if (surrounding_char != ""){
            printf("%s", surrounding_char)
            printf(" ")

    print ""


#     "print_centered" function.
def print_centered_test '{
    local ii

    print_centered("centered text")
    print_centered("with surrounding char", "+")
    print_centered("and 5 spaces", "*", 5)

    print ""
    print ""

    for (ii=0 ; ii < 10 ; ii++){
        print_centered("toto", "=", ii)

    for (ii=10 ; ii>0 ; ii--){
        print_centered("toto", "=", ii)

#%UU% (<msg1>, <msg2>, <left_size>)
#    Prints <msg1> message within <left_size> characters then <msg2>.
def print_aligned(msg1, msg2, separator, left_size) '{
    local _space

    print_right(msg1, left_size)
    printf("%s", separator)
    printf("%s\n", msg2)

#     test for "print_aligned" function.
def print_aligned_test '{
    local _lsize _separator

    _lsize     = 42
    _separator = " : "

    print_aligned("Lundi",    "Raviolis", _separator, _lsize)
    print_aligned("Mardi",    "Ciel mon", _separator, _lsize)
    print_aligned("Mercredi", "c permis", _separator, _lsize)
    print_aligned("Jeudi",    "Semaine des 4", _separator, _lsize)
    print_aligned("Vendredi", "13", _separator, _lsize)
    print_aligned("Samedi",   "fievre de la nuit", _separator, _lsize)
    print_aligned("Dimanche", "dodo", _separator, _lsize)


#%UU% (<msg>, <offset>)
#    Prints <msg> as a boxed text.
# <offset> adds spaces before the box.
# if <offset> == -1  box is centered.
def print_boxed(msg, offset) '{
    local _ml
    local _offset
    local _nb_lines
    global _s_msg[]
    local ii jj kk
    local _parity_tweak

    # 1255.CYRIL> print_boxed("boxed text", 42)
    #                                           /============\
    #                                           | boxed text |
    #                                           \============/

    _nb_lines = split(msg, _s_msg, "\n")
    # print _nb_lines " lines"

    if (_nb_lines == 1){
        _ml = length(msg)
        _ml = 0
        for (ii=0 ; ii<  _nb_lines; ii++){
            _ml = max2(_ml, length(_s_msg[ii]))

    # print "_ml ="_ml

    if (offset == -1){
        _offset = floor(( COLS-_ml)/2)
        _offset = offset

    # 1st ligne
    for (ii=0; ii< _offset; ii++){
        printf (" ")
    for (ii=0; ii< _ml+2; ii++){
        printf ("=")
    # message

    for (ii=0; ii < _nb_lines ; ii++){

        for (jj=0; jj< _offset; jj++){
            printf (" ")
        printf("| ")

        for (kk=0; kk< (floor(_ml-length(_s_msg[ii]))/2) ; kk++){
            printf(" ")

        printf("%s", _s_msg[ii])

        # _parity_tweak = mod(length(_s_msg[ii]), 2)? 0 : 1

        #print "parity="_parity_tweak

        if (mod(_ml, 2)==1){
            if(  mod(length(_s_msg[ii]),2)==0) {
                _parity_tweak = 0
                _parity_tweak = 1
            if(  mod(length(_s_msg[ii]),2)==0) {
                _parity_tweak = 1
                _parity_tweak = 0

        # print "parity="_parity_tweak

        for (kk=0; kk< _parity_tweak+(floor(_ml-length(_s_msg[ii]))/2) ; kk++){
            printf(" ")


    # last ligne
    for (ii=0; ii< _offset; ii++){
        printf (" ")
    printf ("\\")
    for (ii=0; ii< _ml+2; ii++){
        printf ("=")
    printf ("/\n")


#    Performs a set of tests for "print_boxed" function.
def print_boxed_test '{
    print_boxed("salut +42", 42)
    print_boxed("a\nbb\nccc\ndddfd\neeeedse", -1)

############################               ###########################
############################  DATE / TIME  ###########################
############################               ###########################

# ?? origin ??
#%IU% (value)
#%MDESC% convert time given in seconds in more readable format
# such as ps, ns, ms, s, min, hours and days.
# Rounds at 3 dignificant digits ?
def time_string(t_str) '{
    local text
    if (!is_number(t_str)) return ("?")
    if (t_str == "off") return ("off")
    if (t_str == 0) return ("0")
    if (fabs (t_str) < 1E-9)  return (sprintf ("%.3gps", t_str*1e12))
    if (fabs (t_str) < 1E-6)  return (sprintf ("%.3gns", t_str*1e9))
    if (fabs (t_str) < 1E-3)  return (sprintf ("%.3gus", t_str*1e6))
    if (fabs (t_str) < 1)     return (sprintf ("%.3gms", t_str*1e3))
    if (fabs (t_str) <= 60)   return (sprintf ("%.3gs", t_str))
    if (fabs (t_str) < 10*60) return (text = int(t_str/60)"min,"t_str%60"s")
    if (fabs (t_str) < 60*60) return (text = int(t_str/60)"min")
    if (fabs (t_str) < 24*60*60) return (text = int(t_str/3600)"h,"int(t_str%3600/60)"min")
    return (text = int(t_str/(24*3600))"d "int(t_str%(24*3600)/3600)"h")

# ?? origin ??

#%IU% (<text>)
#   Converts sub seconds units into seconds
# ex : p seconds("3ps")  -> 3e-12
def seconds(text) '{
    local i
    if (i=index(text,"ps")) return (substr(text,1,i-1) * 1E-12)
    if (i=index(text,"ns")) return (substr(text,1,i-1) * 1E-9)
    if (i=index(text,"us")) return (substr(text,1,i-1) * 1E-6)
    if (i=index(text,"ms")) return (substr(text,1,i-1) * 1E-3)
    if (i=index(text,"s"))  return (substr(text,1,i-1) * 1)
    if (is_number(text)) return (text*1)
    if (text == "off") return ("off")
    return (0)

# > p date()
# Fri Apr 15 10:04:52 2011

#%IU% [parma]
#    From fasttomo.mac
def date_init() '{
    global DATE_PAR[]

    local _d_arr
    local datem

    split(date(), _d_arr)
    # _d_arr["0"] = "Fri"
    # _d_arr["1"] = "Apr"
    # _d_arr["2"] = "15"
    # _d_arr["3"] = "10:05:44"
    # _d_arr["4"] = "2011"

    datem["Jan"]=1; datem["Feb"]=2; datem["Mar"]=3;
    datem["Apr"]=4; datem["May"]=5; datem["Jun"]=6;
    datem["Jul"]=7; datem["Aug"]=8; datem["Sep"]=9;
    datem["Oct"]=10; datem["Nov"]=11; datem["Dec"]=12;

    DATE_PAR["day_number"]   = _d_arr["2"]
    DATE_PAR["day_name"]     = _d_arr["0"]
    DATE_PAR["month_number"] = datem[_d_arr["1"]]
    DATE_PAR["month_name"]   = _d_arr["1"]
    DATE_PAR["year"]         = _d_arr["4"]


#%UU% ()
#    Return the current day number in the month. (1..31)
def get_day_number() '{
    return (DATE_PAR["day_number"])

#%UU% ()
#    Return the shortened name of the current day (Mon Tue ...)
def get_day_name() '{
    return (DATE_PAR["day_name"])

#%UU% ()
#    Return the number of the curretn month (1..12)
def get_month_number() '{
    return (DATE_PAR["month_number"])

#%UU% ()
#    Return the shortened name of the current month (Jan..Dec)
def get_month_name() '{
    return (DATE_PAR["month_name"])

#%UU% ()
#    Return the current year number.
def get_year() '{
    return (DATE_PAR["year"])

#%UU% ()
#    Return a string of the current date (usable to timestamp a file
# for example) with second accuracy.
def date_stamping_second() '{
    return date("%Y_%b_%d_%kh%Mm%Ss")

    # 71.CYRIL> p date_stamping_second()
    # 2013_Jan_31_10h37m47s

#%UU% ()
#    Return a string of the current time (usable to timestamp a debug
# log for example) with milisecond accuracy.
# substract <offset> from current time.
def date_stamping_milisecond(offset) '{
    local _time  _mili_seconds  _seconds  _micro_seconds

    _time = time() - offset
    # print "time = " , _time

    _seconds = int(_time)
    _mili_seconds = int((_time - _seconds) * 1000)

    # _micro_seconds = int((_time - int(_time)) * 1000000)
    # print " micro seconds = " ,  _micro_seconds
    # print " mili seconds = " ,  _mili_seconds

    return sprintf("%d:%03d", _seconds, _mili_seconds)

    # 71.CYRIL> p

#%UU% ()
#    Return a string of the current date (usable to timestamp a file
# for example) with minute accuracy.
def date_stamping_minute() '{
    return date("%Y_%b_%e_%kh%Mm")

    # 70.CYRIL> p date_stamping_minute()
    # 2013_Jan_31_10h37m


#%UU% ()
#   Performs test on date&time functions.
def date_test() '{
    print "get_day_number()   : " get_day_number()
    print "get_day_name()     : " get_day_name()
    print "get_month_number() : " get_month_number()
    print "get_month_name()   : " get_month_name()
    print "get_year()         : " get_year()

    print "time_string(4324) :", time_string(4324)
    print "date_stamping_second()", date_stamping_second()
    print "date_stamping_minute()", date_stamping_minute()

#########################                    #########################
#########################  BIT MANIPULATION  #########################
#########################                    #########################

#%IU% (<x> [<n>])
#     Return <x> as binary number string consisting of 0 and 1.
# If <n> is given, the return value is filled with leading zeros up to <n> digits.
# Works for 32 bits numbers.
def binary(x, n) '{
    local ii bb

    bb = ""

    for (ii = 31 ;  ii >= 0;  ii--) {
        if (x & 1<<ii){
            bb = bb"1"
        else if (bb || ii < n) {
            bb = bb"0"

    return bb

# Found in gawk manual :
# function bits2str(bits,        data, mask)
#      {
#          if (bits == 0)
#              return "0"
#          mask = 1
#          for (; bits != 0; bits = rshift(bits, 1))
#              data = (and(bits, mask) ? "1" : "0") data
#          while ((length(data) % 8) != 0)
#              data = "0" data
#          return data
#      }

# to be refurbished....

#%IU% (value, firstbit, lastbit)
#%MDESC% Return the value of a bit sequence (high positions starts left)
#% lowest bit is number 0
def __n354_return_bits(value,first_bit,last_bit) '{
  local p,nbit
  nbit = (last_bit-first_bit)+1
  return ((value >>first_bit)&( (1<<nbit)-1))

#%IU% (bit)
#%MDESC% Return yes for 1 and no for 0
def __n354_yes_no ( value ) '{
  return ( (value==1) ? "yes" : "no" )

#%IU% (decimal_number)
#%MDESC% Prints decimal, hexadecimal and binary of a given decimal number.
def __n354_print_binary(x) '{
  printf("int value: %d\n",x)
  printf("hex value: 0x%x\n",x)
  printf("bin value: %s\n",__dec2bin(x))

#%IU% (decimal_number)
#%MDESC% Decimal to binary conversion
def __dec2bin(x) '{
  local i b; b=""
  for (i=31; i>=0; i--) {if (x & 1<<i) b=b"1"; else if (b||i<n) b=b"0"}
  return (b)

#%IU%  (binary_number)
#%MDESC% Binary to decimal conversion
def __bin2dec(x) '{
  local nc ii nnn

  nc = length(x)

  if (nc > 32){
      nc = 32

  nn = 0

  for (ii=nc; ii>0; ii--) {
      nn += substr(x, ii, 1) << (nc - i)

  return (nn)

#%UU% (bin)
#    Return the decimal value corresponding to string <b> binary
# representation.
# Max 32 bits
# Return -1 in case of error.
def binary_to_decimal(bin) '{
    local _nb_bits ii _bin_str  _dec  _bit

    _nb_bits = length(bin)
    # print "length:" _nb_bits

    if (_nb_bits > 32){
        print "ERROR : binary_to_decimal : argument too long (max 32 bits)"
        return (-1)

    _bin_str = sprintf("%s", bin)
    #print "_bin_str " _bin_str

    _dec = 0

    for (ii = _nb_bits ; ii>0 ; ii--) {
        _bit = substr(_bin_str, ii, 1)
        # print _bit

        if( (_bit == 0) || (_bit == 1) ){
            _dec += substr(_bin_str, ii, 1) << (_nb_bits - ii)
            print "ERROR : binary_to_decimal : argument must contain only 0s and 1s"
            return (-1)

    return (_dec)

#%IU% (decimal_number)
#    Return the binary representation of a decimal number <x>.
# Return -1 is number is too big.
def decimal_to_binary(x) '{
    local ii _bin_rep


    if(x > pow(2, 32)){
        print "Error : number too big (please fix this macros :))"

    for (i=31; i>=0; i--) {
        if (x & 1<<i) {
            _bin_rep = _bin_rep"1"
        else if (_bin_rep||i<n){
            _bin_rep = _bin_rep"0"

    return (_bin_rep)

##############################          ##############################
##############################  MOTORS  ##############################
##############################          ##############################

#%IU% (<motor_mnemonique>)
#    Return 1 if..
# Return 0 otherwise.
def motor_valid(mne) '{
    local check_mnum

    check_mnum = motor_num(mne)
    return ((check_mnum >= 0) && (motor_mne(check_mnum) == mne))

#%UU% ()
def motors_disableall() '{
    local motno

    for ( motno  = 0; motno < MOTORS; motno++ ) {
        motor_par( motno, "disable",1)

#%UU% ()
def motors_enableall() '{
   local motno

   for ( motno  = 0; motno <  MOTORS; motno++ ) {
       motor_par( motno, "disable",0)

#%UU% (<motors_list>)
def motors_enable(motors_list) '{
    # means disable=0
    motors_set(motors_list, 0)

#%UU% (<motors_list>)
def motors_disable(motors_list) '{
    # means disable=1
    motors_set(motors_list, 1)

#%UU% (<motors_list>, <state>)
#    Sets motors of the list <motors_list> in state <state> (0 to enable 1 to disable)
def motors_set(motors_list, state) '{
    local _motlist[]
    local moti _mot_mne _mot_num

    _motlist[0] = 0

    split( motors_list, _motlist)

    if (state) {
        printf("disabling : ")
    else {
        printf("enabling : ")

    for ( moti in _motlist ) {
        _mot_mne = _motlist[moti]
        _mot_num  = motor_num(_mot_mne)
        printf("%s ", _mot_mne)
        if (_mot_num < 0) {
            printf ("ERROR : problem with motor %s(%s) \n", _mot_mne, _mot_num)
        else {
            motor_par( _mot_num, "disable", state )

#%UU% (<mot_num>)
def motor_print_position(mot_num) '{
    printf("A[%s] = %f\n", motor_mne(mot_num), A[mot_num])

#############################            #############################
#############################  COUNTERS  #############################
#############################            #############################

#%UU% (<cnt_id> : counter_num | counter_mne)
#    Return 1 if the counter exists.
def cnt_exists(cnt_id) '{

    if(cnt_num(cnt_id) == -1){
            # print "#No such counter : " cnt_id
            return (0)
            print "cnt_exists : What is this case???"
            # ok counter NUMBER "cnt_id "  exists."
            return (1)
            # ok counter NAMED " cnt_id " exists."
            return (1)

#%UU%  (<cnt_id> : counter_num | counter_mne)
def cnt_check(cnt_id)'{

    if (cnt_exists(cnt_id)){
        # ok counter exists
        return (cnt_id)
        cprint(sprintf("cnt_check::ERROR::counter \"%s\" does not exist.\n", cnt_id), 1)

#%UU% (<cnt_id> : counter_num | counter_mne)
def cnt_enable(cnt_id) '{

    if (cnt_id == 0 || cnt_num(cnt_id) == 0){
        cprint_pink("cnt_enable() : Warning : you are enabling counter 0...")

    if (cnt_exists(cnt_id)){
        counter_par(cnt_id, "disable", 0)
        cprint(sprintf("cnt_enable--WARNING--counter \"%s\" does not exist.", cnt_id),3)

#%UU% (<cnt_id> : counter_num | counter_mne)
def cnt_disable(cnt_id) '{
    if (cnt_id == 0 || cnt_num(cnt_id) == 0){
        cprint_pink("cnt_disable() : Warning : you are disabling counter 0...")

    if (cnt_exists(cnt_id)){
        counter_par(cnt_id, "disable", 1)
        cprint(sprintf("cnt_disable--WARNING--counter \"%s\" does not exist.", cnt_id),3)

#%UU% (<cnt_id> : counter_num | counter_mne)
#    Disables counter <cnt_id> whitout error message if it does not
# exists. Useful to disable devices in SPEC setups.
def cnt_disable_silent(cnt_id) '{
    if (cnt_id == 0 || cnt_num(cnt_id) == 0){
        cprint_pink("cnt_disable() : Error : you are disabling counter 0...")

    if (cnt_exists(cnt_id)){
        counter_par(cnt_id, "disable", 1)

def counters_disableall() '{
    local cntno

    for ( cntno = 0 ; cntno <  COUNTERS ; cntno++ ) {

def counters_enableall() '{
   local cntno

   for ( cntno  = 0 ; cntno <  COUNTERS ; cntno++ ) {

def counters_enable( counters_list ) '{

    # disable=0
    counters_set( counters_list, 0 )

def counters_disable( counters_list ) '{

    # disable=1
    counters_set( counters_list, 1 )

# Sets counters in the list <counters_list> in state <state>.
# 0 to enable 1 to disable
def counters_set(counters_list, state) '{
    local cntlist cnti cntmne cntno


    split( counters_list, cntlist )

    # for all counters in the list, disable is set state

    if (state) {printf("disabled: ")} else {printf("enabled: ")}

    for ( cnti in cntlist ) {
        printf("%s ", cntlist[cnti])
        cntmne = cntlist[cnti]
        cntno  = cnt_num(cntmne)
        if (cntno < 0) {
            printf ("ERRROR--counters_set--problem with counter %s \n", cntmne)
        else {
            if(state == 1){

# def show_counters() '{
#     local   i j s _fields _max_fields
#     printf("\nCurrent counter configuration:\n")
#     printf("------------------------------------")
#     printf("------------------------------------")
#     printf("--------------------------\n")
#     printf("Num  Mnemonic  Plot          |  ")
#     printf("Num  Mnemonic  Plot          |  ")
#     printf("Num  Mnemonic  Plot\n")
#     printf("------------------------------------")
#     printf("------------------------------------")
#     printf("--------------------------\n")
#     _fields      = 0
#     _max_fields  = 0
#     _empty_field = "           "
#     for (i = 0; i < COUNTERS; i++) {
#         _fields = 0
#         if (i == MON)
#             _fields++
#         if  (i == DET)
#             _fields++
#         if (counter_par(i, "disable"))
#             _fields++
#         if(_fields > _max_fields){
#             _max_fields = _fields
#         }
#     }
#     for (i = 0; i < COUNTERS; i++) {
#         s = "NO"
#         for (j = 0; j < PLOT_NUM; j++){
#             if (cnt_num(PLOT_SEL[j]) == i) {
#                 s = "YES"
#                 break
#             }
#         }
#         _fields = _max_fields
#         if (i == MON)
#             _fields--
#         if  (i == DET)
#             _fields--
#         if (counter_par(i, "disable"))
#             _fields--
#         printf("%3d %8s %4s", i, cnt_mne(i), s)
#         if (i == MON)
#             printf("  (is MON) ")
#         if (i == DET)
#             printf("  (is DET) ")
#         if (counter_par(i, "disable"))
#             printf(" (Disabled)")
#         for (jj=0; jj<_fields; jj++){
#             printf("%s", _empty_field)
#         }
#         # 3 columns
#         # every 3 counter, I print a newline.
#         if((i+1)%3) {
#             printf (" |  ")
#         }
#         else{
#             print
#         }
#     }
#     if (MON < 0 || DET < 0 || DET >= COUNTERS) {
#         print
#         if (MON < 0)
#             printf("Monitor counter is disabled.\n")
#         if (DET < 0 || DET >= COUNTERS)
#             printf("Bad value for DET (%d).\n", DET)
#     }
#     printf("\n------------------------------------")
#     printf("------------------------------------")
#     printf("--------------------------\n")
# }'

#%MDESC%courtesy of zapxmap.mac: original macro name _zap_xmap_convert_path(path).
#convert a unix path to windows path, using a unix path and a translation table.
def ux2dos_directory2dos(path) '{
    # data directories from UNIX to WINDOWS.
    local wpath udir addpath wpath is

    wpath= path
    for (udir in UX2DOS_DIR) {
        if (index(path, udir)==1) {
            wpath= UX2DOS_DIR[udir] substr(path, length(udir)+1)

    while ((is=index(wpath, "/"))>0) {
        wpath= substr(wpath, 0, is-1) "\\" substr(wpath, is+1)

    return (wpath)

#convert a dos path to unix path, using a dos path and a translation table.
#NOTE: if arg is given as string, each backslash needs to be doubled!
def ux2dos_directory2ux(path) '{
    # data directories from WINDOWS to UNIX.
    local wpath udir addpath wpath is

    upath= path
    for (udir in UX2DOS_DIR) {
        if (index(path,UX2DOS_DIR[udir])==1) {
            upath= udir substr(path, length(UX2DOS_DIR[udir])+1)

    while ((is=index(upath, "\\"))>0) {
        upath= substr(upath, 0, is-1) "/" substr(upath, is+1)

    return (upath)

def ux2dos_add_paths '{
    # Makes a list of correspondance between file system on UNIX and on WINDOWS
    # to be used by ux2dos_directory to create WINDOWS path from UNIX PATH
    # ex:
    #    /data/id21/inhouse ====> Z:\inhouse
    # note: the /data directory from Linux can be found under \\bldata in Windows.
    global UX2DOS_DIR[]
#    UX2DOS_DIR["/data"]= "\\\\bldata"
    local udir wdir

    if ($#==2) {
        udir= "$1"
        wdir= "$2"
    } else {
        udir= getval("Unix directory name", "")
        wdir= getval("Windows map name", "")

    if ((length(udir)>0)&&(length(wdir)>0)) {
        UX2DOS_DIR[udir]= wdir
    if (!("/data" in UX2DOS_DIR)) {
        UX2DOS_DIR["/data"] = "\\\\bldata"
    if (!("/tmp" in UX2DOS_DIR)) {
        UX2DOS_DIR["/tmp"] = "C:\\Temp"


def ux2dos_del_paths '{
    global UX2DOS_DIR[]
    if ($#==1) {
        udir= "$1"
    } else {
        udir= getval("Unix directory name", "")
    delete UX2DOS_DIR[udir]

#%MDESC%Shows directory mapping between UNIX and WINDOWS
def ux2dos_dirshow '{
    global UX2DOS_DIR[]
    local maxlen

    maxlen= 20

    for (udir in UX2DOS_DIR){
        maxlen= length(udir)>maxlen?length(udir):maxlen

    printf("%*.*s  ==>  -- WINDOWS MAP --\n", maxlen, maxlen, \
           "-- UNIX DIRECTORY --")

    for (udir in UX2DOS_DIR) {
        printf("%*.*s  ==>  %s\n", maxlen, maxlen, udir, UX2DOS_DIR[udir])

#%MDESC%test the ux2dos pathname conversion
def test_ux2dos_pathname_conversion '{
    print_boxed(" path conversion unix to windows and back ", -1)
    local wpath upath
    print "* add \"/bla\" to be converted to drive letter \"P:\""
    ux2dos_add_paths "/bla" "P:"
    print "* show all conversions, /data and /tmp are added automatically"
    upath = "/data/visitor/fictive0815"
    print "* convert", upath, "to windows", wpath = ux2dos_directory2dos(upath)
    print "* convert", wpath, "to linux  ", upath = ux2dos_directory2ux(wpath)
    upath = "/bla/anything/kolnischwasser4711"
    print "* convert", upath, "to windows", wpath = ux2dos_directory2dos(upath)
    print "* convert", wpath, "to linux  ", upath = ux2dos_directory2ux(wpath)
    upath = "/tmp/zafford-bebelbrocks"
    print "* convert", upath, "to windows", wpath = ux2dos_directory2dos(upath)
    print "* convert", wpath, "to linux  ", upath = ux2dos_directory2ux(wpath)

#####################                            #####################
#####################  SIMULATION MODE WARINING  #####################
#####################                            #####################

def sim_warn() '{
    if (set_sim(-1)) {
        print "   TAKE CARE :  YOU ARE IN SIMULATION MODE        "

def sim_warn_on '{
    cdef ("prompt_mac" , "\n sim_warn() \n", "_sim_key_" )

def sim_warn_off '{
    cdef ("prompt_mac" , "", "_sim_key_", "delete" )

#%AUTHOR% BLISS (Compilation).