
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#  Macros to control REGLO Digital TUBING PUMP
#  This macro set allows to control the REGLO tubing pump in 
#  \"Pump flow rate\" mode only.
#  %BR%
#  Only one pump can be driven at a time.
#  %DL%
#  %DT%reglosetup 0 4
#  %DD%Configures a reglo pump unit connected to the spec serial line #0
#      and having an address #4 (to be set on the controller)
#  %DT%reglostart + 0.2
#  %DD%Start the pump in clockwise direction with a flow rate of 0.2 ml/min.
#  %DT%reglostop
#  %DD%Stop the pump
#  %XDL%

#%UU% <serline> <address>
# Configure the REGLO pump unit connected to <serline> with address <address>
# %BR%
# The serial line has to be configured as %B%raw%B%, %B%9600%B% baud.
# %BR%
# The address has to be set on the controller. Turn the unit off, press settings
# button while powering on. Go to \"addr\", and set/read desired address.
# %BR%
# On setup, the pump is set to \"PUMP FLOW RATE\" mode, and direction set \"clockwise\"
def reglosetup '{
    global REGLO_PAR[]
    if ($#!=2) {
        print "Usage: $0 <serline> <addr>"

    REGLO_PAR["sdev"]= int($1)
    REGLO_PAR["addr"]= int($2)

    if ((desc= _reglo_io("#"))==-1) {
	printf("REGLO ERROR> Failed to address pump unit\n")
    } else {
	printf("Using %s\n", desc)
	if (_reglo_command("M")!=0) {
	    printf("REGLO ERROR> Failed to set pump flow rate mode\n")
	reglodirection +

#%UU% [<direction>] [<flowrate>]
# Start the pump.
# %BR%
# if %B%direction%B% is specified by %B%+%B% or %B%-%B%, set it before starting.
# %BR%
# if %B%flowrate%B% is also specified (in ml/min), set it before starting.
def reglostart '{
    if ($#>=1) {
	reglodirection $1
    if ($#>=2) {
	reglorate $2
    if (_reglo_command("H")!=0) {
	printf("REGLO ERROR> Failed to start pump\n")
    } else {
	printf("REGLO> Started.\n")

# Stop the pump
def reglostop '{
    if (_reglo_command("I")!=0) {
	printf("REGLO ERROR> Failed to stop pump\n")
    } else {
	printf("REGLO> Stopped.\n")

# Print out current status (running state, flow rate, direction)
def reglostatus '{
    local status dir str

    status= _reglo_command("E")
    if (status==1) str="Running"
    else if (status==-1) str="Idle"
    else str="ERROR"
    printf("REGLO> State is \"%s\"\n", str)


    if (REGLO_PAR["dir"]==-1)
    else if (REGLO_PAR["dir"]==1)
    else dir= "Unknown"
    printf("REGLO> Direction is %s\n", dir)


#%UU% <+ or ->
# Set pump direction:
# %BR%
# %B%+%B% : clockwise direction
# %BR%
# %B%-%B% : counter-clockwise direction
def reglodirection '{
    local dir
    if ($#!=1) {
	print "Usage: $0 <+|->\n\t(+=clockwise, -=counter-clockwise)"
    dir= "$1"
    if (dir=="+") {
	if (_reglo_command("J")!=0) {
	    printf("REGLO ERROR> Failed to set + direction")
	REGLO_PAR["dir"]= 1
    } else if (dir=="-") {
	if (_reglo_command("K")!=0) {
	    printf("REGLO ERROR> Failed to set - direction")
	REGLO_PAR["dir"]= -1
    } else {
	printf("REGLO ERROR> Wrong input direction: + or - only")

# Set flow rate in ml/min if %B%rate%B% is specified, or print out
# current flow rate.
def reglorate '{
    local flow sign vale cmd

    if ($#==1) {
	ret= _reglo_setrate($1+0.)
    } else {
	ret= _reglo_io("f")
    if (ret==-1) {
	printf("REGLO ERROR> Failed to set flow rate\n")
    } else {
	if (sscanf(ret, "%g", flow)==1)
	    printf("REGLO> Flow rate is %g ml/min.\n", flow)
	    printf("REGLO ERROR> Cannot parse flow rate in <%s>\n", ret)

def _reglo_setrate(flow) '{
    local valm sign vale cmd vmax
    valm= flow
    sign= "+"
    vale= 0
    vmax= _reglo_getmaxrate()
    if (flow>vmax) {
	printf("REGLO WARNING> Maximum flow rate is %g\n", vmax)
	valm= flow

    if (valm>9999.) {
	for (vale=0; (valm>9999.)&&(vale<9); vale++) {
	if (valm>9999.) {
	    printf("REGLO ERROR> Flow rate too high\n")
	sign= "+"

    if (valm<1000.) {
	for (vale=0; (valm<1000)&&(vale<9); vale++) {
	if (int(valm)==0) {
	    printf("REGLO ERROR> Flow rate too low\n")
	sign= "-"
    cmd= sprintf("f%04d%1.1s%1d", int(valm), sign, vale)
    return _reglo_io(cmd)

def _reglo_getmaxrate() '{
    ret= _reglo_io("\!")
    if (ret!=-1) {
	if (sscanf(ret, "%g", val)==1)
	    return val
    return ret

def _reglo_io(par) '{
    local ret

    ret= ser_get(REGLO_PAR["sdev"], "\r\n")
    if (ret!="") {
        return substr(ret, 1, length(ret)-2)
    return (-1)

def _reglo_serput(cmd) '{
    local scmd
    ser_par(REGLO_PAR["sdev"], "flush")
    scmd= sprintf("%d%s\r", REGLO_PAR["addr"], cmd)
    return ser_put(REGLO_PAR["sdev"], scmd)

def _reglo_command(cmd) '{
    ret= ser_get(REGLO_PAR["sdev"], 1)
    if (ret=="-")
        return (-1)
    else if (ret=="*")
        return (0)
    else if (ret=="+")
        return (1)
    return (-2)

#  $Revision: 1.1 $ / $Date: 2008/12/17 10:28:50 $