
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%TITLE% wagoct.mac
#   Macros to use pseudocounters on wago adc 
#%CATEGORY%  MX, Obsolete
#   This macro set is now somehow overseded by the use
#   of a device server (WagoCt) mimicking the Vct6
#   interface
#$Log: mxwagoct.mac,v $
#Revision 1.2  2008/08/12 14:39:32  rey
#documentation changes
#Revision 1.1  2006/11/22 11:52:24  spruce
#Initial revision
#Revision 1.8  2006/09/28 16:35:20  spruce
#fixed bug with number of arguments for scale factors
#(this was transparent if they were not being used in wcton)
#Revision 1.7  2006/09/27 13:11:17  spruce
#added 2 new optional parameters which will give counts in photons per second if the scale factor and constant are given with wcton
#changed the low threshold of the gain adjustment to be 1/gainfactor so that it works for gainfactors bigger than 10
#Revision 1.6  2006/08/22 12:56:47  guijarro
#changed 0.3 to 0.1 for low retval limit
#Revision 1.5  2006/06/13 07:06:51  guijarro
#BL_SCALE_FACTOR applied only if Wago counter is Novelec type
#Revision 1.4  2006/06/06 08:03:38  beteva
#Revision 1.3  2006/03/23 17:26:30  rey
#Bug in parameter passing with quotes. Parameter 3 should not have
#Revision 1.2  2006/02/15 11:01:44  beteva
#added counter only type. Put absolute value for the reading of the counters - novelecs can give negative voltage. Added wcadjall.
#Revision 1.1  2006/02/15 10:39:20  rey
#Initial revision



#%UU% [type dev-name ctmne [gainfactor] or wcname wcchan]
#%MDESC%type 1=Novelec (devname ctmne [gainfactor]), type 2=Thermo (dev-name
#ctmne wcname wcchan), type 3=Counter Only.
#  Adds a wago counter definition
def wcton '{
   local devname ctmne wagofactor[] setupOK

  if ($# != 3 && $# != 4 && $# != 5 && $# !=6) {
    print "       ( for type 1=Novelec) "
    print "Usage: wcton wctype dev-name ctmne [gainfactor]"
    print "       or with conversion to photons per second a=scale * x + constant"
    print "Usage: wcton wctype dev-name ctmne [gainfactor] scale constant"
    print "    or ( for type 2=Thermo) "
    print "Usage: wcton wctype dev-name ctmne wcname wcchan"
    print "    or ( for type 3=Counter Only) "
    print "Usage: wcton wctype dev-name ctmne wcname"

  wctype  = $1
  devname = "$2" 
  ctmne   = $3

  if (cnt_num(ctmne) == -1)
    print "Counter $3 is not configured. Ignored as wago counter"
  else {
    if (wctype == WAGO_NOVELEC ) {
      if ($# == 4 ) {
        #wagofactor = $4
      } else {
        wagofactor = 1
      WAGO_CTDEV[$3]      = "$2"
      # create 3 gainfactors
      WAGO_GAINFACTOR[$3][0] = wagofactor[0]
      WAGO_GAINFACTOR[$3][1] = wagofactor[1]
      WAGO_GAINFACTOR[$3][2] = wagofactor[2]
      WAGO_CTGAIN[$3]     = wcreadgain($3)
      if ($#==6) {
        WAGO_SCALE_FACTOR[$3] = $5
        WAGO_SCALE_CONSTANT[$3] = $6
      } else {
        WAGO_SCALE_FACTOR[$3] = 1
        WAGO_SCALE_CONSTANT[$3] = 0
      cmd = sprintf("wcreadct(\"%s\",%s)\n", devname, ctmne)
      setupOK = 0
    } else if ( wctype ==  WAGO_THERMO ) {
      wcname = "$4" 
      wcchan = $5 
      cmd = sprintf("wcreadct(\"%s\",%s,\"%s\",%d)\n", devname, ctmne, wcname, wcchan)
      setupOK = 0
    } else if (wctype = WAGO_CT) {
      wcname = "$4"
      cmd = sprintf("wcreadct(\"%s\",%s, \"%s\")\n", devname, ctmne, wcname)
      setupOK = 0
    } else  {
      print "Wrong wago counter type"
      setupOK = -1
    if (setupOK == 0)
      cdef("user_getcounts", cmd, cnt_mne(ctmne), 0x02)

#%UU% devname ctmne
#  Deletes a wago counter definition
def wctoff '{
   ctmne = "$1"
   cdef("","",ctmne, "delete")

#%UU% ctmne value
#  Sets a gain for a counter or show all gains if no parameter is given
def wcgain '{

   if ($# != 2 ) { 
      print "Usage: wcgain [ ctmne value ]"


   }  else {
      if ( $2 < 1 || $2 > 3 ) { 
         print "Values for wago gain must be 1, 2 or 3 "
      } else if ( $1 in WAGO_CTDEV ) {
         devname = WAGO_CTDEV[$1]
         wcsetgain( devname, "$1", $2)
      } else {
        print "Unknown wago counter. Define it with \"wcton\"."


#%MDESC%Adjust the gains automatically for all the novelec type counters.
def wcadjall '{
  local id
  for (id in WAGO_CTDEV) {

#%UU% ctmne
#  Automatically adjusts gain for a counter
def wcadj '{

   local vals dev

   if ($# != 1 ) { 
      print "Usage: wcadj [ ctmne ]"
   }  else {
      _wcadj( "$1" )

def _wcadj( name ) '{

    local ctnum i

    ctnum = cnt_num( name )

    if ( !(ctnum  in WAGO_CTDEV) || ( ctnum == -1 ) ) {
      print "Wago counter not properly defined in setup/config"
    } else {
      dev = WAGO_CTDEV[ctnum]
      for (i=1;i<4;i++) {
        wcsetgain( dev, name, i)
        retval = _wcreadnovel( dev, cnt_num(name) )
        printf("Gain(%d) - count: %3.3f, corrected: %3.3f\n", \
          i, retval, _wccorr(cnt_num(name),retval))
        if ( (1/WAGO_GAINFACTOR[ctnum][i] < retval)  && ( retval < 9.89 ) ) {

    if ( i == 4 ) {   
      if ( retval < 0.01 ) {
        wcsetgain( dev, name, 1)
      return 0
    } else {
      return 1

#%IU% ()
#  call internally  to show all current gain values
def wcshowgain() '{
   print "\nCurrent WAGO Gains" 
   for ( ctmne in WAGO_CTDEV ) {
      if ( WAGO_CTTYPE[ctmne] == WAGO_NOVELEC ) {
          printf("% 8s - %s\n", cnt_mne( ctmne) , wcreadgain( ctmne))

#  call internally to obtain current gain setting
def wcreadgain( ctmne ) '{
   local argout

   devname = WAGO_CTDEV[ctmne]
   id     = esrf_io(devname,"DevName2Key",sprintf("%s_g",cnt_mne(ctmne)))

   nvals = esrf_io( devname, "DevReadNoCacheDigi", id, argout )

   ret = 0
   for (i=0;i<nvals;i++) {
      if ( argout[i] == 1) {
         ret += (i+1)

   if ( ret > 3 ) {
     print "Strange value"

   WAGO_CTGAIN[ctmne] = ret
   return ret

#  call by internal counting macros to obtain counter value
#  it assigns the S matrix and it also returns the value
#  obtain 
def wcreadct( dev, ctmne, name, chan) '{
   local ctval

   if ( WAGO_CTTYPE[ctmne] == WAGO_NOVELEC ) { 
      ctval = _wcreadnovel(dev,ctmne)
      ctval = _wccorr(ctmne, ctval)
      ctval = ctval * WAGO_SCALE_FACTOR[ctmne] + WAGO_SCALE_CONSTANT[ctmne]
   } else if ( WAGO_CTTYPE[ctmne] == WAGO_THERMO ) {
      ctval = _wcreadthermo(dev, name,  chan)
   } else if (WAGO_CTTYPE[ctmne] == WAGO_CT) {
     ctval = _wcreadthermo(dev,name,0)

   S[ctmne] = ctval
   return ctval

def _wccorr(name,ctval) '{

   local factor retval

   if (WAGO_CTGAIN[name] != 0) {
       factor = pow( WAGO_GAINFACTOR[name][wcreadgain(ctme)] , WAGO_CTGAIN[name] -1)
   } else {
       factor = 1

   retval = fabs(ctval) * factor
   return retval


def _wcreadthermo(dev, name, wcchan) '{
   id      = esrf_io(dev,"DevName2Key",name)
   nvals   = esrf_io(dev,"DevReadNoCachePhys" ,id,vals)
   return vals[wcchan]  

def _wcreadnovel(dev,name) '{
   local id vals
   id      = esrf_io(dev,"DevName2Key",sprintf("%s_s",cnt_mne(name)))
   nvals   = esrf_io(dev,"DevReadNoCachePhys" ,id,vals)

   return fabs(vals[0])

#  call internally to set a certain gain value
def wcsetgain( dev, name, val ) '{
   local argin
   printf("Gain for %s was %d ", name, wcreadgain(cnt_num(name)) )
   id     = esrf_io(dev,"DevName2Key",sprintf("%s_g",name))

   argin[0] = id
   argin[1] = 0
   argin[2] = 0
   argin[3] = 1
   argin[4] = 0
   argin[5] = 2
   argin[6] = 0

   argin[val*2] = 1
   esrf_io( dev, "DevWriteDigi", argin )
   # give the amplifier time to react
   printf(" is now %d\n", wcreadgain(cnt_num(name)))  

#%AUTHOR% V. Rey
#$Revision: 1.2 $, $Date: 2008/08/12 14:39:32 $